Friday, 30 June 2017

Despicable Me 3 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Despicable Me 3 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: my opinions about this instalment are extremely mixed [minus the fact I missed about two minutes at the beginning of the film, because I was finding my space.] I never felt truly comfortable with this film and throughout this review you will see why.

Animation: yes this is colourful and engaging from beginning to end; the animation itself looks up-to-date as it relates to the movements, characters [individual elements,] landscapes throughout the project and so on and so forth. But having said that the animation isn't groundbreaking or at least in the category of standout title if that makes sense, but it has been given the tools to do its job with ease.

Storyline: on reflection, this is where I think this project heavily falls down [without giving too much away,] the storyline has been sectioned off into too many elements, in a nutshell this project uses a format like this; Gru and Dru, Minions, Lucy Wilde and the girls and Balthazar Bratt. Now just for the record at one time or another these storyline elements do indeed overlap one another or sometimes they can feel so far away from one another that even when we get back into a storyline that we haven't seen for a short amount of time or longer, it just needs some time to settle down again and not forgetting there are some elements to this storyline that I would consider to be highly predictable.

Comedy level: this is also a very mixed bag of tedious elements and funny, engaging bits and pieces. How can I put this; there are some occasions in this title, where it just feels like they are trying too hard on some of the comedy elements, instead of gently building up the sequence, they are just putting a comedy reference here or there, because maybe it has been a short amount of time since the last comedy reference.

Now let us focus on the good elements of the comedy level: in a nutshell anything to do with Balthazar Bratt voiced by Trey Parker this character is funny and mostly everything he does is over-the-top, in fact his personality including voice are that well rounded, that I would feel comfortable suggesting this character should get his own film title and use him as the lead role, that is how entertaining this character is.

This film receives: 50% approval, I couldn't really justify going any higher or any lower. Because this title does have potential and it does show elements of what it can do, but then I have to factor in where this project falls down and to be kind this film does go up, up, down, down, up, down and up as it relates to its negative or positive elements.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

American Ultra 2015 by AverageMansReviews

American Ultra 2015 by AverageMansReviews

This film is brain exhausting [as in to say just please stop this film I cannot take it anymore.]

Review Time: well you may as well fast-forward the first 15 minutes or more don't worry you will not miss much. Because this film is just so monotonous and it just about gives its audiences the basic information; that is if you can stay awake long enough in the first place.

Comedy level: it just isn't that funny, yes I did giggle once or twice, but I have a feeling this have to do with boredom and not anything else.

Character developments: likewise are transparent this project basically follows a formula which if you have been watching films long enough you would have seen these kinds of character developments in other established film titles [the Bourne franchise just off the top of my head,] okay their background stories may be slightly different to be fair but in a general sense I would feel comfortable suggesting you could put this film title in the same kind of field as the Bourne franchise.

Action sequences: these elements are interesting, well put together with many weapons being used and these sequences are consistently quick throughout this project.

This film receives: 20% approval, this film just isn't that easy to settle down with I had to take one break from watching this film to go and wake myself up and then continue watching the rest of this title.

Die Hard with a Vengeance 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Die Hard with a Vengeance 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this instalment is excellent, the ending to this film feel really rushed and sudden.

Performances: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson and Jeremy Irons all put in strong performances, their character developments are in-depth as to give the impression at any point throughout this project these characters could be really serious for a minute or comical [with a mature tone] the next minute or stretch out their individual character developments when it is appropriate to do so.

Dialogue exchanges: between these three performers at one point or another are passionate, mature tone, there is a little bit of friction in these exchanges, in essence I would most definitely say the performances and the dialogue exchanges between these three performers are the driving force behind this film that is for sure.

Action sequences: now these sequences are fun, interesting and shows some imagination [yes there are plenty of weapons being used,] but not only that there are different landscapes being used with different accessories and vehicles so this film doesn't have any time to waste.

This film receives: 90% approval, yes it is very true that the endings to these film titles are solid but nothing special most of the time, but for some reason this one just feels like it had the potential to be pushed a bit more and have a better rounded finish.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 2] Episode 7: The Curse of the Spellstone by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 2] Episode 7: The Curse of the Spellstone by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is a mixed bag for me as you will see in this review.

