Thursday, 31 May 2018

Larceny 2016/2017 by AverageMansReviews

Larceny 2016/2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, words on screen, background music, cultural elements with subtitles being used.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used and combat sequences and those kinds of things.

Performances: they are poor.

This film receives: 1/10, as you can see I don't have too much to say about this film, I mean I have made reference to this; a few times at different points in my reviews, that in a nutshell I am not a strong reader so the subtitles put me off straight away and I didn't read a very high percentage of them, but in the interest of balance they are white and they do tend to clash with things at certain points underneath them.

But I think there are some good looking scenes where this criminal is standing in almost darkness but the landscape gives some light [I should just point out these elements are small.]

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now if the truth was known I have seen this film twice at the cinema, because when I went to go and see it the first time, I struggle to put everything down in its original review and I either forgot or couldn't remember or something else, that I kept adding or taking away bits and pieces that eventually the review looked like a complete mess [I know my reviews are basic anyway, but I do have standards] yes now and again I do, do some research on these projects which is okay but researching an entire film title is definitely not okay. Basically that is how we reached this point, yes this film is good but it does have problems.

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, subtitles and interpreter elements, background music, cultural elements, time jumps and place jumps. Now the movement and feel of this project is strange, I don't know how else to put it really, because the best way for me to put it is like this; it doesn't move or feel like a Star Wars film and then at some point it does [but when it does move and feel like a Star Wars film it remains throughout the rest of the film.]

Storyline: this in itself is complicated [for everyone that is reading this review I am now going to try and be vague, if you have seen this film this element will make sense and for those that haven't, it shouldn't give too much away hopefully.] So with that being said here we go, they should have done more with the long time jump and place jump with words on screen, in fact it would have been nice to see maybe some scenes of what happened to the character that Han had to leave behind or whenever Han goes to sleep we get rotated backwards possibly into the past to begin with and every time we rotate backwards, they bring this character's timeline forward as this character gets slightly older every time just to see what is happening with this character or something to that effect, then rotate back to the present day when Han wakes up, so it creates a good back-and-forth and it wouldn't have taken much maybe just some little bits and pieces, just until these two characters are on the same timeline, this very rough idea of mine would have done really well for the character developments and many other things as it relates to this character.

But in reality we get told little bits and pieces [if that] or shown a small number of scenes or sequences of what this character can do, I am talking about something which is worthy of being a Mic Drop and that is as much as I can say without going on and on about it, But slightly moving on now to the rest of the storyline briefly it does what it is meant to do [the origin storyline of Han Solo.]

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions are clear to see be it in the landscapes or costumes or accessories or anything else, this film has always something to offer and the action sequences are enjoyable and entertaining as well.

Performances/Comedy level: they are all reliably good, they all bring something to the table which let’s be honest when you're dealing with a film connected to this kind of franchise, you need to bring something to the table in one way or another because if you don't the individual or individuals will stick out, but in this case they don't have to worry about things like this. The chemistry between the characters is at different stages which simply put I mean something like this; these characters have known other characters for maybe a longer or shorter time or just met or something else, so their chemistry works really well and briefly there are some really good comical moments.

This film receives: 7/10, now as I have already said I have seen this film twice, I have this feeling that this project is always going to be difficult to mark, it really doesn't matter how many times I see it in the future, but with taking everything into consideration it just about does enough to get given this mark, even at this point of this review I am still wondering about this mark, don't get me wrong I am okay with it at the point of this review going out, but it is one of those films where, if you sat down long enough you would confuse yourself by what mark to give this project, now I am thinking about it of what I can remember about every Star Wars related film project [in some cases I haven't seen these titles for a long time,] but my point is this; I think this would be the first one that as it relates to a mark, it has really given me a headache.
I am sitting here wondering if they are going to do anything about the Mic Drop element or just leave it, which the way it has been shown based on my opinion they should do something with it or based on the information in front of me at this point, they shouldn't have made quite a few references to it in one way or another if they weren't going to do anything with it and on that note I am going to finish it there.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 6: The Silver Surfer & the Coming of Galactus: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 6: The Silver Surfer & the Coming of Galactus: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another episode which is of the highest quality

Storyline/Character developments: this storyline has been roughly split down into different sections but they are all connected, in a nutshell at some point or points in this episode, we have a number of characters doing something whilst another number of characters are doing something else, whilst on top of that we have another number of characters doing something else roughly which gives this episode a very good balance of many good things happening in different locations, now moving on to the character developments, I don't think I know too much about these two characters that get used in this episode, the two characters that Galactus calls upon [the reason why I am maybe slightly a little bit vague on what I know about some characters generally speaking, it doesn't matter if it is a TV program or a film project, I know something’s or not or then again I may have forgotten or suddenly remember, you never know with me] and on a quick side note all of these characters bring something to the table.

