Wednesday 31 March 2021

Armageddon 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Armageddon 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental component/medical element/suicide

Storyline: it is good, I would say generally speaking the pacing is good also, but some time later on for a little while it does feel a little bit leggy as if it is running a marathon and it needs to break through the wall and find its second wind which it does; it is worthwhile pointing out that this project is roughly 151 minutes long.

All the other components go hand-in-hand in this film: I had spent a little time thinking how to dictate this; so I just went with this [yes there are individual elements but I have never discussed every little detail and I want to try and leave the smallest details out of my Reviews/Blogs; basically it is more up to my discretion/it gives me more flexibility, so you may see a little detail here and there but if I miss it out not a big deal.] So let's go on to [Action & Art:] we have these asteroid components in outer space destroying this mission to repair this satellite; it is deadly but beautiful to see these asteroid components going across and unfortunately heading towards Earth.

[Action, Comedy, Characters and Performances including the on-screen chemistry:] in short Harry S. Stamper/Willis [Stepfather/Owner of Stamper Oil-Rig/unknowing of this situation; relationship until now the second] is stalking Frost/Affleck [Grace Stamper's boyfriend and employee of Harry S. Stamper] with a shotgun on this oil-rig, so it wouldn't be a good idea to fire it, but he does as we have some characters/performers trying to be the voices of reason [Chick/Patton and Rockhound/Buscemi] or Bear/Clark being a momentarily roadblock not to get involved but basically to give Frost/Affleck a fighting chance and over all of this we have Grace Stamper/Tyler [Stepdaughter/employee/Frost's girlfriend] giving this in a nutshell you can't control my life speech.

This clearly shows Action, Comedy, Characters and Performances including on-screen chemistry; now I will talk about the Comedy and so on from this point in this list; because it comes across as the Crew in its entirety has this dysfunctional yet functional family atmosphere and tone a majority of the time, unless they have to be serious at work or dealing with a serious topic, but other than that they will do things or discuss things they shouldn't [it is like being back in High School in the back of the classroom that kind of stuff,] but as I have illustrated when it is game time they are focused on the game; which a little bit of this makes sense, because if you are in a potentially life-threatening and highly dangerous situation you are going to be focused on work and everything else that comes with that, but when you are on dry land you're going to release that pressure valve.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; it should be seen at least once in your lifetime. It has Won 15 Awards; Nominated for 36 Awards and Nominated for 4 Oscars in 1999 and finally Arrowsmith with the soundtrack to this project/song "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" this song is the Band's only Number 1 [Steven - Vocalist and Liv Tyler are real life Father and Daughter.]




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