Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Lost in Space 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Lost in Space 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor

Fundamental elements: there is a voice-over element, numbers and words on screen, time jumps and place jumps.

Science-fiction elements/Action sequences: both of these give this title value, it either looks well put together or something worthwhile watching or I am trying to be fair here and say the science-fiction elements or the action sequences

Storyline/Performances: this storyline is terrible, I mean I get it; they get lost in space [I mean it says it in the title,] but they could have come up with something better than this; in short for 130 minutes of a film title I want a better payoff than just these characters in space then the ending credits suddenly appear, how about rewriting the end of this title to include 20 minutes or something to that effect where these characters discuss heading towards another planet, landing on this planet, where we leave these characters building a campsite [so that it just says to the audience if we get the green light for a sequel, we will begin here but if we don't as far as we know they went exploring on this planet and potentially many other planets.] Yes I am aware that my idea sounds a little bit cheesy, but then again this took me a short amount of time to come up with something like this and it is something slightly better than what this title went with and more importantly at least my idea has the potential to feel like a better rounded feel to the end of this project [I will say this again then what they went with.]

The performances now this is a difficult thing, because are these performances poor or were these performers trying to make something out of what was given to them, you see I do try to remain unbiased in all of my blogs, but in cases such as this; the question has to be asked Is it the performers or the script which makes these performances poor? I have to say generally speaking firstly I think it is a bit of column A. and a bit of column B. and secondly these performances range from poor to mixed to be fair or reasonable.

This film receives: 3/10, if the truth was known giving this project a mark hasn't been easy, because let me put it this way when this title is good, it can be anything between watchable to interesting to good or somewhere around here, but when it is not so good, it can be anything from watchable to this title is tedious to after I have done this review I can either never see this project again or go many years without seeing it, so in a round-about way a 3 out of 10 seems just about right to me.

Monday, 30 July 2018

Catch Me If You Can 2002 by AverageMansReviews

Catch Me If You Can 2002 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is good

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements, no subtitles, background music, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, words and numbers on screen, time jumps and place jumps.

Performances/Time of this project: this is one of those occasions where I don't have too much to say about this title, the performances of this cast are good, after having some conversations with the person I watched this film with, we talked about DiCaprio and Hanks's good chemistry in this title. The time of this project is long [roughly 141 minutes] I think without being too harsh but fair at the same time, based on my viewing experience I was feeling this time length at some stage or stages.

This film receives: 7/10, generally speaking this is a good film, even though I was feeling the time length of this title on reflection I think a 6 would be somewhat difficult for me to justify it and then feel comfortable with it, on a quick side note I know usually I would put a paragraph down of action sequences whenever a weapon is used or anything, but in this film title it is just some small elements, so I didn't see much point putting down this paragraph.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

The Killing Time 1987 by AverageMansReviews

The Killing Time 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements, no subtitles when another language is being used, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, background music which is very noticeable, time jumps and place jumps [just a heads up there is an element of aggressive/unwilling sexual activity as well.] I have to say the movement of this title is slow and consequently somewhat difficult to keep interested in, but in fairness and balance it does get quicker at some point, it just depends if your interest is not completely gone by this stage.

Action sequences: these sequences give this title value; there are punchers being thrown and those kinds of things with chasing and weapons being used.

Performances: they mostly range from poor to mixed or somewhere between these two words, but however Sutherland's performance is the main reason why this title gets a high ranking poor mark, this character/performer in front of people seems to be able to come across most of the time as happy to be here and things of this nature, but within him as a person there is something itching to come out.

This film receives: 3/10, now if this film focused less on this love angle which is so boring and more of giving Sutherland's character more of everything, I would like to be a little bit more specific, but if I say everything I cannot go wrong [but if you wanted in a clean nutshell basically put this love angle way, way, way in the back and bring Sutherland's character to the front of this film,] it would have made this film much better.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Mean Girls 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Mean Girls 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is poor

Fundamental elements: there are cultural elements, subtitles being used and then there are times where they are not being used as well, background music, time jumps and place jumps.

