Friday 10 July 2020

Average Extra of: The MCU Are Potentially Heading Towards A Universe Shattering Of Problems by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: The MCU Are Potentially Heading Towards A Universe Shattering Of Problems by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Just a heads up: look if you are of very late 20's and later you know what way I mean this; look it is 2020 [when this was first being dictated] and I don't care about your gender, sexuality, ethnic background or other and just in case you are of the younger years let me make this crystal clear I mean this nicely.

The MCU are potentially heading towards a universe shattering of problems: well I should begin here Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Vers/Captain Marvel in a nutshell to begin with get her gone; her mouth, attitude and all round demeanour is massively problematic and if you want this character/performer to be the face to replace Robert Downey as Jr. Tony Stark/Iron Man good luck with that he is charismatic, engaging, he will get butt in seats and more importantly when Robert Downey Jr. is faced with an unpleasant interviewer [in 2015 on Channel 4 UK] he maintains his professionalism throughout including eventually walking out. My point here is he doesn't instigate situations like Larson, but he will deal with them if they arise which as long as it is done professionally I think we can all agree this is fair enough which in the case I have used as an example he did.

I haven't seen the later MCU titles; but for me there is only one person which is more than capable to lead this franchise on and off screen Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, because she has earned it; she has been in the MCU from day one and she knows what is to be expected from both sides of the coin and because of that your paying audience will give her much more respect and warm to her in her new position, because she will be seen as one of us.

But with Brie Larson I just see massive, massive problems on every single level, it's like saying "I don't know what is going to go wrong, but I know something will go wrong with her or around her at some point." I just don't like the unpredictable nature, because if she is going to be the face of the next phases of the MCU she will either destroy everything which everyone has worked so hard to get off the ground over the past decade plus or someone will have to put some tape over her mouth every time she goes outside or something.

Wow you see now and again I do research for my material as it relates to Brie Larson I have just viewed her first video on her YouTube channel and the MCU are going to have to deal with this at some point, because she is a very off-putting person don't get me wrong there were moments where she came over as a nice person, but it was quickly followed by reminding me of why people find her off-putting and she is off white privilege so not to discredit her opinions, but however she is not going to understand someone like me from a very poor background and other things.

Neither is she going to understand people that make their own material be blogs or YouTube or other that have had to work really hard to get where they are today [for myself I have been doing this kind of thing for 12 years in one way or another once again when this blog was first dictated,] so on a quick side note if you are on YouTube and you are somewhat disgruntled by Brie Larson getting let's just say things handed to her from that platform, I get where you're coming from [just in case I get any backlash I don't mean just by her being on that platform, I have no problem with that like everyone else.]

The reason why the MCU will have to deal with it eventually because it is really obvious why, if she is heavily unliked on a major platform or the biggest platform on Earth such as YouTube; what do you think is going to happen to the box office takings of any MCU film of her in it; so it is very much a case of cause-and-effect.

Now if you are angered by what I have said so far you're going to really hate the next section; I don't believe in deliberate diversity, I believe in natural diversity which if you are incapable of distinguishing one from the other; the first one is where you are basically political correctness ticking; for an example we need a African-American, lesbian and if she can act that is all good. The other is where she can act; she fits in well, she is African-American and a lesbian [this is the way it should be done, the only positive way that someone's sexual preference should be used is if you want your character to be off that persuasion or other as well] and yes incidentally if the performer in question is a lesbian and the role was for a straight character I would still consider her [as I have already made reference to in this blog I don't care about things like this.]

I would stop any performer saying they want diversity as it relates to the performers in the MCU; yes they can say I want diverse characters that is fair and reasonable, because you can work with the word character or characters, but as soon as you say the word performer or anything like this it goes from the MCU into our real world for their it becomes a social political statement is beyond impossible to work with unless you deliver 100% on what people are expecting; but here is the pitfall you cannot deliver on 100% of their expectations, because everyone's expectations are different for their this is inevitably going to fail and bring criticism, which I may be of average intelligence but I am street smart to avoid this social political situation.

The MCU should have seen this coming: now 9.5 out of 10 times, I wouldn't criticize the planning of the MCU, but in this one example they have really dropped the ball, it is so simple to avoid this entire situation; this is what I would've done.

When it was time to move on from the old guard to the new guard in the grand scheme of things, I would have slowly but surely dropped in these new characters with natural diversity, so basically over time you get the new guard learning from the old guard, the old guard learning from the new guard and when the old guard leave they know they are leaving things in good hands, but on the big screen yes I am sure some of your audience will pick up on the characters diversity, but the key thing here is everything is natural as in the world is changing so it stands to reason in this modern world we would have modern characters with diversity I mean this is how they should have done it on the quiet and naturally.

Yes people have the right to be whatever they want to be. But as it is now 2020 [once again when this was first dictated] if you want to be accepted for who you are stop going on about it; now if you are confused what I mean; this is what I mean; you could be gay my response would be "And?" My second response would be "It is 2020 your point being?" Unless you're coming out my response is softer and yes if I had to put a group of people together to work with I would try and get people around me I could work with on something based on our working chemistry, skill level and somewhere down the line, I would maybe look at their background or gender or other, just based on hold on I have unknowingly or it has dawned on me I picked similar people and to make this project work better I may need someone of a different background or more than one person or a different perspective, but of the same skill level I am looking for; I believe that as long as you're decision is based on better for the project or whatever you are doing that is okay, but as long as it isn't politics ticking first of all in short for an example realizing you may need a woman with a similar or better skill level is not the same as politics ticking, because I can see people getting confused by this and using it inappropriately, this individual is here because yes she is a woman but she is also based on other aspects such as experience and personality what I am looking for.

Average Extra of: Mike Henry As Cleveland Brown On Family Guy Is Stepping Down Link

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