Sunday 21 March 2021

The Doorman 2020 by AverageMansReviews

The Doorman 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Medical Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing in the leg/stabbing in the neck/shooting in the head/electrocution/drugs/vomiting/character on fire/character decapitated. Medical Disclaimer; I am not a medical professional, so any advice I dictate is just universal advice and any action taken on that advice I will not be held responsible for.

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and why leave things on a question-mark style ending for an ending? [I will be discussing this again later on] but for now moving on to the pacing is well what can I say about it; it moves that is all I can say about that really.

Action/Art: we have Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose running - exercising on her way to this potentially new job across [on a little bit of research] seems to be Brooklyn Bridge.

Action individually; yes we have the usual weapons being used, combat but for one example we have Max/Feder sending a Morse code to Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose using the Department building intercom system [using the sound effect and bleeps of the red light; yes it is one of those intercom systems where you have to keep your finger down and then speak or I'm pretty sure that is what it is; the viewers can see what is being sent with the Morse code on-screen.]

Art individually; we have this very pretty cat in this project; his character name is Jesper; all these things can be seen as on the positive side.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all three of these components go hand-in-hand here; I really have a problem with how the PTSD haracter component of Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose is used in this film and yes I don't suffer from PTSD, but however I do have a mental health illness with let's just say for arguments sake and this review lots of experience.

So let's talk about the common misconceptions; I am just going to say this because we are here; because you are feeling depressed for a little while that doesn't make you suffer from depression or a mental illness [if the patent repeats; talk to somebody or go and seek medical advice - just in case I refer you back to my Medical disclaimer.]

Onto the second misconception; back to this film because Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose is seemingly taking medication for it [just to cover my back this could be speculation on my part; yes she is taking something but it is most probably for this but we can't be sure.] But because she is doing this it doesn't mean her mental health is going to be under control or behave itself. On to the third and final misconception and yes this is connected to the second misconception; you cannot switch it on and off as it strikes Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose twice in this film and for the rest of the film I was thinking "Okay where is the PTSD it should be making itself known or you know it should be elements of her struggling to concentrate" and don't give me "Well she is focusing on what she is focusing on and mental health affects us all in different ways" that is true but it is also a massive copout because she may as well not have PTSD that is how much she doesn't show it.

Professor Jon Stanton/Evans and Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose; I can't be the only one that found these Character developments to be in bad taste; all I can say without giving too much away is someone important has gone in both of their lives and now they could be potentially be free to be together, it comes across after this film as like the character which is no longer here isn't that important; this has I have already said is in bad taste, but then again all of these Characters/Performances including on-screen chemistry are very generic; the only on-screen chemistry which is good is Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose & Nira/Androne or Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose & Uncle Pat or Gunnery Sergeant Ali Gorski/Ali/Rose & Lily Stanton/Cassidy.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; well that isn't strictly true what we have here is a film which could be put in a higher section of my marking system, but that would be a questionable placing, so I went for the mark consequently the section of my marking system I felt sure of; on the whole it is just a very generic film, once again this is speculation; but if it had some or any get up and go to it we may be looking at something higher; Jean Reno is in this film as Victor Dubois; so if there are any fans of him are indeed Ruby Rose take a look at this film, but I really wouldn't expect too much.

When I saw this I did laugh as of this Review/Blog; Nominated for an Award; St. Louis Film Critics Association 2021; SLFCA Award; Worst Film of the Year. So without speaking for them I'm pretty sure they didn't like this film then?


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