Action sequences: these elements are very enjoyable and a consistent theme in this episode.

Characters: now it has been many years since I have seen this TV series all the way through, but this TV series feels better when there are multiple characters within these episodes [for an example, when the episode slightly begins to run out of steam, they just change perspectives from one character to another it doesn't matter so much if it is a good guy or a bad guy character, as long as things get freshened up that is all what really matters, I have to say this very quickly; as long as it isn't Orko in the characters changing of perspectives everything is just fine.

Ending message: this message is something like this; be careful whilst planning a joke [it may be dangerous and may bring harm.]

This episode receives: 58% approval this percentage reflects, when this episode is good or on the other hand when this episode is okay-ish

Monday, 26 June 2017

Doctor Strange 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Doctor Strange 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is a visual wonder, but however this film does have one consistent problem and that would be this; whenever this film is trying to be a normal film [such as in our reality without too much in the way of special-effects or heavy duty sequences being used,] this film feels a little bit lost. But however as soon as this film gets unleashed by using everything at its disposal such as special-effects or different camera angles or many other aspects, this project feels at home in anything it does.

Special-effects/Artistic elements: simply put they are mind blowing; the audience is never quite sure how to look at a sequence of events, because the sequence or scenes are constantly changing perspectives or rotations. The artistic elements are a consistent theme and when these elements are in effect, this project feels free to do whatever or whenever it wants, it shows off its most strongest assets and strengths [if you haven't got the message yet, to try and restrict this film to the basic surroundings is a quite difficult thing to do, in a nutshell this individuals life is surrounded by mystical entities, powers and so on and so forth.] Now to be fair I can see why they had to begin in the surroundings of a basic film [origin storyline,] but in hindsight if there is to be a sequel in the future or build a trilogy around this character maybe next time, just let this character hit the ground running from beginning to end of a project.

Action sequences: because of my previous paragraph I will keep this simple, within these sequences it mirrors what I have just been saying; these action sequences are high-octaned action with high-octaned special-effects and artistic elements, so if you put these three elements together you get some of the most interesting, intense and impressive sequences that you will see at some point in this project.

Performances: whomever assembled this cast chose wisely, every key role has a performer that has plenty of experience behind them, in essence I am saying their characters were in firstly safe hands and secondly, each performer performed their characters to a very high standard.

This film receives: 80% approval, excellent film but as I have said throughout this review, when this film settles down into this grease lightning, artistic blasting out of this world adventure, this is where the film can truly begin.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 1] Episode 6: Teela's Quest by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 1] Episode 6: Teela's Quest by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: I would have given this episode a higher percentage of approval than what I have, but I really cannot stand the character known as Orko.

Storyline: origins of some characters, excellently explained throughout this episode [that is all I want to say, because as I have already said these storyline elements are excellently put together that I don't want to give too much away.]

Ending message: this message is based on something like family.

This episode receives: 74% approval, the storyline elements are interesting, the action-packed sequences are decent and there are many other little bits to this episode.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Transformers 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Transformers 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Now as I have been doing with all these film titles from this franchise, I have been putting some good elements at the top of these reviews so with that being said here we go, I do believe that they chose the right performer in Hugo Weaving to be the voice of Megatron and it is always good to see Jon Voight on the big screen.

Review Time: this instalment is truly a mixed bag of bits that just annoy me [even from an unbiased perspective] or some good elements that if they had developed them with a little bit more care, it would have made this film much better in the long run.

First 60 minutes or slightly less: my brain was melting with boredom, it just feels a very sectioned off film [in a nutshell it's something like this; this happens, followed by that happens, followed by something else happening, but it has this really slow manner to it [it has that approach of paint by numbers.] I have no idea why they didn't use the turning insignias which the original generation of the animated franchise had made famous, you see by potentially using the turning insignias it would have given the sequences in this project a clean-cut finish to them instead of dragging them on or better yet coming out of using the turning insignias, it would give the upcoming sequence or scene an opportunity to begin somewhere different from the previous sequence [using the turning insignias would have given them endless possibilities to give this film some kind of stability or atmosphere control or seeing consistency if they did it correctly.

