Friday 27 March 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 2, Disc 8] Episode 79: Madman's Paradise by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 2, Disc 8] Episode 79: Madman's Paradise by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

Warning: there is an element of  visual death in this episode

Storyline/Back stories/Moral message: the storyline is good and it is a continuation from the previous episode based on yesterday [previous episode] Spike Witwicky and other characters were getting everything ready for this Piece Conference and today [in this episode] we are at this Piece Conference, the back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges or hieroglyphics interpreted by Autobot [Rewind,] we also get this back story via this storyteller with voice-over/mental imagery from this Red Wizard [just to cover my back I know this character is another character, but that would be giving too much of the storyline away] and there is this moral message in the dialogue exchanges Daniel Witwicky says "Mum says to never go off with strangers."

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now I really do like this one action sequence; we have this highly imaginative blend of mystical powers meets science fiction and modern technology [for the 1980's and the 1990's.] In this double team it is where we have this character [his name is the Golden One] and to cast this spell and to give it; it's full power he says it into a microphone which belongs to Autobot [Blaster] which he is in [his transformed mode of a Boombox.]

The artistic visions are creative and likewise highly imaginative as for another one example we meet these highly aggressive tree characters which have two character fused together [tree cyclops on the top and wild boar on the bottom, so it looks like this cyclops is sitting/riding this wild boar, but as I have already said they are fused together roughly just below the stomach of the tree cyclops; they have the ability to change into a tree and into this form and back again and they have these weapons at their disposal as well.]

Character developments/Comedy level: on both counts they put over to the viewers how sweet and comical Grimlock is; be it when he tries to clean these hieroglyphics even though he creates this massive dust cloud his heart is in the right place or referencing California in a dialogue exchange with Daniel Witwicky with Daniel making a comment about California as well [there are other comedy elements in the dialogue exchanges.]

This episode receives: 7/10, as I have already said this is another good episode, it offers something different and no I am not criticizing what this TV show usually brings to the table, but I am just stating that this episode is a palette cleanser and without seeing the next episode yet [as I am dictating this blog] we should be returning to our regular scheduled programming/conflict in the next episode.

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