Comedy level: yes there are some moments where I did giggle, but there are some occasions that I did laugh mixed with cringing or something like this at the same time, whilst there are some elements I had to replay a few times just to make sure I understood what was happening properly so I could put these occasions in this review and I just had to make sure I didn't mishear or somehow miss-see what I saw [in one of these situations you will have to kind of work out what I am saying,] because I don't feel comfortable talking about it directly considering there maybe all different ages reading this review, so here we go; we have some characters at this Halloween party and one character says something to the effect of that man is a good kisser, another character points out a tree is between this female and male character [I would usually be a little bit more specific and straight to the point, on this example, but in this case I just don't feel comfortable talking about it or leaving it in this review.]

My next examples are where we have two characters talking on the telephone [split screen,] I have no problem with this conversation I was more concerned with what I saw in the background to one of these locations, we have this little girl in the background basically copying what she sees on TV and in this case, I don't know if it was a TV program or an advertisement but my point is this; in this advertisement there were two women ripping off or something to this effect their tops and let's just say it was censored, but the little girl pulled up her top as well [I must make this crystal clear this girl had two tops on so there was one underneath the one she pulled up,] but I still think it is inappropriate and this is not the only time this little girl does something which is not age appropriate, I think at some point before this situation she is dancing to watching TV again, her movements are based on my unbiased opinion are inappropriate for her age, these elements that I am talking about maybe small but they are there nonetheless [I know I have said this already but I just don't feel comfortable talking about this.]

I have already stated there were some tiny occasions where it was funny or I could work with it such as, when we have this character trying to sort out this problem with this portable CD player/radio, in a nutshell she kicks it and it hit somebody in the face, but generally speaking this comedy level has not aged that well.

Performances/Storyline: I don't know what to say about these two elements, simply because I don't know if these performers were just performing their character developments of their characters, meaning if this was what they were going for then this is okay I guess, I can't really criticize them if this is what they were going for but it should be noted that Ms. Norbury [Tina Fey] consistently gives this title substance and meaning, speaking of substance and meaning moves me onto the storyline, you see roughly and I do mean roughly in the final 30 minutes or so give or take [I could be wrong about this as in the time scale,] the storyline has meaning and substance on a sensible level which instead of talking about it because I don't want to give too much away I will take it into consideration in my next paragraph.

This film receives: 2/10, now because of the previous paragraph I couldn't really justify a 1 even though this was a possibility up to a certain point and I can't comfortably justify a 3 [it is like saying that was either workable or good and then realizing on the other side of the coin there is something to work against it or there are enough mixed to poor elements,] so that leaves me with just one option.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Kill'em All 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Kill'em All 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is poor.

Fundamental elements: there is a word or words and numbers on screen, previous events happening in the opening credits [like little flashback things,] this moving effect [something like in this case we have the lead character walking towards this vehicle, but his movements for an rough example like this; take a picture he moves closer to the vehicle, take another picture he moves closer to the vehicle and so on,] I think there is a different style of quick moving effects as well [but I could be wrong about this.]

But let's continue slow-motion effects, voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, with and without subtitles being used, mental imagery, this fast-forward thing, place jumps and time jumps.

Now I should just point out a couple of things, if I have missed out anything major or I have gotten anything wrong I apologize, but the general movement of this project is very poor, because it goes here and there time jumps or place jumps or anything it wants to do [I really lost my interest in this project quite quickly, okay without making any excuses when this review goes out the weather has been uncomfortably hot, so my interest may or may not have lasted longer if it was slightly cooler or I had a choice between this title and an title, in fact I have many upon many titles to pick from, but in a nutshell I knew I liked the other one.]

I have no problem with admitting that this title is and was such a chore to watch, yes throughout this review you will see that this title has patches of being something I can work with [this was the best way I could think of putting this.]