Remaining of this project: well it does find some kind of footing, but it isn't exactly free-flowing that is all I can say about that really.

Megatron: now as I have already pointed out I have no problem with the voice of this character, but I have a gigantic problem with what Megatron transforms into [apparently a silver Cybertronian jet,] yes I said apparently because I had to firstly go and research it and secondly I had no idea what it was meant to be in the first place.

How about his transformation into a Walther P38 [gun transformation,] for me it isn't just about the transformation, transforming into this weapon, usually he would trust Soundwave [Megatron's respected and feared General to fire him] or conversely he would allow Starscream to shoot him, but as everyone should know by now these two characters don't exactly see eye to eye 90% of the time or if no one else is around Megatron would get one of his Decepticons to fire him.

You may be wondering why am I making this into a big thing, well it is simple without Megatron transforming into something he should be transforming into, the audiences are missing out on these beautiful character developments between all the characters I have mentioned in a nutshell how he trusts Soundwave, the uneasy yet combustible friction between himself and Starscream and even the other Decepticons kind of respect Megatron but ultimately fear him.

Storyline: makes sense generally speaking, but it is a slow burner.

Action sequences/Special-effects: I have the feeling you know what I am going to say about these elements, something down the lines of heavy-handed, explosions and weapons being used nothing special to tell you here.

This film receives: 30% approval, slightly before the first 60 minutes this instalment does show glimpses of interesting elements, I should just point out when I say interesting I mean interesting from the point of the storyline begins to pull itself together, it does have some comical moments and on a side note this instalment took me three sittings in one and bit days and a very least I didn't feel exhausted after watching this film.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

The Great Wall 2016 by AverageMansReviews

The Great Wall 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is an average film as you will soon find out.

Artistic visions: this element is the strongest element to this project by some distance, on first impressions this element is absolutely stunning and captivating, it could be absolutely anything such as the landscapes, costumes and accessories or anything you can think of. These elements welcome its audiences into this world, but the more you watch this project the more it becomes obvious that the beauty that this film has to offer is also covering up the shortcomings of different elements in this project [in a nutshell this film is beautiful no questions, but there are so many different parts of this film that are seriously lacking and it shows.]

Fundamental core: the scene consistencies at first are well packed together, but likewise the more you watch of this project, it does feel like the scene consistencies are getting stretched and distant from one another. The atmosphere controls feel more like a passenger instead of a functioning element to this project [yes it does bits and pieces but not a lot generally speaking.]

Subtitles/Special-effects: the subtitles in this project are useless, they are too small in text, too quick on and off screen, including if the subtitles move too quickly now and again in this project, you will not be able to read some of the wording because it may clash with a darker or brighter thing underneath the text [so what I am basically saying is if you have the text on the top of a clashing colour, mix that in with whatever is happening on screen at the time, including if somebody has reading difficulties like me -- dyslexic tendencies equals consistent confusion, just on a side note this is why I prefer old-school films with subtitles, bigger text and easier to follow. But I digress the special-effects when they are being used in this project are nothing special, that is all I can say about them really, you can take them or leave them.

Character developments: they are predictable and easy to see coming from miles and miles away.

This film receives: 38% approval, I know I have said this already but it is worthwhile saying it again, visually from an artistic perspective this film is a vision that needs to be seen, but everything else maybe not so much.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 2009 by AverageMansReviews

 Now I should have pointed this out in my previous review, but when or if I find anything good to put down about these instalments from this franchise, I will be attempting to highlight different things, simply based on the fact unlike these instalments which are let's be honest even from an unbiased perspective are very painful to watch, I like to keep my reviews as fresh as possible for as long as possible and my percentages at the bottom of the page will give you an overview perspective, this approach can be said for any reviews I do within my blog.

