Thursday 22 June 2017

RoboCop 1987 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film title is an excellent example of what and how an origin storyline should be done, I am just not a big fan of the ending to this film [it just feels really sudden.]

Fundamental core: these elements to this project [such as the atmosphere controls and the scene consistencies,] have a big purpose in this project, firstly they imply with a strong nature that this society is crumbling, the members of this society are well on their way to be unfeeling, mainly looking out for number one and to survive is life.]

On the other hand the fundamental core to this project also acts as RoboCop's stage presence/mannerisms as the atmosphere controls and not forgetting the scene consistencies around this character illustrate to us the audience that this machine moves with great purpose slow, calculated and if he wants you, you can try and hide from him if you want, but anyway you want to look at it, he will get you eventually. I should just point out without this kind of fundamental core including sometimes background music, I feel comfortable suggesting that, it would be difficult to illustrate not only the colossal presence of their lead role/character, it would be hard to put over to their audiences what kind of character is RoboCop in the first place.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used including massive explosions, excitement and frequent deaths [I don't want to tell you everything about any project, hence why now and again I am deliberately really vague when it comes to some bits and pieces in these reviews.] But what I can tell you, is this instalment from this franchise has a good mixture in its action-packed sequences.

This film receives: 90% approval, I have seen this film title many, many times throughout the years and one thing has always irritated me and that would be the ending, they could have done something much better with it.

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