Sunday 12 July 2020

Black Water 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Black Water 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colorful effects/dislocation of a body part.

Storyline: it is good; but unless I have missed something which is possible, we never find out the buyer and I even asked the person I watched this film with; she can confirm that we never find out the buyer; the pacing of this film is something safe and reliable.

Action/Comedy/Characters/Performances: now as it relates to these four components at one point or another they all go hand-in-hand specifically as it relates to Wheeler/Van Damme and Marco/Lundgren individually working off different characters/performers or together to basically sum it up it's like they have been around the action genre of films a very long time so nothing fazes them; for one example between Wheeler/Van Damme, Marco/Lundgren and Cass/Waltz. They are falsifying this Intel over this walkie-talkie to our evildoers with the right sound effects to match the dialogue exchanges/Intel [their guns going off, Marco/Lundgren hitting Wheeler/Van Damme physically with his gun.]

So as it relates to the character developments/performances including the on-screen chemistry they are good; yes the character types are also generally speaking something safe and reliable, but then again a special mention has to go out to Marco/Lundgren, because if you are an ally of his; he is a highly skilled ally. But if you are an adversary he will wind you up or leave you in a comical situation or professionally take care of you.

Art: there are a small number of beautiful skies for you to look out for; this Submarine be it underwater, surfacing or in the water these scenes are good and the same can be said for these hand-drawn pictures in the background of Marco's/Lundgren cell [you will just see bits and pieces of them because they are as I have already said in the background to this location.]

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; if you are a fan of either or both of Van Damme or Lundgren take a look at this film.

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