Wednesday 24 March 2021

Bad Ass 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Bad Ass 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/shot in the leg wound/medical element/decapitation/disfigurement/domestic violence/characters on fire/drugs.

Storyline/Characters/Performances: the Storyline and the pacing are something safe and reliable, meaning they know what they are doing and they stick to that. The Storyline begins as our lead Character/Performer; Vega/Trejo is sitting on this Bus giving us this narration over these scenes of his Origin/Back story up to this present time. Character developments; where everything up to this point made him into the man he is today like fighting for his country in the Vietnam war. So on this present day; an altercation takes place on this Bus which it goes viral; he gets given the name "Bad Ass."

Characters & Performances including on-screen chemistry are reliably solid; you know they are there character types and if there are any fans out there in Internet land of Ron Perlman; he is also in this film as Mayor Williams, but I do stress he has a limited role in this project.

Action/Comedy: two components consistently go hand-in-hand as Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo finds himself in situations which requires him to put foot to posterior, there are some occasions where he doesn't want to fight like on the Bus where we first meet him or in the Pub [ground-level,] but either way the majority of these Action sequences have a theme of Comedy to them, because as I have already made reference to it Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo has served his country which means he has lots of experience with using deadly force. But then again we do have moments where Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo is trying to find out information by threatening to drop Renaldo/Davoli over this first-floor [same Pub] balcony area, because he has a bad case of bursitis as he basically says it is an inflammation of the joints so it doesn't give him much time to hold on to things.

Art: there are street art or a T-shirt of Vega/Bad Ass/Trejo.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome.

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