Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now if the truth was known I have seen this film twice at the cinema, because when I went to go and see it the first time, I struggle to put everything down in its original review and I either forgot or couldn't remember or something else, that I kept adding or taking away bits and pieces that eventually the review looked like a complete mess [I know my reviews are basic anyway, but I do have standards] yes now and again I do, do some research on these projects which is okay but researching an entire film title is definitely not okay. Basically that is how we reached this point, yes this film is good but it does have problems.

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, subtitles and interpreter elements, background music, cultural elements, time jumps and place jumps. Now the movement and feel of this project is strange, I don't know how else to put it really, because the best way for me to put it is like this; it doesn't move or feel like a Star Wars film and then at some point it does [but when it does move and feel like a Star Wars film it remains throughout the rest of the film.]

Storyline: this in itself is complicated [for everyone that is reading this review I am now going to try and be vague, if you have seen this film this element will make sense and for those that haven't, it shouldn't give too much away hopefully.] So with that being said here we go, they should have done more with the long time jump and place jump with words on screen, in fact it would have been nice to see maybe some scenes of what happened to the character that Han had to leave behind or whenever Han goes to sleep we get rotated backwards possibly into the past to begin with and every time we rotate backwards, they bring this character's timeline forward as this character gets slightly older every time just to see what is happening with this character or something to that effect, then rotate back to the present day when Han wakes up, so it creates a good back-and-forth and it wouldn't have taken much maybe just some little bits and pieces, just until these two characters are on the same timeline, this very rough idea of mine would have done really well for the character developments and many other things as it relates to this character.

But in reality we get told little bits and pieces [if that] or shown a small number of scenes or sequences of what this character can do, I am talking about something which is worthy of being a Mic Drop and that is as much as I can say without going on and on about it, But slightly moving on now to the rest of the storyline briefly it does what it is meant to do [the origin storyline of Han Solo.]

Artistic visions/Action sequences: the artistic visions are clear to see be it in the landscapes or costumes or accessories or anything else, this film has always something to offer and the action sequences are enjoyable and entertaining as well.

Performances/Comedy level: they are all reliably good, they all bring something to the table which let’s be honest when you're dealing with a film connected to this kind of franchise, you need to bring something to the table in one way or another because if you don't the individual or individuals will stick out, but in this case they don't have to worry about things like this. The chemistry between the characters is at different stages which simply put I mean something like this; these characters have known other characters for maybe a longer or shorter time or just met or something else, so their chemistry works really well and briefly there are some really good comical moments.

This film receives: 7/10, now as I have already said I have seen this film twice, I have this feeling that this project is always going to be difficult to mark, it really doesn't matter how many times I see it in the future, but with taking everything into consideration it just about does enough to get given this mark, even at this point of this review I am still wondering about this mark, don't get me wrong I am okay with it at the point of this review going out, but it is one of those films where, if you sat down long enough you would confuse yourself by what mark to give this project, now I am thinking about it of what I can remember about every Star Wars related film project [in some cases I haven't seen these titles for a long time,] but my point is this; I think this would be the first one that as it relates to a mark, it has really given me a headache.
I am sitting here wondering if they are going to do anything about the Mic Drop element or just leave it, which the way it has been shown based on my opinion they should do something with it or based on the information in front of me at this point, they shouldn't have made quite a few references to it in one way or another if they weren't going to do anything with it and on that note I am going to finish it there.

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