Friday, 31 July 2020

Pistol Whipped 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Pistol Whipped 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing of the neck

Storyline: on both counts the storyline and the pacing of this film is something safe and reliable. On a quick side note this film does show elements of the final section of this project in between the opening credits, but it does this really strange thing of doing it either in reverse or how it should be but in slow motion including switching from black-and-white back to normal a colour project but for any of this. I just don't like it; it is just unnecessary and confusing, because just to cover my back I know an element of this is in reverse but I'm not sure about the rest in short it is weird and pointless.

Action/Art/Comedy: now there is this scene in this project where the action and art go hand-in-hand; it is where our lead character/performer [Conlin/Segal] is practicing shooting these Birthday Candles, when we get to the final two candles the viewers can see what he was trying to do which was set the candles alight without destroying the candles themselves.

Now individually there are weapons being used, combat and those kinds of things including such things as Poker [No limit Texas hold 'em] and Mahjong in another scene, we also have Ten-pin bowling going on in the same location as the Mahjong

Art; the viewers have this supporting character/performer [The Old Man/Henriksen] he is sitting in this abandoned Theatre he is sitting on/in the first level after meeting Conlin/Segal for the first time, he makes this paper airplane and he sends it flying, because of where he is sitting it gives the viewers a small yet decent amount of time to watch this paper airplane go on a little journey, there are some good scenes in this aquarium and finally moving on to the comedy for one example we have Conlin/Segal saying to his Daughter Becky/Jordan "You coulder like at least play innocent next time." Becky/Jordan "Innocent?" Conlin/Segal "Yeah" Becky/Jordan replies "I am your Daughter daddy." Conlin/Segal replies "You've got a good point." As to imply that being innocent doesn't exactly run in the family.

Characters/Performances: on all accounts including the on-screen chemistry they either feel like they are the stand versions of their characters or the performances feel like they are just doing their job, don't get me wrong there is on-screen chemistry between Conlin/Segal and Becky/Jordan but for all the rest my previous comments stand.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; I mean it is a solid film but for me it has more than enough not to be in the poor bracket, but not convincingly enough for anything higher.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Hard Night Falling 2019/2020 by AverageMansReviews

Hard Night Falling 2019/2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing of the neck/medical procedure

Storyline: it is poor; in theory it should have been something straightforward there is a good possibility or a very high percentage you have seen a project like this before;] these criminals take over this location and hold these characters for basically ransom or something like that [yes that old chestnut.] I don't know what went wrong here; maybe the pacing is the problem; it is either short-term quick and messy in the beginning or tediously slow and messy in its movements for the rest of the project [when this film begins at this well-dressed dinner event type thing,] but either singly or together there is enough blame to go around as it relates to this version of this storyline or the pacing.

Action/Bloopers: these two components work hand-in-hand in this project and on one hand you will see this is a good thing and on the other hand not a good thing. So there are these sniper elements these are the only elements that I can really point out as good [I mean good as far as it relates to the rest of the action sequences in this film.]

But these two snipers are terrible at their job [be it henchman or good guy character,] because they don't take their targets out permanently with one shot, so epic fail, because this sniper henchman which is unaware of Frank/Scarduzio, so he gets shot by Frank/Scarduzio; the henchman character/performer gets up some time later, yes he does look and sound like he doesn't have much time left; he has just enough time to return the favour to Frank/Scarduzio as he is also unaware of this henchman character/performer as he is running across this scene, so this henchman character/performer shoots Frank/Scarduzio from up high from where he is, but doesn't kill him [I know this henchman sniper is dying at this point, but still he should have permanently eliminated his target.]

Art/Comedy: so we have on both counts a drop of art be it the two massive lights one on each side facing this building which eliminates it or we have Goro/Yamanouchi singing; moving on to the comedy; I have interpreted these two elements as attempts of comedy based on they feel like it and look like it; we the viewers have Emma/Burn trying to diffuse this bomb by the end of this event there is just one second remaining on the timer and the other begins right at the end of the film and finishes right at the end of the film that is as much as I can say because I don't want to give too much away.

Characters/Performances: they feel and look like they are just doing what they are designed to do [as it relates to their character types] or performances, don't get me wrong when Emma/Burn is sorting out Anderson/Lundgren's tie or when Emma/Burn is yet playing dead, but she gives Anderson/Lundgren a sign; she is alive  this on screen chemistry on these two counts feels natural and on reflection Goro/Yamanouchi is an old-fashioned yet safe and reliable criminal leader character type [this is one of those performances that in a better project, they could have got more out of this character/performer;] but other than that it feels like/looks like we are just going through the motions with these character types and on-screen connections as in they are; what they are end of story.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; I really lost interest in this film and on a quick side note there is more than enough of other languages being used to justify subtitles.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Pitch Black 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Pitch Black 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects and colourful effects in this film

Storyline/Characters/Comedy/Performances: it is good; the pacing of this project is depending on if Riddick/Diesel is on screen or not basically he is the driving force behind this film in every sense of the word.

