Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Armageddon 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Armageddon 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental component/medical element/suicide

Storyline: it is good, I would say generally speaking the pacing is good also, but some time later on for a little while it does feel a little bit leggy as if it is running a marathon and it needs to break through the wall and find its second wind which it does; it is worthwhile pointing out that this project is roughly 151 minutes long.

All the other components go hand-in-hand in this film: I had spent a little time thinking how to dictate this; so I just went with this [yes there are individual elements but I have never discussed every little detail and I want to try and leave the smallest details out of my Reviews/Blogs; basically it is more up to my discretion/it gives me more flexibility, so you may see a little detail here and there but if I miss it out not a big deal.] So let's go on to [Action & Art:] we have these asteroid components in outer space destroying this mission to repair this satellite; it is deadly but beautiful to see these asteroid components going across and unfortunately heading towards Earth.

[Action, Comedy, Characters and Performances including the on-screen chemistry:] in short Harry S. Stamper/Willis [Stepfather/Owner of Stamper Oil-Rig/unknowing of this situation; relationship until now the second] is stalking Frost/Affleck [Grace Stamper's boyfriend and employee of Harry S. Stamper] with a shotgun on this oil-rig, so it wouldn't be a good idea to fire it, but he does as we have some characters/performers trying to be the voices of reason [Chick/Patton and Rockhound/Buscemi] or Bear/Clark being a momentarily roadblock not to get involved but basically to give Frost/Affleck a fighting chance and over all of this we have Grace Stamper/Tyler [Stepdaughter/employee/Frost's girlfriend] giving this in a nutshell you can't control my life speech.

This clearly shows Action, Comedy, Characters and Performances including on-screen chemistry; now I will talk about the Comedy and so on from this point in this list; because it comes across as the Crew in its entirety has this dysfunctional yet functional family atmosphere and tone a majority of the time, unless they have to be serious at work or dealing with a serious topic, but other than that they will do things or discuss things they shouldn't [it is like being back in High School in the back of the classroom that kind of stuff,] but as I have illustrated when it is game time they are focused on the game; which a little bit of this makes sense, because if you are in a potentially life-threatening and highly dangerous situation you are going to be focused on work and everything else that comes with that, but when you are on dry land you're going to release that pressure valve.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; it should be seen at least once in your lifetime. It has Won 15 Awards; Nominated for 36 Awards and Nominated for 4 Oscars in 1999 and finally Arrowsmith with the soundtrack to this project/song "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" this song is the Band's only Number 1 [Steven - Vocalist and Liv Tyler are real life Father and Daughter.]




Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Big Trouble in Little China 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Big Trouble in Little China 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/human trafficking/breaking of bones/stabbing/kamikaze/exploding body/feeding/drugs

Storyline: it is good, but we never find out what happens after this event; at the beginning of this film we have Shen/Victor Wong telling this potential Lawyer what happened [with his Stenographer/possibly Secretary in the background,] because it looks like in the aftermath there is going to be this court case; so this project uses the formula of storyteller or that is what I think they were going for in this section and then the film begins normally; the pacing is likewise good.

Action/Comedy/Art: in one way or another these three components go hand-in-hand in one way or another. Action/Comedy; Burton/Russell going backwards down this long slope in this old-fashioned manual wheelchair yelling all the way [passed these two ally Characters/Performers Chi/Dun  and Lee/Li closing and locking this door to keep Thunder/Carter Wong inside this location - he is a member of this trio known as The Storms alongside Rain/Kwong  & Lightening/Pax which serve David Lo Pan/Lo Pan/Hong.] But I digress continuing with Burton/Russell on his way down he takes out to henchmen [which Chi/Dun  and Lee/Li scavenge for weapons] continuing with Burton/Russell; he goes through this barricade [this would indicate there is danger past this point] eventually stops with the two back smaller wheels going over what seems to be this old dilapidated water well, so Burton/Russell very quickly makes the decision yet very slowly physically to push himself in this wheelchair up just enough so he can get a solid foot back onto ground/get out of the wheelchair with a wheelchair meeting a very unpleasant ending with going down this well; a moment later coming back up this slope with Chi/Dun  saying "Great work Jack." With Burton/Russell replying "Yeah, yeah" with the mannerisms and body language to illustrate "That was a breeze I was in complete control of the situation."

