Monday 22 March 2021

Knucklehead 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Knucklehead 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/human trafficking/bodily functions/medical element

Storyline: and the pacing are on both counts something safe and reliable.

Comedy/Characters/Action/Performances: now in one way or another these components including the on-screen chemistry all go hand-in-hand in one way or another. In this particular sequence of events we have Eddie Sullivan/Feuerstein giving Krunk/The Big Show most probably false information [we never find out] about his opponent, to get Krunk/The Big Show him in the right frame of mind for this match or at the very least to get him to release the beast from within, whilst they are sitting in Mad Milton/Thompson [the runner of this backyard combat established, I should point out it he is roughly only about 10 years old.] So whilst we have this going on in his house, Mad Milton/Thompson is setting up the final match for this Event which has Krunk/The Big Show vs. this individual already in the ring and Mad Milton/Thompson is telling his audience to basically clean-up after themselves.

Unfortunately what was not a part of the plan was Mad Milton's Father comes home and rumbles this Event which no surprise he is far, far from happy with what is going on in his backyard. But Mad Milton/Thompson didn't tell Eddie Sullivan/Feuerstein, Krunk/The Big Show or Mary/Hardin that the match is off.

So in a fit of rage Krunk/The Big Show comes out with great speed [this sequence hits the slow-motion button] and Krunk/The Big Show rushes who he thinks is his opponent which as far as he is aware is a bad guy, but in reality it is Mad Milton's Father; with this spear through this fence. Krunk/The Big Show stands up and turns around giving this roar with him raising his arm and fist saying "You're reign of terror is over." With these kids celebrating, Sullivan/Feuerstein recording everything on this camera so this footage can go viral with Mary/Hardin on his left side.

Characters & Performances including on-screen chemistry; this is all likewise something safe and reliable; from the perspective of Krunk/The Big Show being in this Orphanage [Head Nun Sister Francesca/Sister Francesca] for his entire life up to this point so his life has been sheltered, so he is a good guy but naïve; unlike the other two Sullivan/Feuerstein and Mary/Hardin they have both experienced life; Sullivan/Feuerstein is in big trouble so he asks for help up above and he gets sent a big guardian angel in the form of Krunk/The Big Show and for Mary/Hardin; she was heading down a dark path until the Nuns, the Orphanage and she sees Krunk/The Big Show like a big brother.

Art: Visually there are these scenes with clouds in and Sound we have this Band playing with a vocalist.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; this is one of those films that you could put on; on a Sunday afternoon and watch it with your family, you know it ticks all the criteria to fulfil that purpose, I found it funny when on this Coach, Krunk/The Big Show had to go to the toilet, but then again I quickly stopped finding it funny when this joke went too far where they had to get the Firefighters and the Police Officer out to pull Krunk/The Big Show off this toilet and then after everything is said and done our trio seemingly were not allowed back on this Coach as they had to walk. I mean the more time I spend thinking about this the more time I think this was unnecessary, because we get it he is a big man so consequently he would possibly have issues with average size facilities and things of this nature, so this was an unpleasant sequence of events, but moving on it may help if you're viewing audience were into wrestling [specifically WWE as this project comes from their studio WWE Studios] and yes because of this I have used the name The Big Show and yes I know he has recently left this company and headed to AEW [All Elite Wrestling] and uses his real name Paul Wight.

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