Action sequences/Performances: the action sequences give this title value, briefly they are of the execute with highly deadly force varieties; there are of weapons being used, combat sequences and training sequences. Moving on to the performances I think I am going to have to say they are patchy, yes usually I would say something to the effect of poor to mixed or something like this; but as it relates to this project there are some moments where are poor to a mixed to being good, or somewhere around here, but then again in the same scene or sequence that I have just highlighted that has potential it could quickly go downhill as it relates to its qualities, in the interest of fairness and balance yes likewise it could go up in quality or stabilize at a standard within the same scene, it really does depend where you are in this project.

This film receives: 2/10 I think this mark is just about right, what with the action sequences, including some of these performances having these moments of I will say potential either separately or together, I feel I should make one more point before I finish this review, because it is a valid hypothetical point.

Now if this film began in the past and rotated forward consistently through as these time jumps and place jumps [as long as they are nothing too big,] would this project and its performers get a better review from me. I would feel comfortable suggesting somewhere between a high-ranking possibility to a yes, I base my reasoning on; all these time jumps or place jumps it makes this film really difficult to settle down with consequently jumping around in time and places kind of makes it really difficult to build a connection with these characters as well [yes I am aware that at some points in this film they give you background information,] but I am talking about a consistent connection to these characters which can only be built without too much information being thrown at your audience or audiences in one go or information generally, so if they did begin this film in the past the viewers could pick up this information at sensible points and in smaller chunks as well which in turn is easier to digest.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 2] Episode 9: Horn of Unicorn, Claw of Dragon by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 2] Episode 9: Horn of Unicorn, Claw of Dragon by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent

Basic background information: The power staffs of the Darkling Lords: these are just two examples of them, the first is Fear it's main controller is Cravex or anyone that holds it and says the magical words or poem or spell "O mist-filled pits, dark, dank, unclear, touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!" [The amount of times you can use this with one charge is once.]

The second one is Invulnerability its main controller is Lexor or anyone that holds it and says the magical words or poem or spell "The arrows turn, the swords repel, let nothing pierce this mortal shell!" [The amount of times you can use this with one charge is once.]

Storylines/Character developments/Comedy level: now at some point this episode gets split down into roughly three sections where you have two pairings of characters looking for some things and in two different locations and one where you see these three characters having this conversation in one scene but it has to be said, I don't think I am too keen on the woodland fantasy characters [Woodland Imps I think that is what they are called and how it is spelled but I could be wrong,] you will know these characters when you see them in a nutshell there are three of them, briefly I don't mind them I do understand their purpose, but if I had to pick up one thing to take a mark off this episode this would be it, yes the comedy element known as [give me a hand,] where one Darkling Lord asks another one to give him a hand and briefly these woodland characters stand close to the situation chairing and clapping or something like this; but in the interest of fairness and balance there are other comedy elements.

Action sequences: now without saying too much for one example there are two Spectral Knights sitting down from somewhere high up watching this situation develop below and talking about things at the same time, whilst these two characters are having this conversation, these two mystical creatures are battling for their potential lives, this sequence is of a very high standard [then again I do continuously give high praise for the action sequences in this TV series.]

Hunting/Moral message: there are elements of hunting in this episode in one way or another, moving on to the moral message, before I continue I am aware that one of the Darkling Lord's had evil intentions just before the conclusion of this bargain, but putting this to one side there is enough here for me to say this; in the later stages of this episode it highlights; just for once let's put our differences to one side and look at the bigger picture, for those picky people out there in Internet land yes these two sets of characters don't work together as such, but it is more about upholding a bargain/deal and after it is done we will walk away from one another [I should point out that the next time these two sets of characters meet all deals are off.]

This episode receives: 9/10, I am comfortable with this mark; I am not backtracking on anything I have said in this review, but these three characters it is difficult to explain I don't dislike these characters, but at the same time I can't comfortably give this episode 10 out of 10 either, where I gave one previous episode of this TV program 10 out of 10 that was relatively easy to justify, but in this case I could give this episode 10 out of 10 because the artistic visions are fantastic as well but then again it would have a question mark over it, which if you have been following me long enough it would and will irritate me, it's just because yes I may not be as technically gifted or a person with many words, but I am very precise so I will stay with this mark.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 8: The Power of the Wise by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 8: The Power of the Wise by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

Basic background information: The power staffs of the Spectral Knights: these are just two examples of them, the first is Speed its main controller is Witterquick or anyone who holds it and uses the magical words or poem or spell "Sheathe these feet in the driving gale, make swift these legs, o'er land I sail!" [The amount of times you can use this with one charge is once.]

