Thursday 25 March 2021

Epic Movie 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Epic Movie 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/bodily functions/decapitation/stabbing/self harm/character gets run over/animal cruelty

Storyline/Comedy/Action: and the pacing all go hand-in-hand here in one way or another; Storyline; it is what it is; I mean if they were going for this; based on this logic it was a success, which as this film comes from the genre of spoof it is safe to assume they were going for this. Here are just some examples of what this film rips on; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005, Nacho Libre 2006, Snakes on a Plane 2006 and MTV Cribs and there is a fair amount after the first ending credits The pacing to this project is good, because the Comedy moves from comedy to comedy with this quick paced it makes this film ever so slightly less poor.

Comedy, Action; I have chosen this sequence which is of what I can remember being the most cleanest to make reference to; we have Peter Pervertski/Campbell, Susan Pervertski/Chambers and Lucy Pervertski/Mays [minus Edward Pervertski/Penn - I just had to mention this Character/Performer somewhere in this Blog/Review, because he is a Main Character/Performer] to be trained by Harry Potter/McDonald, Ron Weasley/Alvarez and Hermione Granger/Flanagan with being accompanied with the song title "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor [synonymous with the Rocky film franchise]

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry, once again they are what they are and they do what they are designed to do; yes I can say they are poor but as I have also just said they are designed this way so what did they expect so no Oscar-winning performances here, but we do have Razzie Awards 2008; Razzie Award Nominee; Worst Supporting Actress; Carmen Electra as Mustique and this project does have other Awards to its name be it Winners; Golden Schmoes Awards 2007; Golden Schmoes; Worst Movie of the Year and  Internet Film Critic Society 2007; IFCS Award; Worst Film or Nominate for; Razzie Awards 2008;Worst Remake or Rip-Off [Rip-Off of Every Movie It Rips Off] and  Worst Screenplay; Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; the good thing about this film is it is quick and painless.

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