Saturday 25 July 2020

The Tracker 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Tracker 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/cutting of neck

Storyline: it is okay; well I say that I had one problem with this film and yes I would say this film has a component altogether which uses another language, so as I have never hidden the fact I am dyslexic I had to keep stopping or rewinding this film to read the subtitles [for those that have reading difficulties or learning difficulties such as my yes the text is big enough, but sometimes it may clash slightly into the background because someone had the bright idea to use white text.] On a quick side note I do miss the old-fashioned text in a black box or something like this; because as I have gotten older I have come to realize what that does for me is; it divides the text from the scene which makes it easier to read, yes I may have to still stop the film to read it, but it makes things much easier for me.

But I digress; based on everything I have said in this review so far I don't feel overly right criticizing the pacing of this film, but what I can say is this; when I can watch the film free-flowingly; the beginning feels very quick and very messy and for the rest of it still under when I can watch this film free-flowingly it is okay [just so it saves me repeating myself anymore let's work under the theory of when I can watch this film free-flowingly in this review.]

Action/Art: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing; for one small example our supporting character/performer Graziani/Mazzoli drops this live hand grenade down and consequently this explosion happens. Moving on to the art; here is something for you to look out for; there are some skies that will capture your attention.

Characters/Performances: they feel something solid which in turn makes these performances as are doing their job.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; even though I had problems with the change in languages and the subtitles; there isn't much here for me to work with; in short for an example something like this; off the top of my head, because I haven't seen this film for a long time in fact, I need to review this film under this name, but what I remember and after looking at a little bit of the trailer The Raid: Redemption 2011 [alternative name Serbuan maut] is a great example of what I mean okay; I still had a problem with the subtitles but there was plenty of things happening in it for me to work with.

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