Action/Art; Shen/Victor Wong vs. David Lo Pan/Lo Pan/Hong in this mystical battle where in a nutshell as these two characters understand and use mystical powers; we have a short mystical one-on-one battles sequence where they engage in creating this power sphere from energy from their fingers [Shen/Victor Wong power beam being purple and  David Lo Pan/Lo Pan/Hong power beam being green] within this power sphere we have these two other mystical representations of there being doing physical combat; this is excellent imagination and creativity but my only nitpick would be I would have liked to see it go on a little bit longer.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all of these components are good; now I have no doubt I will probably receive some form of backlash from the younger generations that love to press that panic button of things you can and cannot say in today's world; in fact I am surprised that; that their button hasn't been smashed into their tables from pressing it too hard and too often with the smallest detail, but what the hell I'm going to say these things anyway. In this film we have this culture divide not only between the Asian community [the Chang Sing and Wing Kong,] but with Burton/Russell as he is a self-assured Caucasian American which has no idea what he is about to walk into; he also represents the viewers from this perspective he asks the questions that we would probably ask if we were in that situation as well.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that you need to see once in your lifetime, if there are any fans of the Sex and the City franchise Kim Cattrall is in this film as Gracie Law and on a quick side note looking on the cast uncredited I found out; the Director/Soundtrack John Carpenter was in this film as a   Worker in Chinatown and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Wing Kong Man - Extra; this film has two Awards credited to its name Winner; Urban Action Showcase And Expo 2016; Urban Action Showcase Martial 





Monday, 29 March 2021

Escape Plan 3 2019 [alternative name Escape Plan: The Extractors] by AverageMansReviews

Escape Plan 3 2019 [alternative name Escape Plan: The Extractors] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/shooting in the neck/cutting of the neck/weapon through the neck/breaking of bones/stabbing

Storyline/Characters/Performances/Comedy: now all of these should have been something safe and reliable; as the Storyline is of revenge the Characters [Character developments] and Performances follow their Character types and on-screen chemistry to their formula. But here is the colossal problem if you're going to do things like this; yes everything may be safe and reliable, but if the pacing is so, so slow as it is in this project. Basically what they have done here is build a house of cards and because the pacing is nowhere near quick enough to grab their viewers; the house of cards is collapsing in on itself even the Comedy elements are deadpan which it is, but because of how this film is it feels weird to have this comedy element here [where we have DeRosa/Batista meeting/talking to Yung/Shum, Jr. losing an asset Daya Zhang/Jow,] it's like 99% of the time serious and you have three elements of Comedy; the second one is DeRosa/Batista giving off the impression as he takes off some of his gear "This individual is going to give me a challenge." this moment of comedy is okay vs. Ralf/de Groot and finally someone gets left behind right at the end of the film, I would like to be a little bit more specific I can't see his face fully and more importantly I really couldn't give two dumplings.

Action: the only Action sequence I can point out as a positive [you know when I was foolishly hoping this film is going to be good,] is where we have Friend/Lo/Zhang taking on these Security Guards at Breslin Security [he wants to talk to Breslin/Stallone but he declines; so he gets his Security to attempt to remove Friend/Lo/Zhang,] but this doesn't exactly go according to plan as he puts umbrella to posterior.

Art: there are a small amount scenes where the weather is involving the Sun and one by evening heading into night or night [incoming jet with our Characters/Performers returning home;] these look good.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; I mean if there are any fans of Batista as DeRosa out there in Internet land take a look at this film, but be warned he has a limited role in this sequel and somehow this project has been Nominated an Award; Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA 2020, Golden Reel Award; Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Sound Effects, Foley, Music, Dialogue and ADR for Non-Theatrical Feature Film Broadcast Media; David Barber [supervising sound editor,] Roland N. Thai [sound designer,] George Haddad [sound effects editor, Michael Kreple [adr editor,] David Kitchens [foley editor,] Gonzalo Espinoza [foley artist] and Ben Zarai [music editor.]

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Little Hercules 2009 [alternative name Little Hercules in 3-D] by AverageMansReviews

Little Hercules 2009 [alternative name Little Hercules in 3-D] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects

Storyline: and the pacing is something safe and reliable; yes it is ordinary but it gets a pass from me, because they are doing what they are designed to do.

Action/Art/Comedy/Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry now at some point these components go hand-in-hand; Action & Art; Zeus/Terry "Hulk" Hogan vs. Marduk/Mr. Potter/White in combat in Mountain Olympus or on Earth or in Babylon; yes if anyone is going to watch this film I know the special effects in this project in its entirety are let's just say of the limited budget varieties, but let's take the positives when we get them shall we.

Art individually; we have these astrology elements [at the beginning of the film  and the end over the narration from Socrates/Gould; the narration pops up throughout this film] and this scene of Mount Olympus at the beginning of this film;] these are good. 

We have Little Hercules/Sandrak failing at these PE lessons which are practice [for the annual Fontana Annual Trek Week for Fontana High School vs. Dawson Valley vs. another School but they haven't shown up so they have defaulted that is enough background information,] but I digress; because his Stepmother Hera/Venora she has convinced Zeus/Terry "Hulk" Hogan to take away all of Little Hercules powers so he is 100% mortal [Character development,] so consequently we have this sequence of events of him practicing at these sports and at the final moment Hera/Venora from above somewhere in the realm of Mount Olympus she would magically do something to interfere so it would go badly; this kind of Action and Comedy you would come to expect from this kind of film, but on the whole it does nothing for this project.

