Saturday 24 June 2017

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 2009 by AverageMansReviews

 Now I should have pointed this out in my previous review, but when or if I find anything good to put down about these instalments from this franchise, I will be attempting to highlight different things, simply based on the fact unlike these instalments which are let's be honest even from an unbiased perspective are very painful to watch, I like to keep my reviews as fresh as possible for as long as possible and my percentages at the bottom of the page will give you an overview perspective, this approach can be said for any reviews I do within my blog.

So with that being said here is something good Rainn Wilson as Professor Colan, his scenes are brief, but at least his performance has some kind of energy or enthusiasm to it, yes usually I would put the good bits in my actual reviews, but in this case I have decided to make an exception, basically if you know that this film is rubbish and you don't want to read all of this review I have purposely put the good bits or in this case the good bit at the top so you don't have to go fishing for it.

Review Time: in a nutshell let's just get this over with shell we, what a surprise this film is well over two hours long, in actual fact this film does something that doesn't happen that often it actually feels like three hours long [full disclosure it took me three different sittings in one day to get through this project from beginning to end,] it was so tedious and hard work that after this review I don't think I will see this project either ever again or for at least ten years.

Stop focusing on the good-looking members of your cast: this whole element is so infuriating, I am here to watch a Transformers film not to watch these really up close camera shots of these performers, if you want me or anyone else for that matter to take this franchise seriously, here is just a suggestion focus on what the film says "Transformers" and forget the physical attributes of your cast members.

Storyline: because I have spoken about this at some length in my previous review as it relates to this franchise, I will not be discussing the storyline too heavily this time around, but with saying that can I just say "Man the storyline is so uninspiring that I kept trying to fall asleep in my wheelchair whilst at the same time watching this film."

Special-effects/Action sequences: now if I had a choice, I would have left these elements out of this review, because as I have already said I really do try to keep things as fresh as possible, but as this film heavily relies on special-effects or the cumbersome nature of the action-packed sequences I cannot really drop these elements  from this review, how much I would love to I can't they are boring and heavy-handed regardless if you are talking about either the special-effects or the action sequences.

This film receives: 10% approval, well there are a multitude of reasons why this instalment gets this low percentage of approval here is a nutshell long film, comedy level throughout this project is of a very low standard [cheap and unnecessary,] character developments generally speaking are very weak, can we stop seeing close camera shots of certain members of the cast please and many other things.

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