Artistic visions: the artistic visions in this episode and the previous one are really eye-catching, for one example anything to do with Galactus has an excellent vision to it, be it when he is busy putting things together, now I could be wrong about this; but I liked it anyway if this was a live-action film title, I think what they have possibly done is take many shots or a good variety of shots to make this character look larger-than-life or give of the impression that he is looking down on everybody or other details like this.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode just continues where the previous one had finished and it is lots and lots of fun. Now I feel I should make this point; I have seen these two episodes now and there is one thing that is in the back of my mind and that would be this; they really did make a mess of the film title Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer 2007, because having watched these two episodes in a nutshell this is how this film could have turned out or something like this and at least over these two episodes we get to see plenty of and experience the feel of Galactus's presence and other elements.

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 5: The Silver Surfer & the Coming of Galactus: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 5: The Silver Surfer & the Coming of Galactus: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is high quality entertainment

Storyline/Origin storylines: this storyline is really interesting, well put together and gatherers more and more momentum the more you watch of it, now moving on to the origin storylines, the audience doesn't get much information but we see some scenes or sequences [with voice-over elements] telling us some information and there are dialogue exchanges as well.

Character developments: I don't know what to say here really; not out of laziness but just because the title of this episode tells you two out of the three involved in this storyline and just for balance and fairness, the third one does much watching [I don't know too much about this character, if the truth was known.] But what I can tell you is this; it is great to see all three of these characters and these versions of themselves in this TV program.

Action sequences: briefly because I don't want to give too much away I liked them.

Comedy level: now the comedy level is well-placed for one example lookout for when Ben Grimm/The Thing gets handed an eviction notice, in a nutshell he reacts how most of you out there in Internet land would expect him to react, if you know anything about this character.

This episode receives: 10/10, now taking everything into consideration realistically this was the only mark I could give this episode, because a 9 would have been seen as a little bit harsh, it's like there is a little bit here for everybody in one way or another.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 4: Incursion of the Skrulls by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 4: Incursion of the Skrulls by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent.

Storyline/Character developments: the storyline is interesting and well paced throughout, now moving on to the character developments in this episode we get to hear and see someone that looks like the President of the United States of America, the Queen of England and someone else [but I will not drop this name in this review, you will have to watch this episode to find out more.]

Action sequences: they are all good, for one example the prison break elements.

This episode receives: 8/10, now I didn't want to give too much away about this episode, because I don't like giving too much away about any project, but I would feel comfortable saying there is this sequence where it does make sense, but it does get cheesy, but after trying to dictate this paragraph many times now I don't know if it is the entire sequence or it just gets more cheesy the more you watch of it [this sequence I am making reference to has this high-ranking officer using a tissue or a hanky at some point and I know he is using something because I went back and looked, but moving on after this sequence we have some more cheesiness, it is where these characters change into these animals and will remain as these animals [this will get explained in the episode.]

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 3: Now Comes the Sub-Mariner by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 3: Now Comes the Sub-Mariner by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is top-notch entertainment.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, environmental elements time jumps [I can't remember if it was a time jump or jumps I think there is a time jump or jumps] and place jumps.

Action sequences: they are lots and lots of fun for one example we the audience gets to see the Fantastic Four vs. Prince Namor [plus an underwater creature.]

Character developments: I have seen enough to suggest that some time in the future [I don't know when] but Prince Namor or The Sub-Mariner is a character that I have put on a list in the back of my mind for me to look at and review The Sub-Mariner 1966 TV show, you see he comes across in this episode in a nutshell as really interesting and his dialogue of any description are if I had to describe them briefly, you know when this character is talking, this character mixed with the Fantastic Four and other characters makes this episode easy to watch.

Artistic visions: this episode has lots to offer, it could be the underwater elements or the action sequences or any other elements, there is always something to see and to experience in this episode.

This episode receives: 10/10, now I was going to give this episode a 9 but to be fair and balanced I can't remember why this was, because there is nothing wrong with this episode and just in case there is something, maybe I was being extremely picky but as I am sitting here dictating this review, even a 9 seems harsh because the fundamental elements, well they seem to know what they are doing and this episode moves along at a good speed [there is no waste of time or a scene or sequence,] the action sequences are lots of fun, the character developments are interesting and more importantly if they can get your viewers interested in looking up another character then it is all good and the artistic visions capture your viewers attention throughout then 10/10 is the right mark for this episode.

