Saturday 24 June 2017

The Great Wall 2016 by AverageMansReviews

The Great Wall 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is an average film as you will soon find out.

Artistic visions: this element is the strongest element to this project by some distance, on first impressions this element is absolutely stunning and captivating, it could be absolutely anything such as the landscapes, costumes and accessories or anything you can think of. These elements welcome its audiences into this world, but the more you watch this project the more it becomes obvious that the beauty that this film has to offer is also covering up the shortcomings of different elements in this project [in a nutshell this film is beautiful no questions, but there are so many different parts of this film that are seriously lacking and it shows.]

Fundamental core: the scene consistencies at first are well packed together, but likewise the more you watch of this project, it does feel like the scene consistencies are getting stretched and distant from one another. The atmosphere controls feel more like a passenger instead of a functioning element to this project [yes it does bits and pieces but not a lot generally speaking.]

Subtitles/Special-effects: the subtitles in this project are useless, they are too small in text, too quick on and off screen, including if the subtitles move too quickly now and again in this project, you will not be able to read some of the wording because it may clash with a darker or brighter thing underneath the text [so what I am basically saying is if you have the text on the top of a clashing colour, mix that in with whatever is happening on screen at the time, including if somebody has reading difficulties like me -- dyslexic tendencies equals consistent confusion, just on a side note this is why I prefer old-school films with subtitles, bigger text and easier to follow. But I digress the special-effects when they are being used in this project are nothing special, that is all I can say about them really, you can take them or leave them.

Character developments: they are predictable and easy to see coming from miles and miles away.

This film receives: 38% approval, I know I have said this already but it is worthwhile saying it again, visually from an artistic perspective this film is a vision that needs to be seen, but everything else maybe not so much.

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