Monday 29 June 2020

Average Extra of: Mike Henry As Cleveland Brown On Family Guy Is Stepping Down by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Mike Henry As Cleveland Brown On Family Guy Is Stepping Down by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Just a quick heads up: I don't care who voices who you can be of any background I don't care, but I am here to oblige the stupidness of the entertainment industry and I am going to say right here and right now yes I don't use any adult language in my material but I have ways around this and there is a very good possibility I am going to go off the handle at some point or points.

They began this: so we now have voice performers now stepping down because being politically correct they are not the same as their on-screen characters. Well, well this is just donkey diarrhea really!

So how can we on one hand tell our children you can be anything you want to be; in any way shape or form, then tell them on the other hand as long as you fall into your ethnic group or other that will qualify you for that job role, I mean I am of average intelligence but you either choose one of these lines of thought consequently actions and you stick to it or we stick to it as a society meaning you cannot have your cake and eat it at the same time or better yet change the narrative to fit your purpose at that specific time.

I refuse to tell my children which could be of any ethnic background [I am Caucasian but I like all women,] that they cannot do a voice role because of the ethnic background or possibly go for this role because of their ethnic background.

Yes I am respectful that some roles require performers of ethnic background, so I am not stupid or if I was doing an ethnic animated project based on serious ethnic components; to respect the material I may deliberately choose all ethnic voice performers and I may as well be honest to avoid the controversial or bad publicity if I chose a Caucasian voice performer in the lead position of an ethnic character, in this day and age that would just kill the project even before it got anywhere near a cinema screen [in normal circumstances and not this current situation,] likewise if I had a character of a particular sexuality I would see it as not important but a cherry on top of the cake if my performer was of a similar sexuality, you know it just so happens this performer in question happens to be the same sexuality as my character.

But other than that I refuse to tell my daughter which could be mixed with a different ethnic background; that she couldn't be the next Kingpin [Marvel] and I would show her him and being honest I would say to her "As you can see you have to be a certain size and mass and ominous stage presence which you can pull off."

You see I am a believer in non-gender specific roles, this basically means unless it specifically asks for a man like Batman/if you identify as a man you qualify or something like that then it opens the door for interpretation on any level [The Ancient One I know a very tiny amount on this Marvel character to be a little bit more specific fumes, but do you think I cared that Tilda Swinton was in this role as this character in the film title Doctor Strange 2016 hell no!]

Patrick Warburton as Joe Swanson Family Guy: I want this performer to step down now, it is nothing personal and as I have already said I don't care and they have begun this; meaning so if Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown is stepping down for his basically ethnic reasons, which can I just point out is a really, really stupid thing to basically say especially in today's world; I would have said something to this effect of "I have been doing this role for 20 years, I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity but I think it is a good time to let someone else be a member of the Family Guy Universe and after a little break I am interested in finding a new project."I mean it just took me a very short amount of time to think of that politically correct statement instead of a statement he gave which opens him and the show up for criticism or unless in fairness and balance this was a not subtle way of suggesting he isn't happy about this and potentially being given the option of stepping down or being removed [just to cover my back this is just speculation on my part,] but if this was the case message received and understood considering Henry created Cleveland Brown in the first place, so shouldn't Patrick Warburton under similar reasons step down as in Joe Swanson is in a wheelchair and Patrick Warburton isn't, how about this one Stella this Family Guy character is being voiced by Marlee Matlin; she is deaf so it can be done; you see the more you look behind this movement in this industry, the more it leaves itself open for criticism and the more it looks incredibly stupid.

Oh sorry that isn't the narrative they are pushing so I am qualified to say this; someone somewhere needs to wake up very quickly; because they are slowly but surely opening a can of worms or Pandora's box that they don't want to open, because once it is opened it will be near to impossible to close.

Like for an example Meg Griffin is apparently not the best looking; she looks fine to me, but my point here is this; if she is apparently not good looking how come she is being voice by someone that is very pleasing to the eyes in Mila Kunis so shouldn't she step down based on the grounds the voice performer doesn't match the appearance of her character and the voice role be given to someone that matches Meg Griffin; I should just point out that The Simpsons are also adopting the same outlook so hypothetically the voice performer for Waylon Smithers Junior should be voiced by someone that is gay and the same can be said for Patty Bouvier as she is a lesbian; so basically how far do you want to push this? I mean if you're going to push one particular element of our society you have to push all of them; but once again oh I'm sorry this is not the narrative they are pushing how convenient.

I mean come on! I'm getting fed up now when does this garbage stop! Because being honest again there are elements of our society that are getting left so far behind but meanwhile we are so focused on this garbage and let's be honest it's garbage, I mean I did watch two African-American peoples reaction to Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown stepping down and newsflash they just don't care like the rest of us!

I don't care about anyone's ethnic background or gender or whatever, all I care about is if they do good work I mean come on it is 2020 we shouldn't be having this discussion; I will leave things on this line; the entertainment industry or Hollywood or whatever really needs to stop and think what they are doing on a whole, because generally speaking I can only see this going from bad to worse to the complete disaster and they will have no one else to blame but themselves.

So all I can suggest is get your popcorn ready; this situation is far from done as the divide from the entertainment industry/Hollywood grows larger and larger between its self and its consumers, so I feel I have obliged their stupidness for long enough now.

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