Tuesday 23 March 2021

Universal Soldier: The Return 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Universal Soldier: The Return 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/medical component/characters on fire/breaking of the neck/character gets run over. Disclaimer if anyone goes searching for this I will not be held responsible; this will make sense later on.

Storyline/Action/Comedy/Blooper: Storyline & Action including the pacing from the outset these components go hand-in-hand; as we witness this Action sequence of events on water with different vehicles [like for one example jet skies] with Unisols [Universal Soldiers] including Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg in them chasing down Deveraux/Van Damme and Maggie/Tom and this sequence ends on land. This entire sequence was designed to begin this film with hitting the ground running with action sequence with rock music accompanying over it. Generally speaking the Storyline including the pacing is on both counts; reliably solid it knows what it is and it sticks to the plan.

Action, Comedy and Blooper; I will give you two examples; the first example the Blooper comes in here as well; we have this line of Unisols getting sent out to protect this U.S. Government location which are responsible for the UniSol Program. But unfortunately they get shot dead by the US Army, but there is only one problem with this action and it is an ever so slightly little problem really and it is the fact that these Unisols are already dead hence why they are in this program in the first place [Blooper] which you would think General Radford/von Bargen would know this already considering he very recently was in a meeting discussing this Program and Maggie/Tom says how defensively almost impervious they are, so before going into this meeting you would think he would have done some homework on the UniSol Program or at minimum had a closer look to see if at all they have any weaknesses.

We move on these US Soldiers are given orders to go and check on these Unisols to see if they are out of commission. But they aren't they just needed time to come back online as they quickly sit up and begin bringing chaos, quickly followed by standing up as they were not send out to firstly protect this location, that was probably their secondary order, their first order was to destroy the U.S. Army outside of this US Government location.

Now on to the second example; Deveraux/Van Damme and Young/Schanz as they are trying to outrun Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg; Deveraux/Van Damme and Young/Schanz jump off this building into the back of this military vehicle; they quickly get inside and bring this military vehicle forward at the same time Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg has just taken a leap off this building but it is too late to go back which he says "Oh turd" [yes I have slightly adapted what he said, this version is cleaner,] but on hitting the ground Deveraux/Van Damme drives this military vehicle on top of him so it stays on top of him, they run off with the viewers seeing Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg arm/hand bent out of shape with the back wheel of this military vehicle situated on top of Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg's face/head with these somewhat muffled words of "I really hate that guy" [very much out of the Looney Tunes style of comedy.]

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry they are likewise reliably solid. For one example; Self-Evolving Thought Helix or better known as S.E.T.H./White, the viewers can understand why he is angry, as you can read; they gave him the ability to evolve and think for himself so he does. I can't tell you too much more than that, because that would be giving too much of the film away, but when or if you come to watch this film it will become quickly crystal clear.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this film is just a solidly good Science-fiction Action film project; yes we get to see Romeo Unisol 2500/Goldberg performs his version/signature wrestling move the Speer also he is in the soundtrack to this film music video and Deveraux/Van Damme is as well Disclaimer: if anyone should go looking for this I will not be held responsible; Megadeth Crush 'em; in this case I have just said this so I don't have any come back if any.

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