Generally speaking I would say just for two examples Diana/Givens and Kevin - this Principle Character/Nelson are from beginning to end or whenever they enter the project; reliably solid Characters/Performers you know they keep things stable with likable on-screen chemistry and they don't drop below a certain standard in their Performances. But there are some occasions where the Characters [Character developments,] Performances and on-screen chemistry are just cringe worthy and ugly; it mostly happens in the first section of the film and slowly gets less and less, but it has a habit of popping up now and again, it just depends where and which characters you have on screen at that time, but again if anyone is going to watch this film the problems I am speaking of here; well it will hit you in the face that is how cringe worthy and just ugly they are.

On a little bit of research we have the Hogan family in this project when this film was made; Zeus/Terry "Hulk" Hogan,  Mrs. Becker/Linda Bollea Hogan [Divorced 2009,] Robin/Brooke Hogan, her role in this film is mind-boggling, she is just basically doing this dancing sequence in the background at this Fontana High School Disco; yes she has a head microphone on but not singing, because the music/singing continues so I have just put it down as dancing with some backing dancers, where she invites Little Hercules/Sandrak and Curtis/Little C/Jefferies to dance, am I the only one thinking that having this fully grown woman and other people on stage dancing and this High School Disco is wrong and finally we have XX/Nick Hogan.

This is speculation on my part but Terry "Hulk" Hogan I get the feeling had may be a hand in getting his entire family at this point in history including Crazy/2 Krayze [he appeared in one episode of the reality TV program Hogan Knows Best 2005-2007as self 2 Krayze.]

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; after everything is said and done this film finds itself at this mark; so if there are any fans of Paul White as Marduk/Mr. Potter or Judd Nelson as Kevin take a look at this film, but I really wouldn't expect too much.

Saturday, 27 March 2021

DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp 1990 by AverageMansReviews

DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp 1990 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/transformation/animal feeding. Disclaimer if anyone should go searching for this I will not be held responsible; this will make much more sense later on in this Review/Blog

Storyline: it is good, the pacing is also is generally speaking good as well, but at some point it seems to go off the boil for a small amount of time; I don't know what it is because there is things progressing nicely; okay it goes into a little bit of a lull but I can't put my finger on it; it's like a glitch you don't know where it comes from a you don't know where it has gone; but it happens and we never find out what happens to this individual; I should point out it is self-explanatory or whilst I'm on the subject; Dijon as he is getting chased down the road from Mr. McDuck

Action/Art/Comedy: now in at one point or number we have these three components all working together or in different pairs or individually.

All together; we have Mr. Scrooge McDuck, Launchpad, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby/Russi Taylor and Dijon/Libertini inside this Pyramid looking for Collie Baba's treasure, which not too surprisingly has booby-traps; Dijon [Guide/Thief/Undercover Spy & sniffling servant to Merlock/Lloyd.] Dijon deliberately sets off this booby-trap with his big toe so our group can hopefully avoid the trap [this was the general idea, but no one had a clue of what the booby-trap would be,] so these large cogs come out of these secret departments including one directly onto Dijon's head as it drops into the scene from above with it breaking into two slices one on either side of Dijon with Dijon looking and moving as if that really hurt; at the same time with a dazed swaying [with this question "Is there a Doctor in the Pyramid?" and then falling down.

Action/Art; in short Mr. McDuck jumps out of this plane with a parachute on him to land on top of this building’s roof, but even before he can take take a second to take off his parachute and get organized to carry on with the rest of his part of the mission a gust of wind catches his parachute; it is a good thing he has his cane on him so he can stop from getting into furthermore trouble so he pulls himself up using his cane on the side of this building; known as a Money Bin with [basically this is Mr. McDuck's place of business; but much, much, so much more importantly this is where he keeps his vault with a lot of his riches inside, so when he feels like it he can go and dive in from this diving board and swim around.

Which Family Guy 1999 [Season 10,] in the First Episode of this Season "Lottery Fever" they show you the possible outcome if you were to attempt this in real-life. This scene is graphic and once again Disclaimer: if anyone should go looking for it I will not be held responsible.

Art; I know as it relates to this project the Art is an fundamental component based on the grounds this project is 100% animated, but from a general sense this project is very smooth, eye-catching and easy to settle down with as there is consistently something to see and experience like; just off the top of my head Launchpad is flying this plane [as the viewers are placed from the perspective of underneath this plane with the things you expect to see from this perspective; a wing and a propeller going around, but more specifically; the viewers see from this perspective; this exploration site which Mr. McDuck has funded or another example; these massive ice cream scoops and other components of an ice cream sundae falling from the sky and finally seeing the Earth from a very high up perspective [outside of the Earth.]

