Tuesday 11 December 2018

Assassin's Creed 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Assassin's Creed 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, yes and no to subtitles being used [I think I will discuss this more in a minute,] interpreter, time jumps and place jumps.

Well I strongly don't like this film and I'm pretty sure this will not be the first time I will be saying this in this review. My interest in this title was pretty much gone after roughly 13 minutes and if you're wondering that is a little bit precise; I paused the film to find this out. Now look I have never hidden the fact that I am not a strong reader and I am dyslexic, but the size and the font of the subtitles are small and yes I may have understood some of it, but I got irritated by this so much that [I have always said I would be clean in my language in my reviews,] so I will just say I will let you imagine what my reactions were. I have to say even though I'm not a strong reader/dyslexic, I like a fighting chance with reading anything on screen, this can be easily solved with bigger text than what we have in this title, with better font may be different colours when someone else is talking [for an example we could have two different characters talking so they used two different colours of text or anything other to basically make it easier to read, so I think there are no subtitles being used when some characters are running/chasing characters which they may or may not say something.

I will try and keep this brief; it doesn't matter what time in history you are in [this will make better sense when or if you choose to watch this title,] the movement of this project is uninspiring and hard work to watch.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat elements, first-person shooter [you'll have to be quick to see these elements,] and a training element. Now from an artistic perspective this title looks nice, I don't know what else to say really because mostly everything else about this title even from an professional unbiased perspective or personal perspective it either irritates me or I just don't like it.

Storyline/Performances: now it is true I don't know too much about this franchise [when I say franchise I mean that in a videogame sense; as far as my knowledge goes this title is based on a videogame franchise and that is it.] So with that in mind and not forgetting I have re-dictated this paragraph twice at this point, because having looked over it again and again I ran the risk of telling you too much or you could have pieced it together which is something I don't do, so I have just decided to say this instead and one other thing; it would have been really, really useful to have this earpiece idea so when our lead character and us landed in this landscape this earpiece would translate any language into English and with the earpiece came a warning try not to get hit too hard in that other place, because your earpiece may fall out in this place and without the earpiece you will not be able to understand other languages so we would have to bring you back to sort out the problem or unless you learn their language or find some way to communicate with them. I wouldn't have minded a sequence which was based on the earpiece falling out so our lead role had to use a different way of trying to communicate to another character, it would have been a mixture between slightly comical and sensible in this exchange.

The next element of the storyline I would like to talk about is the ending stages [I am not going to be talking about anything related to the ending stages,] I am specifically talking about the ending style and nothing more, what a great idea [sarcasm is very much intended] to leave this project on a big question-mark, the kind of question-mark that implies we will be getting a sequel and all I am going to say on that is "No thank you."

Now moving on to the performances; I think this would be the first time I have ever done this in a review where I have chosen to give everyone a free-pass, I am not doing this out of laziness but in fairness and balance with everything I have spoke about in this review up to this point the performances are not the biggest issue; let me clarify I am sticking up for the performers by saying their talents are wasted in this project and because of the other issues in this project I couldn't really settle down with these performances or anything related to these performances, so consequently it would be difficult for me to criticize something that even though I watched this film yesterday the performances are somewhat crushed by everything else hence why I'm going to say again these performers get a free-pass and their talents are wasted.

This film receives: 1/10, let's try to leave this review on a positive the apparatus which our lead role uses was a good and interesting thing, as I have already said the artistic visions look nice and to point out one thing Fassbender and Irons sharing the same screen together for a little while of what I remember, so I could be wrong about this; but still it was cool I just wish it was in a much, much, much, much better film and if I haven't said something to this effect enough I strongly don't like this film and there is one other thing which I have just remembered, usually I don't mention when or if I use any facilities such as subtitles, because as long as I get through the project in question that is all that matters, but in this case I even tried the subtitles facilities to see if I could find better subtitles than what this film has, but it didn't work.

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