Friday 31 July 2020

Pistol Whipped 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Pistol Whipped 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing of the neck

Storyline: on both counts the storyline and the pacing of this film is something safe and reliable. On a quick side note this film does show elements of the final section of this project in between the opening credits, but it does this really strange thing of doing it either in reverse or how it should be but in slow motion including switching from black-and-white back to normal a colour project but for any of this. I just don't like it; it is just unnecessary and confusing, because just to cover my back I know an element of this is in reverse but I'm not sure about the rest in short it is weird and pointless.

Action/Art/Comedy: now there is this scene in this project where the action and art go hand-in-hand; it is where our lead character/performer [Conlin/Segal] is practicing shooting these Birthday Candles, when we get to the final two candles the viewers can see what he was trying to do which was set the candles alight without destroying the candles themselves.

Now individually there are weapons being used, combat and those kinds of things including such things as Poker [No limit Texas hold 'em] and Mahjong in another scene, we also have Ten-pin bowling going on in the same location as the Mahjong

Art; the viewers have this supporting character/performer [The Old Man/Henriksen] he is sitting in this abandoned Theatre he is sitting on/in the first level after meeting Conlin/Segal for the first time, he makes this paper airplane and he sends it flying, because of where he is sitting it gives the viewers a small yet decent amount of time to watch this paper airplane go on a little journey, there are some good scenes in this aquarium and finally moving on to the comedy for one example we have Conlin/Segal saying to his Daughter Becky/Jordan "You coulder like at least play innocent next time." Becky/Jordan "Innocent?" Conlin/Segal "Yeah" Becky/Jordan replies "I am your Daughter daddy." Conlin/Segal replies "You've got a good point." As to imply that being innocent doesn't exactly run in the family.

Characters/Performances: on all accounts including the on-screen chemistry they either feel like they are the stand versions of their characters or the performances feel like they are just doing their job, don't get me wrong there is on-screen chemistry between Conlin/Segal and Becky/Jordan but for all the rest my previous comments stand.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; I mean it is a solid film but for me it has more than enough not to be in the poor bracket, but not convincingly enough for anything higher.

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