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry likewise all three of these components are very easy to settle down with, because these characters are voiced by their original voices from the 1987-1990 animated TV program of DuckTales, which translates as easily recognizable and consequently instantaneously rememberable. Just to mention some names Mr. Scrooge McDuck/Alan Young, Launchpad/Terence McGovern, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby/Russi Taylor [yes she voices all four of these characters,] to all that were a main or recurring character or additional voices; legendary work was achieved here and for this film title Merlock/Christopher Lloyd and Genie/Gene/Rip Taylor.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; this is one of those projects that is designed for family viewing as it only goes on for roughly 74 minutes; you know those lazy Sunday afternoons and you want to get the kids, you and may be your partner to all sit down together for a relatively short period of time; this project will fulfil that purpose and on a quick side note this has a Nomination to its name Young Artist Awards 1991; Most Entertaining Family Youth Motion Picture - Animation.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Wagons East 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Wagons East 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/adult and or dark comedy elements just to cover my back I put these two descriptions here because whatever way you want to see it; it as one or both of these things/impaling/shooting in the back of the head/broken arm.

Storyline/Characters/Performances: including the pacing and on-screen chemistry these all go hand-in-hand in this film in one way or another. The storyline is something safe, reliable and entertaining; the pacing is also something safe and reliable, but this is why I have grouped these components together; now I am not disrespecting any other Character/Performer, because everyone pulls together to make this film good, so there is good Character developments and on-screen chemistry. But this film does need the presence of John Candy as James Harlow to get this film going properly; yes the film still moves at a good pace when he leaves the convoy of settlers for a short time, the film still moves really well, but let's just say at the beginning it needs a kick-start and I know I am going to make myself sound old here, but my generation of the 1980's and older generations know precisely what Candy can bring to the table, which in this particular role is this heavy drinker when he drinks; Wagon Master [in short someone that leads this convoy of settlers to their destination;] he has a deep dark secret.

Action/Comedy: here is one example of these components going hand-in-hand; Slade/Lauter without giving too much away in short has to stop this convoy of settlers; he is the human version of the Wile E. Coyote as the traps he sets don't go according to plan and it backfires on him.

Art: there are some eye-catching scenes of the sun going down with clouds with our convoy of settlers still riding or this night scene where there is this moon in the background where our convoy has stopped and set up for the evening or just in case I have missed something out generally speaking the scenery is really good in this film.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; if there are any fans of John Candy out there in Internet land, take a look at this film as my marking would suggest it is a solidly good film and on a quick side note depending on what project I'm dealing with is depending what kind of approach I will take on it, so for a rough example, because I have mentioned Action/Comedy going hand-in-hand in this project didn't seem much point of me pointing out there are weapons being used, because that isn’t interesting [yes I'm aware I have just pointed it out.] Basically it gives me a little bit more flexibility to pick and choose what I put in my Reviews/Blogs, that isn’t to say I will not use this line or others lines similar to this now or in the future, it just depends what I have to work with at that time really.]

John Candy died whilst making this film; RIP John Candy you larger-than-life performer and person your projects will keep the future generations  laughing for generations to come providing they aren’t too uptight and learn to relax a little, but either way you will be always remembered.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Epic Movie 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Epic Movie 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/bodily functions/decapitation/stabbing/self harm/character gets run over/animal cruelty

Storyline/Comedy/Action: and the pacing all go hand-in-hand here in one way or another; Storyline; it is what it is; I mean if they were going for this; based on this logic it was a success, which as this film comes from the genre of spoof it is safe to assume they were going for this. Here are just some examples of what this film rips on; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005, Nacho Libre 2006, Snakes on a Plane 2006 and MTV Cribs and there is a fair amount after the first ending credits The pacing to this project is good, because the Comedy moves from comedy to comedy with this quick paced it makes this film ever so slightly less poor.

Comedy, Action; I have chosen this sequence which is of what I can remember being the most cleanest to make reference to; we have Peter Pervertski/Campbell, Susan Pervertski/Chambers and Lucy Pervertski/Mays [minus Edward Pervertski/Penn - I just had to mention this Character/Performer somewhere in this Blog/Review, because he is a Main Character/Performer] to be trained by Harry Potter/McDonald, Ron Weasley/Alvarez and Hermione Granger/Flanagan with being accompanied with the song title "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor [synonymous with the Rocky film franchise]

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry, once again they are what they are and they do what they are designed to do; yes I can say they are poor but as I have also just said they are designed this way so what did they expect so no Oscar-winning performances here, but we do have Razzie Awards 2008; Razzie Award Nominee; Worst Supporting Actress; Carmen Electra as Mustique and this project does have other Awards to its name be it Winners; Golden Schmoes Awards 2007; Golden Schmoes; Worst Movie of the Year and  Internet Film Critic Society 2007; IFCS Award; Worst Film or Nominate for; Razzie Awards 2008;Worst Remake or Rip-Off [Rip-Off of Every Movie It Rips Off] and  Worst Screenplay; Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; the good thing about this film is it is quick and painless.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Bad Ass 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Bad Ass 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/shot in the leg wound/medical element/decapitation/disfigurement/domestic violence/characters on fire/drugs.

