Review Time: this film is mixed.
Warning: there is a scene of animal cruelty.
Fundamental elements: there are
voice-over elements, a number and words on screen, background music,
slow-motion effects, cultural elements, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles
being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.
well roughly speaking this project has three stages; the beginning is quick and
messy, after that it needs time to readjust itself to something slower and more
consistent, to the final stages where it was noticeably picking its feet up,
but using the same slow but purposeful dark tone which came off as they are now
trying to fit everything in, this is one of those occasions where if they used
this slower but purposeful dark tone throughout this film with the time frame
that they had at their disposal, it would have probably worked out much better;
so if they work out the pacing, the atmosphere and work on the storyline a
little in this film things would have maybe turned out much better [I discuss
the storyline components in the next section.]
Storyline/Back stories: the storyline is
something safe and reliable, but having said that we never find out what
happens next, without giving too much away we have one character/performer in
intensive care on a life-support machine, whilst we have another
character/performer having a cigarette and is in a very bad way and for a
project which is roughly 115 minutes long they should have/I wanted a rounder
ending for the amount of time I had invested in this film and I even looked
after the closing credits to see if there is anything after them; there isn't,
what they should have done is extended this film by about 15 minutes and given
this film a rounder ending for sure.
The back
stories come to the viewers via these images at the beginning section of the
film with voice-over [I should just point out some of these images or elements
may not be useful, this will make better sense when you watch this film,] a
news report over the radio, storyteller with voice-over and mental imagery,
dialogue exchanges including a file with information on a character as well
Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat, chasing. Protect & Serve
components for one example a helicopter. Moving on to the artistic visions here
are some things for you to look out for; there is this waterfall in the
background and there are some really colourful skies.
Character developments/Performances: on both counts these are good, there is good chemistry/friction yes
depending where you are; is depending what you get; this is a cast performance.
This film receives: 5/10, after
everything is said and done this mark is a fair conclusion based on everything
I have said in this review including I did lose a little bit of interest at the
beginning and towards the ending stages of this project based on two out of the
three stages which I have already discussed in this review.