So with that being said here is something good Rainn Wilson as Professor Colan, his scenes are brief, but at least his performance has some kind of energy or enthusiasm to it, yes usually I would put the good bits in my actual reviews, but in this case I have decided to make an exception, basically if you know that this film is rubbish and you don't want to read all of this review I have purposely put the good bits or in this case the good bit at the top so you don't have to go fishing for it.

Review Time: in a nutshell let's just get this over with shell we, what a surprise this film is well over two hours long, in actual fact this film does something that doesn't happen that often it actually feels like three hours long [full disclosure it took me three different sittings in one day to get through this project from beginning to end,] it was so tedious and hard work that after this review I don't think I will see this project either ever again or for at least ten years.

Stop focusing on the good-looking members of your cast: this whole element is so infuriating, I am here to watch a Transformers film not to watch these really up close camera shots of these performers, if you want me or anyone else for that matter to take this franchise seriously, here is just a suggestion focus on what the film says "Transformers" and forget the physical attributes of your cast members.

Storyline: because I have spoken about this at some length in my previous review as it relates to this franchise, I will not be discussing the storyline too heavily this time around, but with saying that can I just say "Man the storyline is so uninspiring that I kept trying to fall asleep in my wheelchair whilst at the same time watching this film."

Special-effects/Action sequences: now if I had a choice, I would have left these elements out of this review, because as I have already said I really do try to keep things as fresh as possible, but as this film heavily relies on special-effects or the cumbersome nature of the action-packed sequences I cannot really drop these elements  from this review, how much I would love to I can't they are boring and heavy-handed regardless if you are talking about either the special-effects or the action sequences.

This film receives: 10% approval, well there are a multitude of reasons why this instalment gets this low percentage of approval here is a nutshell long film, comedy level throughout this project is of a very low standard [cheap and unnecessary,] character developments generally speaking are very weak, can we stop seeing close camera shots of certain members of the cast please and many other things.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Transformers: Dark of the Moon 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Transformers: Dark of the Moon 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Now generally speaking if you want three reasons why you should even think about watching this project here they are; John Malkovich, Leonard Nimoy, in one way or another these two performers are a good addition to this cast by physically appearing on screen in one case or their voice work in the other case and Peter Cullen as voice of Optimus Prime.

Review Time: well there is a good reason why I haven't seen this film since watching it at the cinema, read my lips ["this film like most of this franchise is just too long, it is comfortably over two hours long to begin with"] I became more and more aware that this film title was a very long film title, because it actually feels incredibly slow in everything it does from beginning to end, so in essence it isn't just because of this film's time length in a nutshell this film is a marathon.

Character developments: now putting this nicely putting the names I have already mentioned to one side for a minute, the character developments of every other character are incredibly weak to the point where there is nothing particularly enjoyable about them; the dialogue exchanges are nothing but tedious and exhausting.

Storyline: a waste of time, do you know what really irritates me about this film franchise, back in the day when I was growing up with the original formats [comic books or animated TV series] of this franchise, I quickly understood that it had some excellent storylines to tell or even if they were having an off day their standard scripts were absolutely miles better than any of this film franchise's instalments, just for the record I haven't dealt with too many of their comic books, simply based on the fact I know how much they are worth and in most cases they are just too expensive for me to touch. But the most important thing is I have seen all of Generation One, all the way through at least three times, the last time I did it took me less than 8 weeks from beginning to end, including Transformers from different countries, not forgetting some of the recent reincarnations of this franchise, so I may not know everything about this franchise in the general sense, but I feel comfortable suggesting to make a storyline or a script which has quality in it shouldn't be a problem [but then again obviously it is a problem because I wouldn't be saying this; if this film was any good to start with.]

Action sequences/Special-effects: they are just so boring and I don't like using the word boring but that is precisely what they are. They look very heavy-handed as it relates to the camera angles or the basic movements in their scenes or sequences. The special effects, well because there are so many sequences with special effects being used at some point in them, when the audience gets to see a big special-effects sequence, it doesn't have any kind of major impact on to its viewers.