He is a very well-rounded character; be it when he tells you if he has killed someone or not [meaning if he killed somebody he would tell you straight up] or being comical watching things go down from this high up location [whilst he is sitting down in this chair having a drink under this small umbrella or basically Ogilvie/Fitz-Gerald drops this expensive bottle of drink and it rolls to Riddick/Diesel; Riddick/Diesel introduces himself with a handshake including the words "Escaped con and murderer"[because Ogilvie/Fitz-Gerald told us/Riddick/Diesel what his field or speciality is and he offers the handshake first] and proceeds to finish off the bottle; it does feel like in this interaction there is a comical edge to it as well on one hand we have Riddick/Diesel treating this interaction as an everyday occurrence mixed in with Ogilvie/Fitz-Gerald clearly being intimidated and frightened of Riddick/Diesel.

Riddick/Diesel does create good on-screen chemistry with everyone is well, so let's minus Riddick/Diesel for a moment; the pacing is slow and the other characters/performers are their solid character types/performances; they do their job they are designed to do.

Action/Art: the action has weapons being used and combat; the art is easy to see; the landscape on this Planet or these many close-ups of Saturn; they are very eye catching you wouldn't be able to miss them.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; I mean without Riddick/Diesel on-screen this film does suffer, but all things considered a lesser mark feels a little bit harsh so I just went with the one which is easier to justify.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Dark Waters 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Dark Waters 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is an environment component/animal cruelty

Storyline: it is good; likewise the pacing of this project is well structured it is always moving at a good pace.

Art/Comedy: there are a small amount of good-looking scenes and a band playing their instruments or a person singing and playing her acoustic guitar. Moving on to the comedy there is a sprinkling; a very fine sprinkling of comedy in this project for one small example; where one of our characters/performers wants to know the meaning of a word [I can't put that word here in this review,] you will know it; when you come across it in this film, but all I can say is; you are hearing out for the name of Maryland Munro in this scene after this question gets asked.

Character developments/Performances: including on-screen chemistry they are all very good; in particular Mr. and Mrs. Bilott [Ruffalo and Hathaway,] now individually or together these two performers bring drive and determination to this film in two different ways. On one hand we have Mr. Bilott/Ruffalo fighting tooth and nail for these cases and these people, whilst Mrs. Bilott/Hathaway is looking after the family, being there for her husband and will stand up and fight for her husband as this film will show [I should just point out before having children she was a Lawyer in her own right as well.]

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good: now this mark is going to need some explaining, I would have given this film a higher mark, but it has this small element which I have deemed one step too far; so much so and without putting it here; I asked the person I was watching this film with "Did we just see from that perspective?" She said "Yes."

I mean these scenes are never nice to see, but seeing it even for a second or less than; I don't care from this perspective is and was completely unnecessary and it does spoil the film somewhat, because this is one of those occasions where you could be or are thinking back to it either during the film or after it, so this project finds itself at this mark.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

The Tracker 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Tracker 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/cutting of neck

Storyline: it is okay; well I say that I had one problem with this film and yes I would say this film has a component altogether which uses another language, so as I have never hidden the fact I am dyslexic I had to keep stopping or rewinding this film to read the subtitles [for those that have reading difficulties or learning difficulties such as my yes the text is big enough, but sometimes it may clash slightly into the background because someone had the bright idea to use white text.] On a quick side note I do miss the old-fashioned text in a black box or something like this; because as I have gotten older I have come to realize what that does for me is; it divides the text from the scene which makes it easier to read, yes I may have to still stop the film to read it, but it makes things much easier for me.

But I digress; based on everything I have said in this review so far I don't feel overly right criticizing the pacing of this film, but what I can say is this; when I can watch the film free-flowingly; the beginning feels very quick and very messy and for the rest of it still under when I can watch this film free-flowingly it is okay [just so it saves me repeating myself anymore let's work under the theory of when I can watch this film free-flowingly in this review.]

Action/Art: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing; for one small example our supporting character/performer Graziani/Mazzoli drops this live hand grenade down and consequently this explosion happens. Moving on to the art; here is something for you to look out for; there are some skies that will capture your attention.