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 2: The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 2: The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Origin storyline: this episode continues from the previous one, so yes we still have the Fantastic Four being special guests at this charity televised event talking about their origins and so on [that is as much as I can tell you without giving too much away,] but this storyline elements, be it the storyline or the origin storyline they are good.

Action sequences: they all are good and give this episode value.

This episode receives: 7/10, I don't have too much to say about this episode really other than it is good and this was an interesting evil character for the Fantastic Four to go up against for their first time out.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 1: The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 1: The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 1 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: in a nutshell this episode is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, time jumps and place jumps.

Character developments/Action sequences: I will be discussing both of these elements together, the underwater sequence involving [real name Namor McKenzie or in this episode he just gets called Namor] or his other names are Prince Namor or Namor the Sub-Mariner I think I could be wrong, now I think or I am pretty sure I know nothing about this character so I went on to one or two or maybe three different websites I can't remember how many websites I looked at, the reason why I am telling you all of this; is because as you can clearly see I still know nothing or very little but I am now thinking this is one of those characters that I would be interested to know more about, on my travels throughout the Internet lands I found there is a TV program or show by the name of The Sub-Mariner 1966 [it is something for me to think about in the future to possibly review,] but as it relates to this episode and the action sequences they are good I just wish there was more of it involving this character [I try not to look forward to future episodes, but in this case it looks like this character will be appearing again in this TV program.]

Storyline/Origin storyline: like the previous paragraph I will be discussing both of these elements together, the storyline for this episode has been based around this live televised charity event where the Fantastic Four talk about their origin storyline and other elements, both storyline elements are interesting, well put together and slightly comical as well.

This episode receives: 8/10, now I had to think long and hard about this mark, because it was either going to be a 7 or an 8, taking two minutes to think about it, I do think that a 7 would be a little bit harsh, because this episode does offer a lot in one way or another. [On a side note I am aware that an origins storyline is also a form of character developments, but as you should know by now I like to keep things simple most of the time, so it does depend on what I can match together on a individual review basis and if I should put things in the wrong order, because I haven't tried to be too specific I don't get irritated when I have made a potential mistake.]

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Backdraft 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Backdraft 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, a word and numbers on screen, slow-motion effects and background music.

Now it has to be said that for at least some time this project is a mixed bag as it relates to its movements and other elements, the strange thing is when this film slows down and I think I can just about get away with saying this without giving too much away, focuses on the crime elements or the crime investigation elements of this project then it seems to feel more comfortable rotating throughout these scenes or sequences.

Action sequences: in this title what I mean by action sequences would be this; firefighters taking on a burning building, there are big situations and they are okay for me and there are some training sequences as well.

Performances: they range from okay or somewhere around this word to good, but I do just want to point out this one point briefly, because if or when you come to watch this project you can look for it yourself. Now I did find it strange that at some point we the audience have these two characters at first which soon become three characters talking about something [I can't tell you because that would be too much of the storyline,] whilst at the same time being in this situation where there is lots of fire, so I was thinking in a nutshell wrong place and wrong time to have this conversation.

This film receives: 7/10, now taking everything into consideration this mark feels fair.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

The Foreigner 2003 by AverageMansReviews

The Foreigner 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well I may as well just come out and say it, this film board me so much I was happy to take a break for any reason.

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements without subtitles being used, a word or words on screen, time jumps and place jumps, background music which is noticeable, images [be it images, mental imagery or flashback kind of thing,] slow-motion effects and quick moving effects.

Action sequences; there are weapons being used and combat sequences and that is kind of things.

Performances: generally speaking they are poor, but there is one character/performer which make something out of what was given to him, it is where our lead character is being tortured by this man, the man giving this torture is what I am making reference to, but in fairness and balance I can't remember when this character enters this project [if I haven't made this clear already I was getting bored with this title,] but he does get taken out at some point, I am just wondering if there was more to come from this character/performer, if the script was written differently.

My next point is this; I am not sure about this but I think some kind of dubbing is used in this title, there are little pockets of it here and there as it relates to one character, but then again I am really not sure but there is enough here for me to be wrong and say this; at the same time something doesn't sound right that is all I am going to say.

This film receives: 1/10, this film was really, really hard work to watch and yes I did replay some elements of this title, but any way I look at it I still found it boring.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Taxi 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Taxi 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well I have quite a few marks going through my head as it relates to this project, it just depends what section of this title you are watching really.

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements with and without subtitles being used, background music, words on screen, this mental imagery thing I think I could be wrong, time jumps and place jumps. Now I am pretty sure this will not be the only time I will say something to this effect, this project does need Queen Latifah on screen to generate some enthusiasm or something for this film to work off and to move forward.