Storyline/Characters/Performances: the Storyline and the pacing are something safe and reliable, meaning they know what they are doing and they stick to that. The Storyline begins as our lead Character/Performer; Vega/Trejo is sitting on this Bus giving us this narration over these scenes of his Origin/Back story up to this present time. Character developments; where everything up to this point made him into the man he is today like fighting for his country in the Vietnam war. So on this present day; an altercation takes place on this Bus which it goes viral; he gets given the name "Bad Ass."

Characters & Performances including on-screen chemistry are reliably solid; you know they are there character types and if there are any fans out there in Internet land of Ron Perlman; he is also in this film as Mayor Williams, but I do stress he has a limited role in this project.

Action/Comedy: two components consistently go hand-in-hand as Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo finds himself in situations which requires him to put foot to posterior, there are some occasions where he doesn't want to fight like on the Bus where we first meet him or in the Pub [ground-level,] but either way the majority of these Action sequences have a theme of Comedy to them, because as I have already made reference to it Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo has served his country which means he has lots of experience with using deadly force. But then again we do have moments where Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo is trying to find out information by threatening to drop Renaldo/Davoli over this first-floor [same Pub] balcony area, because he has a bad case of bursitis as he basically says it is an inflammation of the joints so it doesn't give him much time to hold on to things.

Art: there are street art or a T-shirt of Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Universal Soldier: The Return 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Universal Soldier: The Return 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/medical component/characters on fire/breaking of the neck/character gets run over. Disclaimer if anyone goes searching for this I will not be held responsible; this will make sense later on.

Storyline/Action/Comedy/Blooper: Storyline & Action including the pacing from the outset these components go hand-in-hand; as we witness this Action sequence of events on water with different vehicles [like for one example jet skies] with Unisols [Universal Soldiers] including Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg in them chasing down Deveraux/Van Damme and Maggie/Tom and this sequence ends on land. This entire sequence was designed to begin this film with hitting the ground running with action sequence with rock music accompanying over it. Generally speaking the Storyline including the pacing is on both counts; reliably solid it knows what it is and it sticks to the plan.

Action, Comedy and Blooper; I will give you two examples; the first example the Blooper comes in here as well; we have this line of Unisols getting sent out to protect this U.S. Government location which are responsible for the UniSol Program. But unfortunately they get shot dead by the US Army, but there is only one problem with this action and it is an ever so slightly little problem really and it is the fact that these Unisols are already dead hence why they are in this program in the first place [Blooper] which you would think General Radford/von Bargen would know this already considering he very recently was in a meeting discussing this Program and Maggie/Tom says how defensively almost impervious they are, so before going into this meeting you would think he would have done some homework on the UniSol Program or at minimum had a closer look to see if at all they have any weaknesses.

We move on these US Soldiers are given orders to go and check on these Unisols to see if they are out of commission. But they aren't they just needed time to come back online as they quickly sit up and begin bringing chaos, quickly followed by standing up as they were not send out to firstly protect this location, that was probably their secondary order, their first order was to destroy the U.S. Army outside of this US Government location.

Now on to the second example; Deveraux/Van Damme and Young/Schanz as they are trying to outrun Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg; Deveraux/Van Damme and Young/Schanz jump off this building into the back of this military vehicle; they quickly get inside and bring this military vehicle forward at the same time Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg has just taken a leap off this building but it is too late to go back which he says "Oh turd" [yes I have slightly adapted what he said, this version is cleaner,] but on hitting the ground Deveraux/Van Damme drives this military vehicle on top of him so it stays on top of him, they run off with the viewers seeing Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg arm/hand bent out of shape with the back wheel of this military vehicle situated on top of Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg's face/head with these somewhat muffled words of "I really hate that guy" [very much out of the Looney Tunes style of comedy.]

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry they are likewise reliably solid. For one example; Self-Evolving Thought Helix or better known as S.E.T.H./White, the viewers can understand why he is angry, as you can read; they gave him the ability to evolve and think for himself so he does. I can't tell you too much more than that, because that would be giving too much of the film away, but when or if you come to watch this film it will become quickly crystal clear.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this film is just a solidly good Science-fiction Action film project; yes we get to see Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg performs his version/signature wrestling move the Speer also he is in the soundtrack to this film music video and Deveraux/Van Damme is as well Disclaimer: if anyone should go looking for this I will not be held responsible; Megadeth Crush 'em; in this case I have just said this so I don't have any come back if any.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Knucklehead 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Knucklehead 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/human trafficking/bodily functions/medical element

Storyline: and the pacing are on both counts something safe and reliable.

