Sunday 22 March 2020

Unlocked 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Unlocked 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there is a number and words on screen, voice-over elements cultural elements, interpreter yes and no to subtitles being used, background music, background music, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

Movement; incredibly tiresome and uninspiring from beginning to end.

Storyline/Back stories: the storyline in theory should have been something safe and reliable, but in reality it didn't turn out that way so likewise this was tedious as well. The back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges or via this newspaper article with picture and this mental imagery working hand-in-hand at some point in this scene.

Comedy level/Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are tiny elements of comedy in the dialogue exchanges as it relates to one character/performer saying them [Alcott/Bloom,] next there are weapons being used, combat, chasing. Moving on to the artistic visions there are some good scenes of London Bridge and the NFL in London.

Character developments/Performances: I really don't know what to say here, because you get told/shown the character developments or as it relates to one particular situation you kind of know or suspect something, so it isn't that surprising when something happens [I can't say too much more than this; because it would be giving too much of the film away, but it will make crystal clear sense when you watch this project.]

The performances are very difficult to criticize, because it does feel like they are doing their job and that is it, in fact this is a very rare occasion where I can't really criticize them, because this film is that poor; off the top of my head there has been only one other occasion since I have been dictating reviews again; that a film title has a very similar problem and that would be Assassin's Creed 2014 and on a quick piece of research yes it was this project, so likewise in Assassin's Creed 2014 every performer gets a free-pass, because their talents were wasted the same can be said here for Unlocked 2017 [I will leave the link down below for Assassin's Creed 2014.]

This film receives: 1/10, I know even before I say this; I don't usually or I am usually not this blunt, but I really wouldn't recommend watching this film; to quickly balance this up if you are a fan of Malkovich or Douglas take a look at this film, but I do stress my mark here being 1/10 as well.

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