Characters/Performances: they feel something solid which in turn makes these performances as are doing their job.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; even though I had problems with the change in languages and the subtitles; there isn't much here for me to work with; in short for an example something like this; off the top of my head, because I haven't seen this film for a long time in fact, I need to review this film under this name, but what I remember and after looking at a little bit of the trailer The Raid: Redemption 2011 [alternative name Serbuan maut] is a great example of what I mean okay; I still had a problem with the subtitles but there was plenty of things happening in it for me to work with.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Hitman Redemption 2018 [alternative name Archer] by AverageMansReviews

Hitman Redemption 2018 [alternative name Archer] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is a component of dementia in this film.

Storyline: it is good; the pacing is something safe and reliable.

Action/Comedy/Art: now I will give you one example of the action and the comedy which goes hand-in-hand: our lead role Archer/Perlman goes up to his target's front door and blows some smoke from his cigarette up at the fire alarm/sprinkler system and opens up his umbrella with his gun drawn, waiting for his target to open the door to see what is happening, consequently Archer/Perlman shoots his target. If you're wondering what could happen if this sequence went wrong, will Archer/Perlman does this sequence again but in a different situation and the viewers will see what could possibly go wrong, there are scenes of just action and one very tiny element of just comedy as well and there are some good looking scenes as well.

Characters/Performances: they are good on both counts generally speaking with the character types you get these reliable performances and on screen chemistry; but now we come to Archer/Perlman as he knows his shelf life is coming to an end in his profession and Sophie/Janssen is going through a rough time with her parent [Dora/Bisset,] so you get this sense of relief and comfort from these two characters/performers the more time they spend around one another and strangely enough when they need each other they are always there for one another, so this is very good on-screen chemistry; yes Archer/Perlman and Avi/Dreyfuss have very good on screen chemistry as well, but there is just one little problem; we only have a very small amount of scenes of them working off one another; in a nutshell there is so much; so, so much unused potential here.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; without Archer/Perlman and Sophie/Janssen individually or together this film would have really struggled.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Serendipity 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Serendipity 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Storyline/Characters/Performers: in one way or another these three components go hand-in-hand as the storyline and the character developments of our lead partnership of Trager/Cusack and Thomas/Beckinsale give Serendipity [this means chance] a go; well having said that Thomas/Beckinsale is more into this kind of thing to begin with whilst Trager/Cusack comes over as not a free spirit, I hasten to add at this point in the film these two characters are in two separate relationships. So the character developments, performances and on-screen chemistry are all good; in particular our lead partnership of Trager/Cusack and Thomas/Beckinsale [I should just point out even though I have said lead partnership; they are roughly together for a segment or a little bit more of this film in total] and just to finish off this section the pacing is something safe and reliable from beginning to end.

Art/Comedy: here is a small selection of the art; there is this ice-skating/skating ring [depending on the time of year] or these quickly forward rotating scenes watching these clouds move across the sky or these shadows moving around this large sundial and this band playing. Moving on to the comedy; here is another small selection involving this character/performer Bloomingdale's Salesman/Levy [Eugene Levy is synonymous with the American Pie franchise as Jim's Dad,] but expect comedy when you see this character/performer; all these things are good.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; I had never seen this film until now as I have already said it is a good film, this is one of those titles that is good for a romantic night in with your partner and a take away, it doesn't have much of a repeat viewing factor about it; but having said that if the individual I was with wanted to watch it or have a romantic night in with someone I would watch it again.

Monday, 20 July 2020

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation 2020 by AverageMansReviews

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colorful effects/breaking of body parts

Storyline: it is good; on both counts the storyline and the pacing knows what they are doing and they stick to the plan.

Action/Comedy: in this project these two components sometimes go hand-in-hand; like for one example we have this small unit under fire from this unknown sniper, so our lead character/performer Gold/Bennett basically has the idea/plan for someone to drawer their fire; which the viewers have this silence as everyone in this scene is looking at their very important package [Teague/Jones] I can't say what he says, but let's just say he gets unwillingly used.