Comedy/Characters/Action/Performances: now in one way or another these components including the on-screen chemistry all go hand-in-hand in one way or another. In this particular sequence of events we have Eddie Sullivan/Feuerstein giving Krunk/The Big Show most probably false information [we never find out] about his opponent, to get Krunk/The Big Show him in the right frame of mind for this match or at the very least to get him to release the beast from within, whilst they are sitting in Mad Milton/Thompson [the runner of this backyard combat established, I should point out it he is roughly only about 10 years old.] So whilst we have this going on in his house, Mad Milton/Thompson is setting up the final match for this Event which has Krunk/The Big Show vs. this individual already in the ring and Mad Milton/Thompson is telling his audience to basically clean-up after themselves.

Unfortunately what was not a part of the plan was Mad Milton's Father comes home and rumbles this Event which no surprise he is far, far from happy with what is going on in his backyard. But Mad Milton/Thompson didn't tell Eddie Sullivan/Feuerstein, Krunk/The Big Show or Mary/Hardin that the match is off.

So in a fit of rage Krunk/The Big Show comes out with great speed [this sequence hits the slow-motion button] and Krunk/The Big Show rushes who he thinks is his opponent which as far as he is aware is a bad guy, but in reality it is Mad Milton's Father; with this spear through this fence. Krunk/The Big Show stands up and turns around giving this roar with him raising his arm and fist saying "You're reign of terror is over." With these kids celebrating, Sullivan/Feuerstein recording everything on this camera so this footage can go viral with Mary/Hardin on his left side.

Characters & Performances including on-screen chemistry; this is all likewise something safe and reliable; from the perspective of Krunk/The Big Show being in this Orphanage [Head Nun Sister Francesca/Sister Francesca] for his entire life up to this point so his life has been sheltered, so he is a good guy but naïve; unlike the other two Sullivan/Feuerstein and Mary/Hardin they have both experienced life; Sullivan/Feuerstein is in big trouble so he asks for help up above and he gets sent a big guardian angel in the form of Krunk/The Big Show and for Mary/Hardin; she was heading down a dark path until the Nuns, the Orphanage and she sees Krunk/The Big Show like a big brother.

Art: Visually there are these scenes with clouds in and Sound we have this Band playing with a vocalist.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; this is one of those films that you could put on; on a Sunday afternoon and watch it with your family, you know it ticks all the criteria to fulfil that purpose, I found it funny when on this Coach, Krunk/The Big Show had to go to the toilet, but then again I quickly stopped finding it funny when this joke went too far where they had to get the Firefighters and the Police Officer out to pull Krunk/The Big Show off this toilet and then after everything is said and done our trio seemingly were not allowed back on this Coach as they had to walk. I mean the more time I spend thinking about this the more time I think this was unnecessary, because we get it he is a big man so consequently he would possibly have issues with average size facilities and things of this nature, so this was an unpleasant sequence of events, but moving on it may help if you're viewing audience were into wrestling [specifically WWE as this project comes from their studio WWE Studios] and yes because of this I have used the name The Big Show and yes I know he has recently left this company and headed to AEW [All Elite Wrestling] and uses his real name Paul Wight.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

The Doorman 2020 by AverageMansReviews

The Doorman 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Medical Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing in the leg/stabbing in the neck/shooting in the head/electrocution/drugs/vomiting/character on fire/character decapitated. Medical Disclaimer; I am not a medical professional, so any advice I dictate is just universal advice and any action taken on that advice I will not be held responsible for.

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and why leave things on a question-mark style ending for an ending? [I will be discussing this again later on] but for now moving on to the pacing is well what can I say about it; it moves that is all I can say about that really.

Action/Art: we have Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose running - exercising on her way to this potentially new job across [on a little bit of research] seems to be Brooklyn Bridge.

Action individually; yes we have the usual weapons being used, combat but for one example we have Max/Feder sending a Morse code to Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose using the Department building intercom system [using the sound effect and bleeps of the red light; yes it is one of those intercom systems where you have to keep your finger down and then speak or I'm pretty sure that is what it is; the viewers can see what is being sent with the Morse code on-screen.]

Art individually; we have this very pretty cat in this project; his character name is Jesper; all these things can be seen as on the positive side.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all three of these components go hand-in-hand here; I really have a problem with how the PTSD haracter component of Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose is used in this film and yes I don't suffer from PTSD, but however I do have a mental health illness with let's just say for arguments sake and this review lots of experience.

So let's talk about the common misconceptions; I am just going to say this because we are here; because you are feeling depressed for a little while that doesn't make you suffer from depression or a mental illness [if the patent repeats; talk to somebody or go and seek medical advice - just in case I refer you back to my Medical disclaimer.]

Onto the second misconception; back to this film because Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose is seemingly taking medication for it [just to cover my back this could be speculation on my part; yes she is taking something but it is most probably for this but we can't be sure.] But because she is doing this it doesn't mean her mental health is going to be under control or behave itself. On to the third and final misconception and yes this is connected to the second misconception; you cannot switch it on and off as it strikes Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose twice in this film and for the rest of the film I was thinking "Okay where is the PTSD it should be making itself known or you know it should be elements of her struggling to concentrate" and don't give me "Well she is focusing on what she is focusing on and mental health affects us all in different ways" that is true but it is also a massive copout because she may as well not have PTSD that is how much she doesn't show it.

