Saturday 18 July 2020

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Extreme Rules 2020 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Extreme Rules 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Just a quick heads up:  after some research; the Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus Bar Fight match is not taking place at this pay-per-view, but instead next week's SmackDown

Kevin Owens vs. Buddy Murphy: my pick is Kevin Owens; so I just have one excellent question; what the hell is this high quality match doing on the kickoff show? Why didn't they put Aleister Black in the mix and make it a Triple Threat Ladder Match [Winner to receive a WWE Championship match at Clash of Champions or the next pay-per-view after SummerSlam] on the Main Card and put the Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro vs. the SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day Tables Match here, because looking at the Card this is the only one I could move here and whomever won this opportunity the WWE would be looking at a win-win-win situation [I would be happy with any outcome.]

MVP vs. the United States Champion Apollo Crews: my pick is MVP; so the WWE want to continue building up Lashley and MVP, so for that to happen why not give them the United States Championship to make them feel and look like the real deal. On one hand I get what is happening here, because they could do that consequently Crews could go through this metamorphosis as it relates to his character developments as in turn him Heel, but on the other hand I want to see the younger talent to get put over. I know I have contradicted myself, basically whatever decision they make here either go completely one way or the other, so don't have Crews lose here not to do something with the loss and the same can be said for if he wins [in a nutshell either way do something progressive with Crews.

Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro vs. the
SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day Tables Match: my pick is Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro; basically just for two reasons The New Day have been the SmackDown Tag Team Champions this time around for 91 days [when this blog was being updated] so time for change and the second reason is an obvious one individually or together Nakamura and Cesaro are highly talented wrestlers and there is just so much you can do with them, providing they are given time and the right material to work with they could really freshen up this Tag Team Division.

Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins Eye for an Eye Match: my pick is Seth Rollins; in short they are giving Dominic his first feud off the back of this; seeking revenge against Rollins after Mysterio gets put on the shelf in a Kayfabe sense.

Nikki Cross vs. the SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley: my pick is Bayley; to save me repeating myself I will discuss this again in a minute.

Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Asuka: my pick is Sasha Banks; I'm pretty sure at this precise moment in time I don't think this company could/can resist creating this image in the middle of the ring of Bayley and Banks holding all the gold in the Women's Divisions [the Raw Women’s Championship, the  SmackDown Women’s Championship and the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship,] which in fairness and balance I have no problem with this.

Dolph Ziggler vs. the WWE Champion Drew MacIntyre: my pick is Drew MacIntyre; why is this match even happening? It is just a waste of time; if there was an audience in attendance I can see the return of BeachBall-A-Mania. McIntyre deserves/needs better opposition, I mean the hierarchy of this Brand/company could have chosen anyone else but Ziggler, I don't know I mean here is a great idea elevate someone new to the Main Event picture or make it an Open Invitational, because this in itself has many positives if done correctly; yes whomever it is; is going to lose, but the question-mark of who is it going to be, should get people to watch this pay-per-view and a match with MacIntyre would put the individual over if it is mapped out right and whomever it is after this match they could be situated between the upper Mid-Card and the Main Event picture so basically this company would have made a new highly valued chess piece between these two sections of their wrestling card for the present and the future, yes I don't care about Ziggler's stipulation, unless the loser gets shot out of a cannon this would be interesting [like out of the Looney Tunes world.]

Bray Wyatt vs. the Universal Champion Braun Strowman Swamp Fight [non-title match:] my pick is Braun Strowman, this match should be highly entertaining if Bray Wyatt has been left to work his magic like he did at this year's WrestleMania with John Cena [I haven't seen it; but I know it received high praise.] So by the time of SummerSlam this year [this is just speculation at this point] when "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt reclaims his Universal Championship; Strowman is in a good position and from now on should be used as a major asset between the Mid-Card and the Main Event picture so basically not going backwards anymore for him; use him as a big deal end of story or all of this time with the Universal Championship and working with any version of Bray Wyatt's personas will be a waste of time and effort.

So I just have one more thing to discuss; this tagline for this pay-per-view is in extremely bad taste "The Horror Show At Extreme Rules" [once again at some point in the future I will discuss this again.] I find it to be a sick joke and exploitative based on the grounds that this wrestling company throughout this global situation until recently hasn't been taking care of their employees or independent-contractors correctly in this global situation, so they have created this Horror Show for themselves and for everyone involved in this company and then to use it in a tagline for their upcoming pay-per-view is completely inappropriate and unnecessary, but then again they are exploiting Jeff Hardy's addictions, so this company has no boundaries that they will not cross for money or TV ratings.

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