Wednesday 28 June 2017

American Ultra 2015 by AverageMansReviews

American Ultra 2015 by AverageMansReviews

This film is brain exhausting [as in to say just please stop this film I cannot take it anymore.]

Review Time: well you may as well fast-forward the first 15 minutes or more don't worry you will not miss much. Because this film is just so monotonous and it just about gives its audiences the basic information; that is if you can stay awake long enough in the first place.

Comedy level: it just isn't that funny, yes I did giggle once or twice, but I have a feeling this have to do with boredom and not anything else.

Character developments: likewise are transparent this project basically follows a formula which if you have been watching films long enough you would have seen these kinds of character developments in other established film titles [the Bourne franchise just off the top of my head,] okay their background stories may be slightly different to be fair but in a general sense I would feel comfortable suggesting you could put this film title in the same kind of field as the Bourne franchise.

Action sequences: these elements are interesting, well put together with many weapons being used and these sequences are consistently quick throughout this project.

This film receives: 20% approval, this film just isn't that easy to settle down with I had to take one break from watching this film to go and wake myself up and then continue watching the rest of this title.

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