Professor Jon Stanton/Evans and Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose; I can't be the only one that found these Character developments to be in bad taste; all I can say without giving too much away is someone important has gone in both of their lives and now they could be potentially be free to be together, it comes across after this film as like the character which is no longer here isn't that important; this has I have already said is in bad taste, but then again all of these Characters/Performances including on-screen chemistry are very generic; the only on-screen chemistry which is good is Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose & Nira/Androne or Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose & Uncle Pat or Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose & Lily Stanton/Cassidy.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; well that isn't strictly true what we have here is a film which could be put in a higher section of my marking system, but that would be a questionable placing, so I went for the mark consequently the section of my marking system I felt sure of; on the whole it is just a very generic film, once again this is speculation; but if it had some or any get up and go to it we may be looking at something higher; Jean Reno is in this film as Victor Dubois; so if there are any fans of him are indeed Ruby Rose take a look at this film, but I really wouldn't expect too much.

When I saw this I did laugh as of this Review/Blog; Nominated for an Award; St. Louis Film Critics Association 2021; SLFCA Award; Worst Film of the Year. So without speaking for them I'm pretty sure they didn't like this film then?


Saturday, 20 March 2021

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Fastlne 2021 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Fastlne 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Just a quick heads up/Warning: these matches may be in the wrong order and warning there is a racial component in this content, apologies for that but it will make sense.

Bianca Belair & the SmackDown Women's Champion Sasha Banks vs. the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler [with Reginald:] Tag Team for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships; my pick is Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler; but to be honest they may as well get rid of these Championships, I mean they have been around roughly two years plus at this point and the hierarchy just don't care about them so I do like Tag Team wrestling of any gender, but these Championships are a joke right alongside the 24/7 Championship. Before I receive any kind of backlash for what I have said so far; here is a Golden reason why I have completely changed on these Championships and as soon as I say it; you will say "I can't argue with that."

The NXT Women's Championships; basically you know when they said we would have the WWE Women's Championships being defended over three different Brands and that hasn't been delivered which the WWE not delivering on something is nothing new, so I am not angry with NXT or the hierarchy down there, because quite frankly who wants these tainted garbage WWE Women's Tag Team Championships anyway? I prefer the idea of NXT having their own versions anyway now we aren't going to get what they said to begin with and they haven't done anything to put any prestige in these WWE Women's Championships over the past two years plus [yes I am aware of the inaugural WWE NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai & Raquel González being the shortest reign, roughly being less than two hours on Wednesday 10/03/2021, I don't mind this because for the rest of their careers they will have this record would is going to take some beating somehow; they could do it under run the gauntlet stipulation or 24/7 or Hardcore rules.] But I digress I mean they had moments with the inaugural WWE Women's Tag Team Champions The Boss 'n' Hug Connection [Sasha Banks & Bayley] with The Kabuki Warriors [Asuka & Kairi Sane with or without Paige] or they could have really built these Championships up and The IIconics [Billie Kay & Peyton Royce] at the same time and the same can be said for Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross. But no they gave up and gave another Championship to Charlotte Flair and now these Championships are predominately going to be held by women that we know they aren't going to hold the Raw or SmackDown individual Championships any time soon coughing Nia Jax again; that is better I have cleared my throat, but it is a crime that it is safe to assume for a little while and now Shayna Baszler or Naomi; please WWE give Naomi a push yes at this point I would take any kind of push, But for here and now  this match is just designed to put more friction between   Belair And Banks and that is it.

Warning Racial Component incoming!

Apollo Crews vs. the Intercontinental Champion Big E: Singles Match for the Intercontinental Championship; my pick is Apollo Crews; Wow I have just done some research on this new Nigerian gimmick for Apollo Crews and I really cannot put here what I really want to say I should quickly add it is nothing and I do mean absolutely nothing racist [even though the things I will be saying are low-key racism,] this will make better sense the more we go through this.

The first thing I did on seeing this gimmick for the first time [I mean I was already hearing things about this gimmick] but laughing quickly followed by stronger versions of what the hell, seriously what the hell WWE?! For those that are young, I can reassure you in this day and age this kind of gimmick isn't going to end well for Crews or the WWE, I mean I was going to say I can't believe it but then again this is the WWE I am talking about so I shouldn't be surprised.

The WWE could get away with it in the 1980's and the 1990's with these kinds of gimmicks of Heel gimmicks of ethnic or a foreigner or a different walk of life or anything which made you not fit in, but it is 2021 and without getting too political across the world I think we can all agree at best it is a fragile situation with equality at the moment.