Action sequences/Comedy level: there are weapons being used, chasing sequences [the transforming taxi is something I liked,] the comedy level is a mixed bag really I don't know how to describe it to be fair other than mixed.

Performances: they are all okay, Latifah and Fallon do have chemistry in this title but without Latifah I feel comfortable suggesting this film would have really struggled and I am not saying with this performer in this title it is great, because it isn't great by any stretch of the imagination, but because of her and her influence over this project it does not paint over the cracks, it just turns them into smaller sizes [on a side note I have to point out what was it with Latifah's character being this interpreter for some scenes of this film, I don't get it and I don't think it was explained in the film, I should point out again I could be wrong.]

This film receives: 6/10, now with this title, I could roughly justify anything from a 3 all the way to a 7, it really does depend on where you are in this title as I have already said, so I had to do a very basic process of elimination I wasn't comfortable with a 7 and I could justify a 3, but it would have been a little bit harsh, so I had a choice between a 4 or a 5 or a 6, then look at what this project is; yes it does have its problems and the comedy elements are mixed [in a nutshell I did find some elements of it funny] and there are other elements, but taking everything into consideration this film does enough to enter the 6 area.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

The Dark Tower 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Dark Tower 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, place jumps and time jumps, mental imagery and voice-over elements. Now if the truth was known the opening section and to possibly half way in this title [it is somewhat difficult to tell,] things move slowly without much get up and go to it [in fact when this review was being dictated I am already forgetting little bits and pieces about it,] there is nothing wrong with my memory it is just this film, doesn't or didn't really grab me and in fairness and balance it does get better the more you watch of it

Action sequences: they all give this title some value, I have re-dictated this paragraph a small amount of times at this point I have even asked the person I was watching this title with what they thought of these action sequences and generally speaking we both said roughly the same amongst other bits and pieces, but in short they range from okay or somewhere around this word to perhaps good or somewhere around this word as well.

Performances: it is difficult to say really; I am not making any excuses for not paying attention or something to that effect, but based on my opinion and viewing experience, they all do okay but it has to be said again that the fundamental elements of this title feel like they are being carried by these performers or there is something else here which isn't making this film easy to watch, but as I have already said things to get better.

Storyline: I am not going to tell you anything about 97% of this storyline, but all I will say is this; why oh why did they have to end this film like this; it is cheap and tacky and I just didn't like it.

This film receives: 5/10, this is one of those films that is difficult to mark, now generally speaking this film did or does have some potential to be a good film, but something hasn't worked out quite right here that is all I can say really.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Dunkirk 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Dunkirk 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, place jumps and time jumps, no subtitles when another language is being used and there is background music, the background music in a nutshell is a mixed bag for me.

Action sequences: they are interesting and well put together [I don't feel comfortable saying anything more on these elements,] because this film is based on real events, it is one of those occasions where I feel more comfortable letting my mark do the talking for me.

Performances: all of these performances are reliably good, all of these performers/characters put over to their audiences what a desperate and unpleasant situation this is and was back then mixed in with a willingness to survive or to stand up when your country needs you.

This film receives: 8/10, now taking everything into consideration I am settled with this mark, because the background music is a mixed bag for me and on a side note I did miss little bits here and there.

Friday, 18 May 2018

The Order 2001/2002 by AverageMansReviews

The Order 2001/2002 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, words and numbers on screen, there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, generally speaking no subtitles being used when another language is in effect [there is one scene where subtitles are being used,] mental imagery with a flashback thing and slow-motion effects.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used, chasing sequences and other elements, they all do something and give this project some value.

Performances: they are poor.

This film receives: 2/10, yes this may be a short review but then again I don't have too much to say about this title to begin with on a quick side note I could be wrong about the mental imagery and flashback thing, I try not to replay things so much now and as I already did it once to find the tiny usage of the subtitles I chose not to do it again or I think I did it just once, but as I may have said in other reviews you are probably more interested in my opinion of the project in question and I think there is this blooper kind of thing at the end of this title, I say I think because I don't know what it is, it is lots of punches or kicks and other things [if my memory is correct but then again I could be wrong about this element being here in the first place.]

Thursday, 17 May 2018

American Made 2017 by AverageMansReviews

American Made 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, word or words on screen and numbers, there are voice-over elements, cultural elements with another language or languages [I cannot tell what language is being used so I don't know if it is just another language or languages,] but for heavy amounts of this title there are no subtitles being used and then for some strange reason there are subtitles being used and there is background music as well.

Performances: they are all okay.

This film receives: 5/10, now this title has been difficult to mark because I think I could just about justify two different numbers a 4 or a 5 out of 10 and I have decided to go with a 5 out of 10, because with taking everything into consideration this film is not poor, but it is average so I decided to go right down the middle.