Monday 20 July 2020

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation 2020 by AverageMansReviews

I Am Vengeance: Retaliation 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colorful effects/breaking of body parts

Storyline: it is good; on both counts the storyline and the pacing knows what they are doing and they stick to the plan.

Action/Comedy: in this project these two components sometimes go hand-in-hand; like for one example we have this small unit under fire from this unknown sniper, so our lead character/performer Gold/Bennett basically has the idea/plan for someone to drawer their fire; which the viewers have this silence as everyone in this scene is looking at their very important package [Teague/Jones] I can't say what he says, but let's just say he gets unwillingly used.

Art/Blooper: there are a small number of eye-catching skies for you to look out for; moving on to the blooper; this character/performer Quaid/Durden gets hit in the back of the head by a brick from Teague/Jones standing behind her whilst she is doing combat with Lynch/Robinson-Galvin underneath her and she no sells [this is a wrestling terminology; it means to not act as if you are hurt,] as it relates to this sequence she just quickly gets back up as if she hadn't been hit in the back of the head with a brick.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry as well this is all good, I mean from an action film perspective these are the character developments that have stood the test of time, I am not in any way shape or form disrespecting them, just filling out this paragraph a little bit more really.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; this is one of those films that clearly knows what it is and delivers on it. I should point out two things; if there are any wrestling fans out there in Internet land of Bennett a.k.a. WWE's Wade Barrett/other personas within the WWE/outside of this company [he uses his real name like he has done for this film Stu Bennett,] take a look at this film and the second thing is; on some research it looks like I have made a tiny error, this is a sequel to I Am Vengeance 2018 [alternative name Vengeance;] Whoops never mind, I just saw this now sequel floating around on a rental services, so I apologize for any inconvenience.

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