Friday 26 March 2021

Wagons East 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Wagons East 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/adult and or dark comedy elements just to cover my back I put these two descriptions here because whatever way you want to see it; it as one or both of these things/impaling/shooting in the back of the head/broken arm.

Storyline/Characters/Performances: including the pacing and on-screen chemistry these all go hand-in-hand in this film in one way or another. The storyline is something safe, reliable and entertaining; the pacing is also something safe and reliable, but this is why I have grouped these components together; now I am not disrespecting any other Character/Performer, because everyone pulls together to make this film good, so there is good Character developments and on-screen chemistry. But this film does need the presence of John Candy as James Harlow to get this film going properly; yes the film still moves at a good pace when he leaves the convoy of settlers for a short time, the film still moves really well, but let's just say at the beginning it needs a kick-start and I know I am going to make myself sound old here, but my generation of the 1980's and older generations know precisely what Candy can bring to the table, which in this particular role is this heavy drinker when he drinks; Wagon Master [in short someone that leads this convoy of settlers to their destination;] he has a deep dark secret.

Action/Comedy: here is one example of these components going hand-in-hand; Slade/Lauter without giving too much away in short has to stop this convoy of settlers; he is the human version of the Wile E. Coyote as the traps he sets don't go according to plan and it backfires on him.

Art: there are some eye-catching scenes of the sun going down with clouds with our convoy of settlers still riding or this night scene where there is this moon in the background where our convoy has stopped and set up for the evening or just in case I have missed something out generally speaking the scenery is really good in this film.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; if there are any fans of John Candy out there in Internet land, take a look at this film as my marking would suggest it is a solidly good film and on a quick side note depending on what project I'm dealing with is depending what kind of approach I will take on it, so for a rough example, because I have mentioned Action/Comedy going hand-in-hand in this project didn't seem much point of me pointing out there are weapons being used, because that isn’t interesting [yes I'm aware I have just pointed it out.] Basically it gives me a little bit more flexibility to pick and choose what I put in my Reviews/Blogs, that isn’t to say I will not use this line or others lines similar to this now or in the future, it just depends what I have to work with at that time really.]

John Candy died whilst making this film; RIP John Candy you larger-than-life performer and person your projects will keep the future generations  laughing for generations to come providing they aren’t too uptight and learn to relax a little, but either way you will be always remembered.

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