So I can just see massive, upon massive problems at some point down the line with this Crews gimmick but with the WWE it isn't a case of if they put their foot in their mouth it is just more of a case of when they put their foot in their mouth and how often case and point they have already had Crews come out holding a spear and being flanked by two Nigerian soldiers and not forgetting putting on a Nigerian accent [Friday 05/03/2021.]

This is one of those occasions where I am now very concerned when Crews as any feud with anyone which is of a different ethnic background, it is going to be like the forbidden apple on the tree in The Garden of Eden, because whenever you have two performers of two noticeable heights one being shorter than the other the WWE often go to this for a little bit or some content in their feuds and as I have already illustrated in the 1980's and the 1990's foreigners equal Heels; yes I originally went for Big E to retain his Championship, but it dawned on me they wouldn't repackage Crews this drastically without giving him some kind of push, I know I have said this already but this entire situation with Crews is just going to be a train wreck, but if the WWE are okay with making Hulk Hogan one of the hosts of WrestleMania 37/2021 alongside Titus O'Neil [which I believe this is just going to be another train wreck and I am just hoping O'Neil either does one of the nights or they have them individually on screen, because it is true I am not a fan of O'Neil. But even I can clearly see he deserves much better not to be in this situation to begin with or at all, I would have put Booker T. and Titus O'Neil as the hosts this year of WrestleMania and had this running joke of Booker T. going through all of his wrestling gimmicks in his career over the two nights when he is on screen, I know this would require some costume changes at some points/gimmick changes as well, but still it would be fun/funny and have O'Neil be this stable presenter; you know you have one comedy goofy presenter and one stable one,] but I guess if Hulk Hogan is okay this gimmick change for Crews is likewise okay as well [for those that cannot pick up on sarcasm; I am being sarcastic here.]

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Seth Rollins: Singles Match; my pick is Seth Rollins; I know they have gone with the narrative of Rollins going through Nakamura to get to Nakamura's old Tag Team partner Cesaro, which I don't mind as long as this is not a squash match for Nakamura and this match is given time, because it should be an excellent match.

Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus: No Holds Barred Match; my pick is Drew McIntyre; likewise this match should be good, but it does feel like a stopgap feud, so after this I expect the build up to begin between McIntyre vs. the WWE Champion Lashley at WrestleMania 37/2021 for the WWE Championship.

RETRIBUTION's Mustafa Ali vs. the United States Champion Riddle: Singles Match for the United States Championship; my pick is Mustafa Ali; simply because he has earned it on the grounds he has done of what I have heard and seen little bits, he has done everything in his power to make this gimmick of RETRIBUTION work and not only that make it into a stable/faction that has some credibility and that should be respected/fear. So give him/them this Mid-Card Championship so Ali and the other members of RETRIBUTION have something positive to work on instead of getting so far and setting them back to rebuild again. The only problem with this is if it goes away as I have predicted in theory you would have two gimmicks holding the Intercontinental and the United States Championship's which at this point even though I have highlighted as a problem it isn't as long as they meaning the WWE hierarchy stay away from the ethnic component [which they won't with Crews] and they probably won't give Ali the United States Championship anyway or if they do they won't give him/them the material/screen time/narratives/feuds to basically back him/them to do anything positive long-term so maybe a transitional Champion at best, which Ali is just too good for this treatment.

Alexa Bliss vs. Randy Orton: Intergender Match; my pick is Alexa Bliss; in short "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt will return to set up Randy Orton vs. "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt in a cinematic match of some description for WrestleMania 37/2021 [what the hell why not include Bliss as well in some capacity.]

Daniel Bryan vs. the Universal Champion Roman Reigns [with Paul Heyman;] Edge as the special guest Enforcer for the Universal Championship; my pick is Roman Reigns; I know this company doesn't do long-term booking, but I got this idea when I was watching someone else's content and they said they don't see something happening. So I came up with this; it will be Edge vs. the Universal Champion Reigns [with Paul Heyman] for the Universal Championship with Bryan as the special guest Referee which he will call it down the middle, by doing it this way it makes Edge the new Universal Champion at WrestleMania 37/2021 for this picture-perfect moment for Edge and the WWE, consequently it protects Reigns with the loss because he can blame it on Bryan, so they can continue this feud predominantly between Reigns, Bryan and the Universal Champion Edge until SummerSlam 2021. Where it could be these three opponents in a Triple Threat Match for the Universal Championship with the added stipulation of if Bryan loses he will leave the WWE which Reigns will recapture his Universal Championship [on a little bit of research Bryan's current contract could expire around here, so this is a possible narrative and a good Pay-Per-View for Bryan to finish his full-time wrestling career on, you see I am under the impression when Bryan signed his current WWE contract it would be his last full-time wrestling contract in September 2018, but as I have already referenced it could be ending in the summer and not September.]



Spoiler  Alarm!








Braun Strowman Defeats Elias [with Jaxson Ryker]