Wednesday 25 March 2020

Red's Dream 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Red's Dream 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is top-notch entertainment, this project roughly 4 minutes long

Fundamental elements: there voice-over elements, background music, mental imagery time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Back story: the storyline is good and the back story gets shown to us the viewers via mental imagery.

Artistic visions/Character developments: now at one point or another these two components all work off one another. The artistic visions and the character developments are singly or together the most important components to this project. Based on the facts that they tell the life of this unicycle from where he is, to what he used to be doing and back again to what he is doing now [this individual's name is Red.]

The artistic visions and the character developments put across to the viewers that this location and our lead character is either depressing [it is at night and it is raining, it builds a beautiful yet sad atmosphere from the very beginning] to the very end or depressed that our lead character is sleep wheeling and when he wakes up he tips his head forward [seat] and slowly wheels back to his corner followed by banging his head [seat] on the wall, slumping down in his corner to go back to sleep, so as you can see the body language/mannerisms off our lead character are powerful as to put all of this in depth-in; real emotions/feelings into this unicycle and on a quick side note and I am not going to take any marks of for this; but I would say by today's standards the Clown is looking a little bit vintage [yes just for the record I know vintage means things get better with age but in this context I mean respect to the project in question.]

Action sequences/Comedy level/Character developments: these three elements go hand-in-hand as well we see some of Red's act with his previous owner [this Clown,] juggling and this Clown taking a long time to realize something has gone wrong here, there is good chemistry between these two characters to put over to the viewers that many years ago this double act was highly successful and to push this idea/feeling home to us we have the audience watching this double act at this time, clapping and these kinds of things.

This film receives: 10/10, there is so much in the way of atmosphere, feeling and emotions, that it took me by surprise how hard-hitting this project is.

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