Because they have gotten used to seeing some kind of special-effects already [so essentially what has happened is this; this film uses or almost relies on major special-effects throughout this project, when it comes to seeing a potentially well-planned action-packed sequence with special-effects it doesn't have the same kind of effect that it should have,] so what I am saying is if they scaled back the unnecessary special-effects and just use it when or if it needs to be used, when it comes to a big action-packed sequence, it would carry more of an impact because the audience hasn't seen it so much.

This film receives: 20% approval, generally speaking I did find this particular title hard work to watch from beginning to end in fact it took me three sittings in two days.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

RoboCop 1987 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film title is an excellent example of what and how an origin storyline should be done, I am just not a big fan of the ending to this film [it just feels really sudden.]

Fundamental core: these elements to this project [such as the atmosphere controls and the scene consistencies,] have a big purpose in this project, firstly they imply with a strong nature that this society is crumbling, the members of this society are well on their way to be unfeeling, mainly looking out for number one and to survive is life.]

On the other hand the fundamental core to this project also acts as RoboCop's stage presence/mannerisms as the atmosphere controls and not forgetting the scene consistencies around this character illustrate to us the audience that this machine moves with great purpose slow, calculated and if he wants you, you can try and hide from him if you want, but anyway you want to look at it, he will get you eventually. I should just point out without this kind of fundamental core including sometimes background music, I feel comfortable suggesting that, it would be difficult to illustrate not only the colossal presence of their lead role/character, it would be hard to put over to their audiences what kind of character is RoboCop in the first place.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used including massive explosions, excitement and frequent deaths [I don't want to tell you everything about any project, hence why now and again I am deliberately really vague when it comes to some bits and pieces in these reviews.] But what I can tell you, is this instalment from this franchise has a good mixture in its action-packed sequences.

This film receives: 90% approval, I have seen this film title many, many times throughout the years and one thing has always irritated me and that would be the ending, they could have done something much better with it.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

RoboCop 2 1990 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 2 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well the biggest problem with this sequel is this fact, that the whole re-programming storyline element of RoboCop  just drags on too long [from the point where the next generation of RoboCop is being made, until the original one breaks his programming,] it is just too long or it most definitely feels way too long and on reflection quite boring, they should have shortened these two storyline elements and focused a little bit more on the next generation of illegal drug hitting the streets.

I know my idea sounds a little bit cheesy, but it would have been a little bit more less tedious than the actual storyline that we have in this sequel. Now to give this film title and review some balance, let's just say after they have made the second RoboCop and the original one is back to normal, after all of that this sequel is okay [it isn't brilliant but at the very least it settles down and gets on with the rest of the film.]

Action sequences: these elements are enjoyable, high-octaned action plenty of weapons being used and seeing imagination being incorporated, as it relates to RoboCop vs.RoboCop 2, as the audiences get to see the original at first begin to struggle as the next generation version begins to show more and more of his strength's and technical capabilities he has at his disposal. But it also shows that the original is more than capable to think outside the box to take down someone or something bigger or from a technical standpoint could be more sophisticated than himself.

This film receives: 57% approval, as I have already said the storyline could have done with some work, but to be honest yet unbiased 57% just about seems right, it does offer action, a very slight comedy level and many other bits and pieces.

Monday, 19 June 2017

RoboCop 3 1993 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 3 1993 by AverageMansReviews

This film is cheesy, but it knows what it wants to do and it just gets on with it.

Review Time: this film could have been a little bit better than what it actually is, at no stage does it give us the audience any kind of major background details on these robotic henchmen, which as far as I can see or tell is a major opportunity missed, we understand their basic function, but that is about it. The sad thing is it wouldn't have taken much work to give these henchmen some kind of background [such as what are they made of, what are their limitations and so on and so forth.]

Character developments: now to be fair I don't know if it is just because I have seen many, many, many film projects throughout the years. But if you have plenty of experience watching films [in a nutshell if you can read the character developments in the film you are watching, without seeing too much of the film to begin with,] in this project you can pretty much work out what he or she is going to do before they do it and just for the record I have only seen this film may be three times throughout the years [so I haven't seen it that often is what I am trying to say here.]