Art/Blooper: there are a small number of eye-catching skies for you to look out for; moving on to the blooper; this character/performer Quaid/Durden gets hit in the back of the head by a brick from Teague/Jones standing behind her whilst she is doing combat with Lynch/Robinson-Galvin underneath her and she no sells [this is a wrestling terminology; it means to not act as if you are hurt,] as it relates to this sequence she just quickly gets back up as if she hadn't been hit in the back of the head with a brick.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry as well this is all good, I mean from an action film perspective these are the character developments that have stood the test of time, I am not in any way shape or form disrespecting them, just filling out this paragraph a little bit more really.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that clearly knows what it is and delivers on it. I should point out two things; if there are any wrestling fans out there in Internet land of Bennett a.k.a. WWE's Wade Barrett/other personas within the WWE/outside of this company [he uses his real name like he has done for this film Stu Bennett,] take a look at this film and the second thing is; on some research it looks like I have made a tiny error, this is a sequel to I Am Vengeance 2018 [alternative name Vengeance;] Whoops never mind, I just saw this now sequel floating around on a rental services, so I apologize for any inconvenience.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 21 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 21 by AverageMansReview

WWE: so where should I begin; I know how about using the tagline "The Horror Show [or wherever they want to place it,] in their latest pay-per-view The Horror Show At Extreme Rules 2020. I can't be the only one thinking this is in bad taste considering behind-the-scenes of this company they haven't been dealing with this global situation properly until quite recently, so this horror show is of their own making; great exploitation here; how about informing everyone that works for this company they cannot make it public knowledge that they have this virus, because they want to control the PR, I find this to be incredibly rich; based on the grounds that more than likely they had been infected whilst working for this company, you know this company that made wrestling an essential business. As I have just said only until quite recently been taking this global situation seriously with testing and other things, it is a very good thing I don't work for this company because they couldn't pay me enough to keep my mouth shut [that isn't strictly true give me 55% control over the WWE and that would cover it] or fire me I don't care either way I win, I am out of a dangerous situation.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn; individually these are the types of people that the WWE should be pushing based on what they represent on one hand we have Owens that has been on top of this global situation outside of this company dealing with personal circumstances, giving universal advice in this video clip and inside this company trying to make things much safer with going straight to the top of this company and talking to Mr. McMahon [giving him an ultimatum, hence why you now see their manufactured audience wearing protection.]

Then on the other hand Sami Zayn does campaigning for; Sami For Syria and I watched his latest updated video clip message; it got me thinking and wondering if Sami can handle himself in this manner outside of the ring, why hasn't or why shouldn't the WWE give him or let him suggest a gimmick where he can use these talents [I want to make something absolutely 110% crystal clear I am not talking about exploiting his campaigning, I'm just talking about taking a template of this version of how he handles himself in front of the camera, because if between Zayn and this company they could turn him into a top Mid-Card or Main Event star somewhere between these two sections when he returns to this company [like what happened with Becky Lynch and The Marine 6: Close Quarters 2018 with her finding this persona which completely changed her career,] full disclosure I haven't seen this film yet, but of what I know which I could be wrong [just to cover my back I apologize if I am wrong] she discovered it here; but I just want to state this one more time not to exploit Sami For Syria I am NOT suggesting that in the slightest.

Jeff Hardy: now back to our regular scheduled programming of the WWE exploiting something for their own personal gains. Usually I would be a little bit more reserved but seriously WWE what the hell are you doing?! No seriously what the hell are you doing?! Everybody knows around the wrestling industry that Hardy has substance abuse issues and he has unfortunately been battling with them for countless years.

So why the hell are you putting him in a feud with Sheamus [which because he is Irish he likes to drink, apologies for the stereotype,] but more importantly base feud around Hardy's personal substance abuse issues oh yes and not forgetting the hit-and-run as well, oh yes I almost completely forgot as well having a Bar Fight on next week's SmackDown; what a touch of class you have WWE Not!

If at some point in the future we find out that Hardy has relapsed a lot of questions will be asked of this entire feud; it is just donkey diarrhea for me as I have already said everyone knows that Jeff Hardy has substance abuse issues, anyone with two brain cells knows that in short this company are just playing with fire; but as long as you make money, money, money that is all that matters isn't that right Mr. McMahon?

Now on to my next topic; but for this topic I want to make this known; I am not deliberately finding fault; this is just something that is irritating me and it is a fair question [all of this will make sense in a second.]

Now mostly all the Women's Divisions are getting time to shine on the Main Rosters which of what I have heard is going down exceedingly well. But here is the thing that is irritating me and there will be some of you out there that will say "Fair point."

Would these Divisions be getting time to shine if Charlotte was still around? Yes she and many others have done a lot for women's wrestling in the WWE over these modern times, but over more recent times she hasn't exactly been willing to put over people; like there was no reason for her to win this year's Royal Rumble other than the WWE owing her which everyone knows that this opportunity should have gone to Shayna Baszler.

I mean now this company have focused on major parts of their Women's Divisions don't revert back to it just being about Charlotte or Lynch if or when they return or as it relates to Lynch if at all [her future is unknown at this time.]

