Sunday 15 March 2020

Doctor Sleep 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Doctor Sleep 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is mixed

Fundamental elements: there is a number and words on screen, voice-over elements cultural elements, background music, quick moving effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement; roughly speaking because I wasn't paying attention the first half of this film is very slow and such a chore, whilst the second half shows what this sequel is capable of on every single level [on a quick side note this sequel is roughly 152 minutes long] and in fairness to the movement of this film, as you will see/read in the next paragraph it isn't all the movements fault.

Storyline/Back stories/Origin storyline: well the storyline could have done with some work, like take a chunk off at the beginning [at least 30 minutes or more,] because if they had done this; maybe this film would have a little bit more get up and go to it on a whole consequently; it would have been easier to settle down with and this sequel has been left open for another sequel, that is all I can say about that really and there is this under age sexual element; this is just a heads up [just to cover my back both ways on one hand as it goes for an element there is nothing major here and secondly no I am not condoning this kind of thing, but I'm just saying it as it is as it relates to this film.] The back stories get shown normally in the film to the viewers or via mental imagery or discussed in the dialogue exchanges and the viewers get to bear witness to this origin scene/sequence for this character/performer.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: now at some points these two elements work hand-in-hand, in these mind battles or when a character/performer uses their particular Shining/Steam. Now be it individually with Azzie [the Cat] or the miniature City and Train as it relates to the artistic visions or weapons being used or our lead character/performer using his Shining to borrow another character's/performer's body to firstly find out where they are going, secondly have a dialogue exchange with another character/performer and finally to take care of this individual as it relates to the action sequences.

In a nutshell these two elements together or individually are a massive positive impact in this sequel.

Character developments/Performances: well these are slightly difficult to describe, just based on what half you are in of this film; the first half they need a rocket up there posterior in the sense of the chemistry/friction on both counts be it the character developments are the performances. But in the second half of this sequel the character developments/performances [let's just keep in mind what I said earlier about the movement of this sequel, so all I am saying is maybe it could be either the movement individually or the performances individually or I am comfortable suggesting a mixture between these two points.]

But having said that Hallorann/Lumbly and The Hat/Ferguson; deserve to be pointed out as characters/performers; they bring chemistry or friction when they are on screen at any point; these two performances are good.

Blooper: there is this baseball character/performer; the viewers never find out what happens to his body, all we know is our main character/performer and a supporting character/performer have it in the back of this car.

This film receives: 5/10, this sequel can be best described as a film of two half so this mark is a true reflection of it.

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