Sunday 28 March 2021

Little Hercules 2009 [alternative name Little Hercules in 3-D] by AverageMansReviews

Little Hercules 2009 [alternative name Little Hercules in 3-D] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects

Storyline: and the pacing is something safe and reliable; yes it is ordinary but it gets a pass from me, because they are doing what they are designed to do.

Action/Art/Comedy/Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry now at some point these components go hand-in-hand; Action & Art; Zeus/Terry "Hulk" Hogan vs. Marduk/Mr. Potter/White in combat in Mountain Olympus or on Earth or in Babylon; yes if anyone is going to watch this film I know the special effects in this project in its entirety are let's just say of the limited budget varieties, but let's take the positives when we get them shall we.

Art individually; we have these astrology elements [at the beginning of the film  and the end over the narration from Socrates/Gould; the narration pops up throughout this film] and this scene of Mount Olympus at the beginning of this film;] these are good. 

We have Little Hercules/Sandrak failing at these PE lessons which are practice [for the annual Fontana Annual Trek Week for Fontana High School vs. Dawson Valley vs. another School but they haven't shown up so they have defaulted that is enough background information,] but I digress; because his Stepmother Hera/Venora she has convinced Zeus/Terry "Hulk" Hogan to take away all of Little Hercules powers so he is 100% mortal [Character development,] so consequently we have this sequence of events of him practicing at these sports and at the final moment Hera/Venora from above somewhere in the realm of Mount Olympus she would magically do something to interfere so it would go badly; this kind of Action and Comedy you would come to expect from this kind of film, but on the whole it does nothing for this project.

Generally speaking I would say just for two examples Diana/Givens and Kevin - this Principle Character/Nelson are from beginning to end or whenever they enter the project; reliably solid Characters/Performers you know they keep things stable with likable on-screen chemistry and they don't drop below a certain standard in their Performances. But there are some occasions where the Characters [Character developments,] Performances and on-screen chemistry are just cringe worthy and ugly; it mostly happens in the first section of the film and slowly gets less and less, but it has a habit of popping up now and again, it just depends where and which characters you have on screen at that time, but again if anyone is going to watch this film the problems I am speaking of here; well it will hit you in the face that is how cringe worthy and just ugly they are.

On a little bit of research we have the Hogan family in this project when this film was made; Zeus/Terry "Hulk" Hogan,  Mrs. Becker/Linda Bollea Hogan [Divorced 2009,] Robin/Brooke Hogan, her role in this film is mind-boggling, she is just basically doing this dancing sequence in the background at this Fontana High School Disco; yes she has a head microphone on but not singing, because the music/singing continues so I have just put it down as dancing with some backing dancers, where she invites Little Hercules/Sandrak and Curtis/Little C/Jefferies to dance, am I the only one thinking that having this fully grown woman and other people on stage dancing and this High School Disco is wrong and finally we have XX/Nick Hogan.

This is speculation on my part but Terry "Hulk" Hogan I get the feeling had may be a hand in getting his entire family at this point in history including Crazy/2 Krayze [he appeared in one episode of the reality TV program Hogan Knows Best 2005-2007as self 2 Krayze.]

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; after everything is said and done this film finds itself at this mark; so if there are any fans of Paul White as Marduk/Mr. Potter or Judd Nelson as Kevin take a look at this film, but I really wouldn't expect too much.

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