Well if the WWE are not careful they are going to undo everything that these women have worked so hard for; what the hell WWE segments like the Karaoke Showdown were not fun or interesting back in the day in the late 90's and beyond until this company had the second version of the women's revolution [yes I am making reference to the TNA/Impact Wrestling's version which was the first version;] so what makes you think they will hold any value in 2020 [Winner if you can call her that, because no one wins here is Naomi and then to have her lose on this past week on SmackDown [I have seen individually the abbreviated versions of this segment and match;] just release Naomi; because she isn't going to fulfil her full potential currently or any time soon at the WWE and she deserves so, so much better treatment. I would happily like to see her in AEW; I will leave this section like this; would they even think of putting Charlotte or Lynch in this segment if they were around? The obvious response is a very clear and precise "Hell No!" So why do it to any of these characters/performers in this segment in the first place?!

All Elite Wrestling: before I begin I would like to state that I know this has a very low percentage of happening [I don't feel comfortable saying it will never happen, because in the world of professional wrestling things can be unpredictable.]

But now I have gotten that out of the way with I don't want CM Punk anywhere near this company because yes I don't know his contract demands, but it is/was common knowledge that it was lots of money and he just isn't worth that; considering his time in UFC [two fights and two losses on his record] or on WWE Backstage [limited schedule of appearances; which this TV program has now been cancelled.]

I just get this feeling wherever he lands next he is just going to be a lightning rod for problems, so he could very easily upset people backstage which this is just speculation which if things are okay here I really wouldn't want to upset this and I don't think he is anywhere near the same CM Punk [forget the money aspect for a minute,] that a wrestling company could justify taking a risk with him.

I mean for me right now there is only one wrestler that is worth a massive contract and that is Bray Wyatt and this contract wouldn't be a usual wrestling contract, I would want him to be a wrestler/producer/high-ranking backstage personnel, because he is highly creative so I would want to unleash that.

I agree with them not trying to break the bank to get talent or on-screen characters through the door and hopefully [this is just speculation again because I don't know,] but it won't upset the backstage atmosphere too much, getting people in with the same drive to get AEW moving forward, to show what these individuals have to offer and contracts and money second like for an example if you have ever felt like we missed out on what a physical Sister Abigail from WWE should have been like? Well wonder no more AEW have recently signed the bizarre and highly dangerous Abadon "The Living Dead Girl" and of what I've seen in one short match on AEW: Dynamite she brings most definitely something different to the table [I should give a small, ever so small warning this character is not children friendly; you will understand this more when you see her or see her in action.]

The reason why I agree with the way AEW are doing things; is because I don't want another WCW situation so I would prefer them to take things nice and slowly and sensibly by getting in younger talent and let them develop with some recognizable names to begin with, so years down the line they can repeat the circle where the younger talent has now become the recognizable names and bringing the younger generations through at that time; obviously in the meantime if any recognizable talent or personnel want to come aboard and fit into what they are doing; that is excellent, I mean let's be honest besides the WWE if any wrestling company can just keep going through this very difficult time in this global situation; the good days will return again sometime soon.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Extreme Rules 2020 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Extreme Rules 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Just a quick heads up:  after some research; the Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus Bar Fight match is not taking place at this pay-per-view, but instead next week's SmackDown

Kevin Owens vs. Buddy Murphy: my pick is Kevin Owens; so I just have one excellent question; what the hell is this high quality match doing on the kickoff show? Why didn't they put Aleister Black in the mix and make it a Triple Threat Ladder Match [Winner to receive a WWE Championship match at Clash of Champions or the next pay-per-view after SummerSlam] on the Main Card and put the Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro vs. the SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day Tables Match here, because looking at the Card this is the only one I could move here and whomever won this opportunity the WWE would be looking at a win-win-win situation [I would be happy with any outcome.]

MVP vs. the United States Champion Apollo Crews: my pick is MVP; so the WWE want to continue building up Lashley and MVP, so for that to happen why not give them the United States Championship to make them feel and look like the real deal. On one hand I get what is happening here, because they could do that consequently Crews could go through this metamorphosis as it relates to his character developments as in turn him Heel, but on the other hand I want to see the younger talent to get put over. I know I have contradicted myself, basically whatever decision they make here either go completely one way or the other, so don't have Crews lose here not to do something with the loss and the same can be said for if he wins [in a nutshell either way do something progressive with Crews.

Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro vs. the
SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day Tables Match: my pick is Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro; basically just for two reasons The New Day have been the SmackDown Tag Team Champions this time around for 91 days [when this blog was being updated] so time for change and the second reason is an obvious one individually or together Nakamura and Cesaro are highly talented wrestlers and there is just so much you can do with them, providing they are given time and the right material to work with they could really freshen up this Tag Team Division.

Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins Eye for an Eye Match: my pick is Seth Rollins; in short they are giving Dominic his first feud off the back of this; seeking revenge against Rollins after Mysterio gets put on the shelf in a Kayfabe sense.

Nikki Cross vs. the SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley: my pick is Bayley; to save me repeating myself I will discuss this again in a minute.

Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Asuka: my pick is Sasha Banks; I'm pretty sure at this precise moment in time I don't think this company could/can resist creating this image in the middle of the ring of Bayley and Banks holding all the gold in the Women's Divisions [the Raw Women’s Championship, the  SmackDown Women’s Championship and the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship,] which in fairness and balance I have no problem with this.

Dolph Ziggler vs. the WWE Champion Drew MacIntyre: my pick is Drew MacIntyre; why is this match even happening? It is just a waste of time; if there was an audience in attendance I can see the return of BeachBall-A-Mania. McIntyre deserves/needs better opposition, I mean the hierarchy of this Brand/company could have chosen anyone else but Ziggler, I don't know I mean here is a great idea elevate someone new to the Main Event picture or make it an Open Invitational, because this in itself has many positives if done correctly; yes whomever it is; is going to lose, but the question-mark of who is it going to be, should get people to watch this pay-per-view and a match with MacIntyre would put the individual over if it is mapped out right and whomever it is after this match they could be situated between the upper Mid-Card and the Main Event picture so basically this company would have made a new highly valued chess piece between these two sections of their wrestling card for the present and the future, yes I don't care about Ziggler's stipulation, unless the loser gets shot out of a cannon this would be interesting [like out of the Looney Tunes world.]

Bray Wyatt vs. the Universal Champion Braun Strowman Swamp Fight [non-title match:] my pick is Braun Strowman, this match should be highly entertaining if Bray Wyatt has been left to work his magic like he did at this year's WrestleMania with John Cena [I haven't seen it; but I know it received high praise.] So by the time of SummerSlam this year [this is just speculation at this point] when "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt reclaims his Universal Championship; Strowman is in a good position and from now on should be used as a major asset between the Mid-Card and the Main Event picture so basically not going backwards anymore for him; use him as a big deal end of story or all of this time with the Universal Championship and working with any version of Bray Wyatt's personas will be a waste of time and effort.

So I just have one more thing to discuss; this tagline for this pay-per-view is in extremely bad taste "The Horror Show At Extreme Rules" [once again at some point in the future I will discuss this again.] I find it to be a sick joke and exploitative based on the grounds that this wrestling company throughout this global situation until recently hasn't been taking care of their employees or independent-contractors correctly in this global situation, so they have created this Horror Show for themselves and for everyone involved in this company and then to use it in a tagline for their upcoming pay-per-view is completely inappropriate and unnecessary, but then again they are exploiting Jeff Hardy's addictions, so this company has no boundaries that they will not cross for money or TV ratings.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Friends with Benefits 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Friends with Benefits 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography/Alzheimer's component

Storyline: it is good, providing you can get through the opening section; it is torture I just didn't like any of it. But the more you watch of this film the better it gets and the same can be said for the pacing as well.

Comedy/Action/Art/Drama: there are only some bits of this film I found funny; the film within the film [our lead partnership of Dylan/Timberlake and Jamie/Kunis.] Dylan/Timberlake and Jamie/Kunis are watching this film with this dialogue exchange they are having over it and whenever we see this film, the commitment dialogue exchange between Dylan/Timberlake and Jamie/Kunis; Jamie/Kunis talking about commitment in a relationship sense and Dylan/Timberlake switching it to a two-year mobile contract commitment, meaning he can do commitment and the swearing on a Bible app [trying to position it correctly.]

Action; there is a Basketball element, jet skis and a motor boat being used.

Art: it can be seen in the scenes in this project, many people dancing in unison, Dylan/Timberlake singing and we have this saxophone player in another part of the film.

Drama; this film is much better as a drama [I'm not telling you how to see films,] but there is much more substance here be it between our lead partnership or their individual families.