The second is Wisdom its main controller is Leoric or anyone that holds it and says the magical words or poem or spell "Whispered secrets of a shattered age, I summon you, renew this sage!" [The amount of times you can use this with one charge is once.]

Action sequences: these elements range from spying to this giant like scorpion creature sequence to other things.

Bloopers: now at some points in this episode the audience will see these totems on these power staffs, but they shouldn't be there because they have already been used once in this episode, but in fairness and balance I think sometimes they are there and there are sometimes they are not there which is okay, the one that should be showing on its power staff after being used once is the leader of the Darkling Lords [Darkstorm,] but I will discuss this later in another review.

This episode receives: 7/10, as I have already said this episode is good.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 7: The Overthrow of Merklynn by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 7: The Overthrow of Merklynn by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is highly entertaining.

Basic background information: Virulina; she is the female Darkling Lord and her totem is of the Shark.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: in this episode these two elements have a strong presence, so it makes sense for me to put these two elements together, now at some point a character says something they are going to regret saying [yes I know which character but that would be giving too much away,] but after saying it; in a nutshell the Apocalypse is happening on Prysmos, so the audience will see some characters run to a destination, but this journey is not exactly easy what with circumstances changing around them throughout.

The artistic visions are clear to see be it this character that rises into the sky, tells these characters something and then goes down [you will know when you are seeing this sequence of events,] because this character rising into the sky, well let's just say he makes a big and very noticeable entrance and if the artist or the artists were going for something like terrifying, they have achieved that goal with flying colours with this character.

Comedy level: the copy of a character element; the copy of this character tells the truth of what the original version really means. This comedy element is and was something different [I have seen this TV series a small amount of times all the way through I think at this point in my life, but let's be fair I can't remember every thing I see, especially the amount I see and yes I am aware at this point there have been comedy elements but as everyone should know by now I don't discuss everything in a project.

This episode receives: 10/10, I have to be fair when I see an episode or a project that really does pull out everything to make an highly entertaining episode, I mean I felt 8 or 9 out of 10 didn't feel quite right so by the process of elimination I came to this mark

Monday, 23 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 6: Lion Hunt by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 6: Lion Hunt by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

Basic background information: Galadria; she is the female Spectral Knight and her totem is of the Dolphin.

Artistic visions: the blue/red lion [Leoric,] the viewers will see some scenes of this animal closer up, for one example where this character/animal is trying to communicate to this character which is in front of him and he is on his back legs with another character in front of him and he is using his claw to write his name on what seems to be a replica of Stonehenge or something like this landmark.

Hunting: because I did this earlier in a previous episode review of this TV program [as it relates to slavery] it made sense to me, for me to make reference to this element as well in the interest of fairness and balance, so with that being said; there is an element of hunting in this episode.

Moral messages: there are two moral messages in this episode, these two messages are; because you don't understand it; it doesn't make it evil and secondly because there could be some bad or evil magic users, that doesn't mean they are all the same [they are highlighted at some points throughout this episode.]

This episode receives: 6/10, I have noticed from the previous episode and this episode, these two episodes are good but I have to say that maybe it is just me but these two episodes move sleepy or okay at the beginning but they do feel I don't know if different is the right word, because compared to the three-quarter stage for an example they just move or feel much quicker, but I could be wrong about this on both counts but in fairness and balance when these two episodes find their rhythm in a good way it gives me a headache to think of a fair mark I can stand by.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 5: Feryl Steps Out by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 5: Feryl Steps Out by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

Basic background information: the Darkling Lords: these are the evildoers of this TV series and their leader's name is Darkstorm, their totems are the colour of green [and yes there is one female character in this group as well.]

