Wednesday 29 July 2020

Pitch Black 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Pitch Black 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects and colourful effects in this film

Storyline/Characters/Comedy/Performances: it is good; the pacing of this project is depending on if Riddick/Diesel is on screen or not basically he is the driving force behind this film in every sense of the word.

He is a very well-rounded character; be it when he tells you if he has killed someone or not [meaning if he killed somebody he would tell you straight up] or being comical watching things go down from this high up location [whilst he is sitting down in this chair having a drink under this small umbrella or basically Ogilvie/Fitz-Gerald drops this expensive bottle of drink and it rolls to Riddick/Diesel; Riddick/Diesel introduces himself with a handshake including the words "Escaped con and murderer"[because Ogilvie/Fitz-Gerald told us/Riddick/Diesel what his field or speciality is and he offers the handshake first] and proceeds to finish off the bottle; it does feel like in this interaction there is a comical edge to it as well on one hand we have Riddick/Diesel treating this interaction as an everyday occurrence mixed in with Ogilvie/Fitz-Gerald clearly being intimidated and frightened of Riddick/Diesel.

Riddick/Diesel does create good on-screen chemistry with everyone is well, so let's minus Riddick/Diesel for a moment; the pacing is slow and the other characters/performers are their solid character types/performances; they do their job they are designed to do.

Action/Art: the action has weapons being used and combat; the art is easy to see; the landscape on this Planet or these many close-ups of Saturn; they are very eye catching you wouldn't be able to miss them.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; I mean without Riddick/Diesel on-screen this film does suffer, but all things considered a lesser mark feels a little bit harsh so I just went with the one which is easier to justify.

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