Tuesday 30 March 2021

Big Trouble in Little China 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Big Trouble in Little China 1986 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/human trafficking/breaking of bones/stabbing/kamikaze/exploding body/feeding/drugs

Storyline: it is good, but we never find out what happens after this event; at the beginning of this film we have Shen/Victor Wong telling this potential Lawyer what happened [with his Stenographer/possibly Secretary in the background,] because it looks like in the aftermath there is going to be this court case; so this project uses the formula of storyteller or that is what I think they were going for in this section and then the film begins normally; the pacing is likewise good.

Action/Comedy/Art: in one way or another these three components go hand-in-hand in one way or another. Action/Comedy; Burton/Russell going backwards down this long slope in this old-fashioned manual wheelchair yelling all the way [passed these two ally Characters/Performers Chi/Dun  and Lee/Li closing and locking this door to keep Thunder/Carter Wong inside this location - he is a member of this trio known as The Storms alongside Rain/Kwong  & Lightening/Pax which serve David Lo Pan/Lo Pan/Hong.] But I digress continuing with Burton/Russell on his way down he takes out to henchmen [which Chi/Dun  and Lee/Li scavenge for weapons] continuing with Burton/Russell; he goes through this barricade [this would indicate there is danger past this point] eventually stops with the two back smaller wheels going over what seems to be this old dilapidated water well, so Burton/Russell very quickly makes the decision yet very slowly physically to push himself in this wheelchair up just enough so he can get a solid foot back onto ground/get out of the wheelchair with a wheelchair meeting a very unpleasant ending with going down this well; a moment later coming back up this slope with Chi/Dun  saying "Great work Jack." With Burton/Russell replying "Yeah, yeah" with the mannerisms and body language to illustrate "That was a breeze I was in complete control of the situation."

Action/Art; Shen/Victor Wong vs. David Lo Pan/Lo Pan/Hong in this mystical battle where in a nutshell as these two characters understand and use mystical powers; we have a short mystical one-on-one battles sequence where they engage in creating this power sphere from energy from their fingers [Shen/Victor Wong power beam being purple and  David Lo Pan/Lo Pan/Hong power beam being green] within this power sphere we have these two other mystical representations of there being doing physical combat; this is excellent imagination and creativity but my only nitpick would be I would have liked to see it go on a little bit longer.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all of these components are good; now I have no doubt I will probably receive some form of backlash from the younger generations that love to press that panic button of things you can and cannot say in today's world; in fact I am surprised that; that their button hasn't been smashed into their tables from pressing it too hard and too often with the smallest detail, but what the hell I'm going to say these things anyway. In this film we have this culture divide not only between the Asian community [the Chang Sing and Wing Kong,] but with Burton/Russell as he is a self-assured Caucasian American which has no idea what he is about to walk into; he also represents the viewers from this perspective he asks the questions that we would probably ask if we were in that situation as well.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that you need to see once in your lifetime, if there are any fans of the Sex and the City franchise Kim Cattrall is in this film as Gracie Law and on a quick side note looking on the cast uncredited I found out; the Director/Soundtrack John Carpenter was in this film as a   Worker in Chinatown and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Wing Kong Man - Extra; this film has two Awards credited to its name Winner; Urban Action Showcase And Expo 2016; Urban Action Showcase Martial 





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