Monday 19 June 2017

RoboCop 3 1993 by AverageMansReviews

RoboCop 3 1993 by AverageMansReviews

This film is cheesy, but it knows what it wants to do and it just gets on with it.

Review Time: this film could have been a little bit better than what it actually is, at no stage does it give us the audience any kind of major background details on these robotic henchmen, which as far as I can see or tell is a major opportunity missed, we understand their basic function, but that is about it. The sad thing is it wouldn't have taken much work to give these henchmen some kind of background [such as what are they made of, what are their limitations and so on and so forth.]

Character developments: now to be fair I don't know if it is just because I have seen many, many, many film projects throughout the years. But if you have plenty of experience watching films [in a nutshell if you can read the character developments in the film you are watching, without seeing too much of the film to begin with,] in this project you can pretty much work out what he or she is going to do before they do it and just for the record I have only seen this film may be three times throughout the years [so I haven't seen it that often is what I am trying to say here.]

Action sequences: these elements are interesting, mixed with weapons being used, this dark atmosphere control and some one-liners of a slight comedy flavour from RoboCop.

This film receives: 50% approval, this third title from this franchise is a mixed bag of good bits and not so good bits.

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