Saturday 28 March 2020

Hollow Point 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Hollow Point 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Warning: there are sexual assault elements in one way or another in this project.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, a number and words on screen, background music, slow-motion effects, cultural elements, no subtitles when another language is being used time jumps place and jumps.

Movement; it is mostly slow; it does get better roughly around the final quarter moral less, on reflection I think this is because they were running out of time to get everything done and I can't remember if it is all of the time, but the background music in the action sequences is loud and terrible [let's just say when it comes into effect you will know what I mean; you can't miss it.]

Storyline/Back stories/Origin storyline: the storyline is something safe and reliable, but it is very poorly executed in this title and yes we never find out if this character/performer [Wakefield/Paré.] is okay. The back stories either get these news reports [voice-over elements,] discussed in the dialogue exchanges, shown to us in the film or via mental imagery and I was thinking I would put in a origin storyline component, because after watching this film, this is what it is for this character/performer [Cooray/Jay,] likewise when you come to watch this title this will make better sense [but if you don't watch this project in a nutshell without giving too much away this thing happens; this character goes from one walk of life to a completely different walk of life by the end of this film.]

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat, training, exercising and a helicopter being used. Moving on to the artistic visions now these are the best thing about this project; the viewers get to see the moon by daytime which including everything else minus the character paints a glorious location [if you're looking for the sun it is roughly around where this sexual offender character is talking on his mobile] and we get to see the moon at night at some point in this project, on top of that there are some eye-catching scenery and there are these train elements as well [yes I am including anything associated with a train.]

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are likewise something safe and reliable and the performances, the chemistry/friction are best described as a mixed bag, because depending where you are; in this title and which characters are on screen at that time is depending what you get, but generally speaking the chemistry/friction gets better later on in this project and on a more consistent basis to.

Blooper: now this is where our main evildoer is hiding out and these four vigilante characters/performers break into this location and for some strange reason this main evildoer says "Good to see you again" now I have two problems with this; one this would be the first time that this main evildoer has met these characters in this clothing identity [he has done no research on these characters/performers even before someone begins to think like this and secondly they are covered up and just for the record if he had said "Good to see you." I would have been okay with this; but some time later he has no idea who is pointing the gun at him so this in itself is a contradiction and on a quick side note and this is something for you to look out for; not a blooper even though technically it should be one; these four vigilante characters/performers take off their balaclavas; in one case I can understand why, but the other three why take them off? You are wearing one to cover up your identity then just to take them off when you are facing these evildoers this makes no sense, you may as well not wear them in the first place.

This film receives: 2/10, now as I have already said this film is poor, but to make sure I am balanced in this review, I would just say that if there are any fans of Luke Goss out there in Internet land; take a look at this film but I really wouldn't expect too much [one final thing I had another very quick scan of this project again just in case I missed out on if this main evildoer and these four vigilante characters in this clothing identity have met before this occasion and of what I can tell and what I can remember they hadn't in this clothing identity; yes that one little piece of dialogue ["Good to see you again"] has irritated me, because he has met one in different clothing, but just in case if I am wrong I will apologize here, just to cover my back.

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