Sunday 25 June 2017

Transformers 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Transformers 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Now as I have been doing with all these film titles from this franchise, I have been putting some good elements at the top of these reviews so with that being said here we go, I do believe that they chose the right performer in Hugo Weaving to be the voice of Megatron and it is always good to see Jon Voight on the big screen.

Review Time: this instalment is truly a mixed bag of bits that just annoy me [even from an unbiased perspective] or some good elements that if they had developed them with a little bit more care, it would have made this film much better in the long run.

First 60 minutes or slightly less: my brain was melting with boredom, it just feels a very sectioned off film [in a nutshell it's something like this; this happens, followed by that happens, followed by something else happening, but it has this really slow manner to it [it has that approach of paint by numbers.] I have no idea why they didn't use the turning insignias which the original generation of the animated franchise had made famous, you see by potentially using the turning insignias it would have given the sequences in this project a clean-cut finish to them instead of dragging them on or better yet coming out of using the turning insignias, it would give the upcoming sequence or scene an opportunity to begin somewhere different from the previous sequence [using the turning insignias would have given them endless possibilities to give this film some kind of stability or atmosphere control or seeing consistency if they did it correctly.

Remaining of this project: well it does find some kind of footing, but it isn't exactly free-flowing that is all I can say about that really.

Megatron: now as I have already pointed out I have no problem with the voice of this character, but I have a gigantic problem with what Megatron transforms into [apparently a silver Cybertronian jet,] yes I said apparently because I had to firstly go and research it and secondly I had no idea what it was meant to be in the first place.

How about his transformation into a Walther P38 [gun transformation,] for me it isn't just about the transformation, transforming into this weapon, usually he would trust Soundwave [Megatron's respected and feared General to fire him] or conversely he would allow Starscream to shoot him, but as everyone should know by now these two characters don't exactly see eye to eye 90% of the time or if no one else is around Megatron would get one of his Decepticons to fire him.

You may be wondering why am I making this into a big thing, well it is simple without Megatron transforming into something he should be transforming into, the audiences are missing out on these beautiful character developments between all the characters I have mentioned in a nutshell how he trusts Soundwave, the uneasy yet combustible friction between himself and Starscream and even the other Decepticons kind of respect Megatron but ultimately fear him.

Storyline: makes sense generally speaking, but it is a slow burner.

Action sequences/Special-effects: I have the feeling you know what I am going to say about these elements, something down the lines of heavy-handed, explosions and weapons being used nothing special to tell you here.

This film receives: 30% approval, slightly before the first 60 minutes this instalment does show glimpses of interesting elements, I should just point out when I say interesting I mean interesting from the point of the storyline begins to pull itself together, it does have some comical moments and on a side note this instalment took me three sittings in one and bit days and a very least I didn't feel exhausted after watching this film.

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