Monday 29 March 2021

Escape Plan 3 2019 [alternative name Escape Plan: The Extractors] by AverageMansReviews

Escape Plan 3 2019 [alternative name Escape Plan: The Extractors] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/shooting in the neck/cutting of the neck/weapon through the neck/breaking of bones/stabbing

Storyline/Characters/Performances/Comedy: now all of these should have been something safe and reliable; as the Storyline is of revenge the Characters [Character developments] and Performances follow their Character types and on-screen chemistry to their formula. But here is the colossal problem if you're going to do things like this; yes everything may be safe and reliable, but if the pacing is so, so slow as it is in this project. Basically what they have done here is build a house of cards and because the pacing is nowhere near quick enough to grab their viewers; the house of cards is collapsing in on itself even the Comedy elements are deadpan which it is, but because of how this film is it feels weird to have this comedy element here [where we have DeRosa/Batista meeting/talking to Yung/Shum, Jr. losing an asset Daya Zhang/Jow,] it's like 99% of the time serious and you have three elements of Comedy; the second one is DeRosa/Batista giving off the impression as he takes off some of his gear "This individual is going to give me a challenge." this moment of comedy is okay vs. Ralf/de Groot and finally someone gets left behind right at the end of the film, I would like to be a little bit more specific I can't see his face fully and more importantly I really couldn't give two dumplings.

Action: the only Action sequence I can point out as a positive [you know when I was foolishly hoping this film is going to be good,] is where we have Friend/Lo/Zhang taking on these Security Guards at Breslin Security [he wants to talk to Breslin/Stallone but he declines; so he gets his Security to attempt to remove Friend/Lo/Zhang,] but this doesn't exactly go according to plan as he puts umbrella to posterior.

Art: there are a small amount scenes where the weather is involving the Sun and one by evening heading into night or night [incoming jet with our Characters/Performers returning home;] these look good.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; I mean if there are any fans of Batista as DeRosa out there in Internet land take a look at this film, but be warned he has a limited role in this sequel and somehow this project has been Nominated an Award; Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA 2020, Golden Reel Award; Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing - Sound Effects, Foley, Music, Dialogue and ADR for Non-Theatrical Feature Film Broadcast Media; David Barber [supervising sound editor,] Roland N. Thai [sound designer,] George Haddad [sound effects editor, Michael Kreple [adr editor,] David Kitchens [foley editor,] Gonzalo Espinoza [foley artist] and Ben Zarai [music editor.]

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