Action sequences: when these Power staffs get used or these mystical creatures or something to that effect get released from their holding by their controllers [meaning I think it has to be a Spectral Knight or a Darkling Lord holding the staff at the time and saying the magical poem or spell, they will do what they are asked or told to do,] but just to cover my back I am not sure if it is limited to these two groups of characters or it could be other magical users or average people as well I am just not sure, because in the previous episode Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 4: The Price of Freedom where a non-magical user character wanted to join this tournament for the opportunity to receive or win a power staff, but I will talk about the power staffs in another review at some point. But as it relates to this episode the audience sees this mystical creature going up the side of this castle [on a quick side note I think it is a castle or maybe a fortress, but I am sure I am not going to get too much criticism if I say it is one or the other or something else,] but now continuing this creature making an entrance and then doing what this creature does best, just for one more example Destruction gets released and he brings destruction to this location.

Blooper: now at some point in this episode you have this Darkling Lords [Cravex] standing under this Invulnerability dome shaped [Invulnerability Power staff] with the other Darkling Lords and if you look at Cravex's Power staff it still has its totem on it, but this should not be here because he has already used it once in this episode.

This episode receives: 6/10, the beginning feels slow compared to just before the middle stages and beyond, it is difficult to describe because without going on and on about it from an overview perspective this episode is good, but it does feel different or slightly different at the beginning and then the more you watch of it, the more it kind of wakes up or something like that, if this episode felt slightly more awake at the beginning stages. This episode would be receiving a comfortable 7 out of 10 or maybe giving me a headache because I would have to choose between a 7 or an 8 out of 10, but as I work on as things are, I am just pointing this out so it doesn't come across that I am being really harsh on this episode.

Now whilst I have been dictating the previous paragraph [so it has just come to me,] it doesn't help that this Spectral Knight [Feryl] has scenes or moments of whining or something like this; I do understand this character, but it would have helped if he was a little bit more mature in places and taking this vehicle/weapon system just doesn't make much sense, he could have left it behind for Galadria to drive it [this is just one possible driver,] so it wouldn't have left the Spectral Knights without a vehicle/weapon system, just in case they get attacked or something else [In short after taking this point into consideration I am slightly more comfortable with my mark of this episode and not forgetting the feeling of a slow beginning,] now this brings up two questions, if this episode felt less slow or quicker, would I have noticed this character's personality traits and if so what I still consider giving this episode an 7 or an 8 out of 10? My responses would be yes I would still notice but maybe not so much and once again yes I would've still got a headache trying to decide between these two marks.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 4: The Price of Freedom by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 4: The Price of Freedom by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

Basic background information: the Spectral Knights: these are the good people characters [the reason why I say people it is; because there is one female character in this group,] the leader of the Spectral Knights is Leoric, their totems are the colour of blue.

Action sequences: I think at some point throughout reviewing this TV program, you may get fed up of me saying positive things about the action sequences, but in fairness to myself I can't help it, it is one of those kind of things where the action sequences are a big part of the episode or episodes, like for an example; we have elements of a tournament to see [I can't really say too much more than that, because it gets explained in the episode] and on top of that there are other things to see and to experience.

Slavery: I wouldn't be bringing up this; if it wasn't such a consistent element in this episode, in a nutshell it is something I cannot leave out, maybe if it was used less but as things are I just have to say; there are elements of slavery in one way or another.

Blooper: one of the Spectral Knights [Arzon] is handing something to a character in a scene to help out these incoming people [it is something you will have to pay attention to find it, but not too much attention is required to be fair.] But this Spectral Knight shouldn't be here; because without giving too much away he is coming back from being somewhere else with another Spectral Knight [so in short he cannot be in two places at once.]

This episode receives: 5/10, now taking everything into consideration I could just about justify another mark, but I just feel more comfortable with the mark I have chosen [on a quick side note; to cover my own back I am sure there are possibly other bloopers in this TV series and including the other TV series’ at to this point in the past and in the future, but I will only point out the ones that are either interesting or easy to notice briefly not every single one every single time.]