Characters/Performances: on all counts including the on-screen chemistry generally speaking they are good; it did take me some time to warm up to these characters/performances because of the beginning section of this film, I did appreciate Jamie/Kunis telling Dylan/Timberlake how she likes things done. But specifically on to our lead partnership of Dylan/Timberlake and Jamie/Kunis there is very good on-screen chemistry in this partnership, I would like to see these two performers work off one another in another project sometime in the future.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; after everything is said and done this project finds itself at this mark as I have already said it is much better as a drama over a comedy film any day of the week and if you are a fan of either or both of Justin Timberlake or Mila Kunis take a look at this film.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Black Water 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Black Water 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colorful effects/dislocation of a body part.

Storyline: it is good; but unless I have missed something which is possible, we never find out the buyer and I even asked the person I watched this film with; she can confirm that we never find out the buyer; the pacing of this film is something safe and reliable.

Action/Comedy/Characters/Performances: now as it relates to these four components at one point or another they all go hand-in-hand specifically as it relates to Wheeler/Van Damme and Marco/Lundgren individually working off different characters/performers or together to basically sum it up it's like they have been around the action genre of films a very long time so nothing fazes them; for one example between Wheeler/Van Damme, Marco/Lundgren and Cass/Waltz. They are falsifying this Intel over this walkie-talkie to our evildoers with the right sound effects to match the dialogue exchanges/Intel [their guns going off, Marco/Lundgren hitting Wheeler/Van Damme physically with his gun.]

So as it relates to the character developments/performances including the on-screen chemistry they are good; yes the character types are also generally speaking something safe and reliable, but then again a special mention has to go out to Marco/Lundgren, because if you are an ally of his; he is a highly skilled ally. But if you are an adversary he will wind you up or leave you in a comical situation or professionally take care of you.

Art: there are a small number of beautiful skies for you to look out for; this Submarine be it underwater, surfacing or in the water these scenes are good and the same can be said for these hand-drawn pictures in the background of Marco's/Lundgren cell [you will just see bits and pieces of them because they are as I have already said in the background to this location.]

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; if you are a fan of either or both of Van Damme or Lundgren take a look at this film.

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is a sexual assault component, domestic violence and suicide

Storyline: it is good and the movement knows what it is doing from beginning to end, having said that this film does leave everything wide-open

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used, combat; moving on to the art; the scenery in this project is now and again peacefully eye-catching and finally onto the comedy for one example it is where our lead character/performer Mildred/McDormand is being a voice of her slippers [two different characters, two different voices, one slipper each.] Now because I haven't said this for some time and this seems like a perfect review to mention it; I am mindful/sensor all of my contents so for an example in this review the slippers scene is the only element of the comedy I can put in this review.

Characters/Performances: the character developments; can be subtly beautiful; when  Mildred/McDormand assists this insect or whatever it is, to up right itself so it can go on its way; whilst a large majority of the time she comes across as a hard-nosed individual [for a very good reason,] that will either verbally put you on your posterior or kick you were the sun does not shine, but this is meant to put across to its audience that deep down there is still a good and gentle person in her or the character developments can be good to slightly annoying.

Performances; McDormand; this film would be lost without her, there is great symbolism as it relates to these three billboards, when something happens to them she is frantically trying to save them as if they were someone else and not even her Son will stop her from protecting them or as long as they are there someone else is there in a way [this will get explained in the film and yes I am trying my best not to give too much away,] she does make this role her very own and she does create priceless on-screen chemistry with everyone else, the other performances are all good.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this film does have lots to offer, but as I have already made reference to it does leave a lot unfinished business out there as well.

Friday, 10 July 2020

Average Extra of: The MCU Are Potentially Heading Towards A Universe Shattering Of Problems by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: The MCU Are Potentially Heading Towards A Universe Shattering Of Problems by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Just a heads up: look if you are of very late 20's and later you know what way I mean this; look it is 2020 [when this was first being dictated] and I don't care about your gender, sexuality, ethnic background or other and just in case you are of the younger years let me make this crystal clear I mean this nicely.

The MCU are potentially heading towards a universe shattering of problems: well I should begin here Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Vers/Captain Marvel in a nutshell to begin with get her gone; her mouth, attitude and all round demeanour is massively problematic and if you want this character/performer to be the face to replace Robert Downey as Jr. Tony Stark/Iron Man good luck with that he is charismatic, engaging, he will get butt in seats and more importantly when Robert Downey Jr. is faced with an unpleasant interviewer [in 2015 on Channel 4 UK] he maintains his professionalism throughout including eventually walking out. My point here is he doesn't instigate situations like Larson, but he will deal with them if they arise which as long as it is done professionally I think we can all agree this is fair enough which in the case I have used as an example he did.

