Wednesday 21 June 2017

RoboCop 2 1990 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 2 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well the biggest problem with this sequel is this fact, that the whole re-programming storyline element of RoboCop  just drags on too long [from the point where the next generation of RoboCop is being made, until the original one breaks his programming,] it is just too long or it most definitely feels way too long and on reflection quite boring, they should have shortened these two storyline elements and focused a little bit more on the next generation of illegal drug hitting the streets.

I know my idea sounds a little bit cheesy, but it would have been a little bit more less tedious than the actual storyline that we have in this sequel. Now to give this film title and review some balance, let's just say after they have made the second RoboCop and the original one is back to normal, after all of that this sequel is okay [it isn't brilliant but at the very least it settles down and gets on with the rest of the film.]

Action sequences: these elements are enjoyable, high-octaned action plenty of weapons being used and seeing imagination being incorporated, as it relates to RoboCop vs.RoboCop 2, as the audiences get to see the original at first begin to struggle as the next generation version begins to show more and more of his strength's and technical capabilities he has at his disposal. But it also shows that the original is more than capable to think outside the box to take down someone or something bigger or from a technical standpoint could be more sophisticated than himself.

This film receives: 57% approval, as I have already said the storyline could have done with some work, but to be honest yet unbiased 57% just about seems right, it does offer action, a very slight comedy level and many other bits and pieces.

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