Friday, 20 July 2018

Boat Trip 2002/2003 by AverageMansReviews

Boat Trip 2002/2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is poor

Fundamental elements: there are subtitles being used and then not being used, background music including singing and lip-synching, slow-motion effects, cultural elements, words on screen, a voice-over element, place jumps and time jumps.

Comedy level: I don't know what to say really, because there are some funny moments such as when the lead character has problems with his bodily functions in this hot air balloon or in a nutshell your Mother's diet element or when a character is basically telling our lead character and another character, that this person that has just left the scene has substance abuse issues [but he isn't voicing them, he is doing these movements that are associated with these activities,] I have just realized these two elements I have been discussing are in the travel agents/booking scenes, but briefly for heavy amounts of the time the comedy level is tedious.

Gay: the thing is how this film deals with this subject matter; is mostly cheap and yes don't get me wrong there were some moments where I found it funny or I may have giggled out of boredom or something else, but it just feels like most of the time they took the low road.

But in fairness there are some scenes where for a moment they kind of cut the rubbish out and focus on being gay in the sensible way, briefly the telling my Father I am gay scene or when we have the lead character dressing up in drag or I think it is drag, a massive apologies if I have gotten this wrong [yes this character is straight pretending to be gay,] but putting that to one side, this scene comes across as put together properly with the audience in this scene just having fun and being themselves [minus the ex-girlfriend at the end of this sequence.]

Action sequences: these elements give this title value, be it the flare gun sequence or the parachute jump sequence.

Performances: generally speaking they are poor, minus this; when this character tells another character about his Father.

This film receives: 2/10, this project just about does enough for me to give this mark, the only two ways I would watch this project again is if I had to for some reason re-dictate this review or at a push someone had asked me if I can watch it with them.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 3: Quest for the Dragon's Eye by AverageMansReviews

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light 1987 [Season 1, DVD 1] Episode 3: Quest for the Dragon's Eye by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent.

Basic background information: Totems; these are magical animal forms given from Merklynn to the Visionaries on achieving their way to Merklynn's shrine for the first time in the first episode. Now these animal totems are given to these characters individually based on in a nutshell everything about them such as personality traits, how they deal with situations on the way to Merklynn's shrine and many other things [basically these animal totems are what these people would be like if they were born into the animal kingdom instead of human beings.] You can see these totems on these characters chest plates and these animal forms or transformations will happen when the character needs their animal form.

Artistic visions: here are just two examples of them; these giant hands/bit of arms coming-out of Merklynn's sacred pool to hold some characters in the air to Destruction being released from his holding in this Power staff, I am sure that this is the magical power's name as well as his purpose, but just to cover my own back I will just say I could be wrong about this name [yes later on in a different review I will discuss power staffs.]

So this magic character or creature gets released by his controller under the instructions of another character to release his beast so he does, but instead of focusing on what he should be focusing on, this magical creature decides to go and chase after this giant cat creature [which appears by rising out of this building and destroying this building at the same time,] but generally speaking the artistic visions in this episode are lots of fun, to be fair throughout this TV program the artistic visions are of a very high quality with excellent imagination used as well.

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is an excellent conclusion to these opening three episodes which are connected by continuations [to be continued or something like that,] I think I have a better connection with this episode slightly more than the previous two episodes I don't know what it is because as my marks would show they are excellent and I don't mind continuations, but just maybe in this episode they slow down on introducing new things and work on things which are already in play [yes just for those picky people out there in Internet land they do introduce another character in this episode,] but besides this; they focus on recurring elements.

If I should have forgotten anything new other than the character I have just mentioned I apologize, I have just taken two minutes to think about this; but I don't think I am too keen on too much of their main event material being shown off in such a short amount of time, but in fairness to myself I logically put forward in one of my previous reviews why they did this; so if you haven't seen that episode review I basically said something to the effect of; it may have had something to do with merchandise sales [I have no way of proving this but nonetheless it would seem a logical approach] and no I am not going to change the marks of the previous episodes, but instead I'm just more comfortable with the marks I have already chosen.