I haven't seen the later MCU titles; but for me there is only one person which is more than capable to lead this franchise on and off screen Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, because she has earned it; she has been in the MCU from day one and she knows what is to be expected from both sides of the coin and because of that your paying audience will give her much more respect and warm to her in her new position, because she will be seen as one of us.

But with Brie Larson I just see massive, massive problems on every single level, it's like saying "I don't know what is going to go wrong, but I know something will go wrong with her or around her at some point." I just don't like the unpredictable nature, because if she is going to be the face of the next phases of the MCU she will either destroy everything which everyone has worked so hard to get off the ground over the past decade plus or someone will have to put some tape over her mouth every time she goes outside or something.

Wow you see now and again I do research for my material as it relates to Brie Larson I have just viewed her first video on her YouTube channel and the MCU are going to have to deal with this at some point, because she is a very off-putting person don't get me wrong there were moments where she came over as a nice person, but it was quickly followed by reminding me of why people find her off-putting and she is off white privilege so not to discredit her opinions, but however she is not going to understand someone like me from a very poor background and other things.

Neither is she going to understand people that make their own material be blogs or YouTube or other that have had to work really hard to get where they are today [for myself I have been doing this kind of thing for 12 years in one way or another once again when this blog was first dictated,] so on a quick side note if you are on YouTube and you are somewhat disgruntled by Brie Larson getting let's just say things handed to her from that platform, I get where you're coming from [just in case I get any backlash I don't mean just by her being on that platform, I have no problem with that like everyone else.]

The reason why the MCU will have to deal with it eventually because it is really obvious why, if she is heavily unliked on a major platform or the biggest platform on Earth such as YouTube; what do you think is going to happen to the box office takings of any MCU film of her in it; so it is very much a case of cause-and-effect.

Now if you are angered by what I have said so far you're going to really hate the next section; I don't believe in deliberate diversity, I believe in natural diversity which if you are incapable of distinguishing one from the other; the first one is where you are basically political correctness ticking; for an example we need a African-American, lesbian and if she can act that is all good. The other is where she can act; she fits in well, she is African-American and a lesbian [this is the way it should be done, the only positive way that someone's sexual preference should be used is if you want your character to be off that persuasion or other as well] and yes incidentally if the performer in question is a lesbian and the role was for a straight character I would still consider her [as I have already made reference to in this blog I don't care about things like this.]

I would stop any performer saying they want diversity as it relates to the performers in the MCU; yes they can say I want diverse characters that is fair and reasonable, because you can work with the word character or characters, but as soon as you say the word performer or anything like this it goes from the MCU into our real world for their it becomes a social political statement is beyond impossible to work with unless you deliver 100% on what people are expecting; but here is the pitfall you cannot deliver on 100% of their expectations, because everyone's expectations are different for their this is inevitably going to fail and bring criticism, which I may be of average intelligence but I am street smart to avoid this social political situation.

The MCU should have seen this coming: now 9.5 out of 10 times, I wouldn't criticize the planning of the MCU, but in this one example they have really dropped the ball, it is so simple to avoid this entire situation; this is what I would've done.

When it was time to move on from the old guard to the new guard in the grand scheme of things, I would have slowly but surely dropped in these new characters with natural diversity, so basically over time you get the new guard learning from the old guard, the old guard learning from the new guard and when the old guard leave they know they are leaving things in good hands, but on the big screen yes I am sure some of your audience will pick up on the characters diversity, but the key thing here is everything is natural as in the world is changing so it stands to reason in this modern world we would have modern characters with diversity I mean this is how they should have done it on the quiet and naturally.

Yes people have the right to be whatever they want to be. But as it is now 2020 [once again when this was first dictated] if you want to be accepted for who you are stop going on about it; now if you are confused what I mean; this is what I mean; you could be gay my response would be "And?" My second response would be "It is 2020 your point being?" Unless you're coming out my response is softer and yes if I had to put a group of people together to work with I would try and get people around me I could work with on something based on our working chemistry, skill level and somewhere down the line, I would maybe look at their background or gender or other, just based on hold on I have unknowingly or it has dawned on me I picked similar people and to make this project work better I may need someone of a different background or more than one person or a different perspective, but of the same skill level I am looking for; I believe that as long as you're decision is based on better for the project or whatever you are doing that is okay, but as long as it isn't politics ticking first of all in short for an example realizing you may need a woman with a similar or better skill level is not the same as politics ticking, because I can see people getting confused by this and using it inappropriately, this individual is here because yes she is a woman but she is also based on other aspects such as experience and personality what I am looking for.

Average Extra of: Mike Henry As Cleveland Brown On Family Guy Is Stepping Down Link