Action sequences: these elements are interesting, mixed with weapons being used, this dark atmosphere control and some one-liners of a slight comedy flavour from RoboCop.

This film receives: 50% approval, this third title from this franchise is a mixed bag of good bits and not so good bits.

RoboCop 2014 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Well this film was a tedious watch.

Review Time: I may as well begin with the good reasons why you should want to watch this film in the first place and they are as follows in no particular order: Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Michael K. Williams and Gary Oldman, All these performers in one way or another try to make this film feel as real as possible with their dialogue exchanges and stage presences.

Action sequences: when I think about these elements in this project it makes me very, very sleepy. Because all they are is flashy bits and pieces, with many weapons being used and that is about it really.

Fundamental core: how can I put this, there is a reason why I have only seen this film twice, once at the cinema and once so I could do this film review again. I became more and more aware that this film is roughly 2 hours long give or take some minutes. The fundamental core itself such as the scene consistencies and the atmosphere control elements are either really flat or really stretched out [from my unbiased perspective I feel comfortable suggesting that the action-packed sequences looked somewhat flashy or attempt to deliver high-octane action, to kind of distract its audiences from the very cumbersome movement of this project generally speaking.]

This film receives: 30% approval, now I had to think really hard about this percentage, because as I have already said I found this film to be tedious, but the performers I have mentioned in this review, really do save this project from being a complete disaster piece.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Sucker Punch 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Sucker Punch 2011 by AverageMansReviews

I really just don't like this film.

Review Time: straight off the bat this film has an unsettling approach to how the women characters are being used in this project [that is all I would like to say on this matter.]

Background music: this element is an ever present element used in this project and when I say an ever present element, I would feel comfortable suggesting roughly a high percentage of maybe 75% of the time there is some kind of background music or something to that effect being used in this project and man it is so boring and monotonous.

Storyline: ZZZzz [Oh sorry I have just woken up from being absolutely bored by this project,] the storyline does make sense, but you really, really have to pay 100% attention to what is happening and even then the storyline isn't that good anyway.

Action sequences: these elements are somewhat enjoyable, but even these elements after some time lose their appeal [either they have too much in the way of special effects being used or as I have already said, it's audiences may get tired from trying to keep up with this film in the first place.]

This film receives: 10% approval, simply put yes the action sequences have their uses, but generally speaking I would suggest avoiding this film.

The Hatton Garden Job 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Hatton Garden Job 2017 by AverageMansReviews

I am hoping that everyone is having a good weekend.

Review Time: this film is actually based on true events, so the storyline works incredibly well because of that.

Performances: I know this would be a strange place to begin, because I usually leave it until the closing stages of my reviews. But because this film is situated around these characters, it makes sense for me to discuss them first and I have to say I really like this cast, not only for their high standards of performances but also because there are elements of a down to earth nature about these characters and this film as well.

The down to earth nature comes from the fact that most of these characters are of a mature age, so now and again throughout this project, the audiences watching this film will get the feeling and seeing that these criminals are mentally, spiritually and willing to do the job, but physical age and other bits and pieces may slow them down a bit [in a nutshell the mind is willing but the body not so much.]

Fundamental core: such as the scene consistencies and the atmosphere control elements are smooth, efficient as from beginning to end

This film receives: 78% approval, an excellent film that should be seen at least once in your lifetime.

Friday, 16 June 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 1] Episode 5: She-Demon of Phantos by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 1] Episode 5: She-Demon of Phantos by AverageMansReviews

I just wanted to make reference to the fact in my previous couple of blogs, I have missed out little bits and pieces, I have now gone back and put them in their right places.

Review Time: now it has to be said, I don't have too much to say about this episode, other than this; it is a poor episode.

Skeletor: in this episode he is the go to person as in everything he does makes this episode enjoyable, it could be his dialogue exchanges or action-packed sequences with or without He-Man.

Animation: obviously it is still engaging and well illustrated in this episode.

Ending message: in a nutshell think safe or be safe.

This episode receives: 20% approval, this episode heavily relies on Skeletor to make a big impact which he does. But everything else besides the animation is or was seriously lacking any kind of get up and go.