Saturday, 31 March 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 13: Battle Lines by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 13: Battle Lines by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now with taking everything into consideration like Scott is being Scott there is only one mark I could give this episode.

Dialogue exchanges: they have a great impact on this episode here and now and for the future episodes [I should just point out I haven't seen the next or the future episodes yet,] without saying too much it feels like the groundwork has been laid out for a little while, I wouldn't like to put a time frame on the amount of episodes this storyline may take up, but if they have done it right it should impact quite a few episodes in one way or another [before I receive comments I know the previous episodes are somewhat linked together depending on what element they are focusing on at that point,] but in a nutshell this episode suggests from now on the battle lines have been drawn.

Action sequences: they are lots and lots of fun for one example we get the X-Men vs. The Brotherhood, I really do like how The Brotherhood have been shown in this TV series, it is something like this; okay they may lose against the X-Men, but as a group of characters they will still come back, time after time and are still seen as a group of characters that shouldn't be crossed, because against anyone else they are a dangerous threat and should be shown a level of respect or to be feared, in fairness and balance this group of characters are still a dangerous threat to the X-Men as well.

This episode receives: 10/10, in a nutshell it has a really strong identity to it and it knows what it wants to do and gets on with it, as I have already said I haven't seen the next episodes yet, but it would seem logical to continue this storyline in the next episode [on a side note yes I did replay an element of this episode [because I think I did missed some dialogue or dialogue exchange or something, but as this does not affect my enjoyment level of this episode,] the marking stands as it is, for those people that have been reading my reviews long enough, you should know that I have been trying to stop announcing little things like this or many other things like if for some reason I miss out elements or use the subtitles facilities on a project it is no big deal or I don't like discussing everything anyway, but as you can see from my recent reviews I have been trying to work on it and try not to be worried about missing the smallest detail or forgetting the smallest detail, maybe one day I will stop focusing on the smallest details and stop announcing every little thing as well [unless it brings a point to the review in question or it affects my viewing experience then I will bring it up or them up.]

Whilst I am on the subject if you have ever wondered why my text is so big, I tried to cater for people which have visual difficulties or people that have dyslexic tendencies, as I have them myself.

Fire Down Below 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Fire Down Below 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: now it the beginning stages [opening credits after some pictures] there are what I believe to be mental imagery scenes, there are I think some voice-over elements used at different points as well, but then again I could be wrong. There are background music and other music elements; background music does nothing for me whatsoever and the other music elements are just in this title. The really cultural elements, this seems a good time to briefly say that this could be a religious element as well it just on what project I am watching, but moving on slightly there are place jumps and elements that can qualify as time jumps [from day to night and the other way around, once again I could be wrong] and how can I forget there are environment elements.

Action sequences/Comedy level: the action sequences range from weapons being used and explosions to combat sequences to snakes to vehicles being used. The best action sequence that I have to pick from [I am just telling you the closing stages of this sequence] would have to be where our lead role gets out of his vehicle which at this point it has taken some damage and instead of this vehicle hitting him, in a nutshell he steps out of the way and this vehicle and the vehicle that our lead role was driving take a fall down what I believe to be a cliff side. I have to point this out because it is just one of those points where it just reminds its audiences you cannot take this film too seriously and it is where our lead character goes to check on this bad guy character to make sure he is dead in fact I am sure our lead character physically touches this individual and he is dead, but some time later in this sequence of events the same bad guy character is alive and not just a little bit alive either.

The comedy level, now the comedy level is based in the dialogue exchanges and the action sequences, meaning these elements are pockets that could happen at any time throughout this project really, they are of a mature flavour which may not be funny to some, meaning these dialogue or other elements I am talking about are built to get a reaction or something to that effect from the other characters in the scene or sequence in some cases or something else, I think I can't remember I know this sounds a little bit vague, but in fairness to myself these elements are a consistent theme throughout this project, they are okay I did giggle once or twice but then again I don't know if this was out of boredom.

Performances: generally speaking they are poor.

This film receives: 2/10, I don't know what else to say really, other than this; I am just happy I have gotten through this title.

Friday, 30 March 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 12: eXcessive Force by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 12: eXcessive Force by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good,

Character developments: well this episode is based around Scott, being Scott I have never been quite sure why he was chosen to lead the X-Men, by Professor Charles Xavier but just off the top of my head I would have preferred if Ororo was chosen instead or when Logan is around or maybe a mixture of these two characters leading the X-Men would have been much better instead of Scott [on a very quick side note if Charles had the only option of Scott or Jean Grey at the time to lead the X-Men I would have still gone with Jean Grey every time.]

Now as I have roughly said in a previous review as it relates to this TV program Scott still has the unique ability to irritate me and roughly after 25 years when this review goes out [this number could be more than or less than I can't remember the precise number, it was an instant dislike kind of thing and it has just grown since then.] But my point is this; this is still a big number anyway you look about it. But in the interest of fairness and balance when this character goes searching for this information, he is more easier to watch in this episode.

Now as many of you should know I don't like discussing or giving too much of any project away be it a film or TV program or anything else, but in this case I will give slightly a little bit more information away then I usually do just to make this point, so in this episode we get to meet Nathaniel Essex/Mister Sinister in this episode and in a nutshell I really, really, really want to see this character in the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe] I think it is just about the right time for this character to make his physical appearance, in the MCU, but at the same time I kind of don't want to see him in the MCU, because of how Apocalypse was shown and adapted for the MCU in the film title X-Men: Apocalypse 2016, briefly don't get me wrong there is one sequence of events in this title I really liked  and without giving too much away it is the Apocalypse vs. Professor Charles Xavier -- the mind battle and it seems a good time to point out on very brief my research or to be honest I had forgotten there was a reference or scene or sequence to Mister Sinister in this film title, I think the reason why I had forgotten about it is because every time I see this film it makes me more and more irritated or my brain switches off [this is one of the reasons why I don't discuss everything about a project because on one hand I don't like telling everything whilst on the other hand if I forget something or miss something it is no big deal.]

But after this adaption, I am concerned how Mister Sinister could turn out, I mean I am already concerned about the next film title from this series of films [when this review was dictated X-Men: Dark Phoenix 2019,] I just have a bad feeling about this title, because in the Apocalypse film title there are elements of the Phoenix beginning to show in one way or another and as I have already said I have a bad feeling about this title, considering the Phoenix has been done already in a previous film title [X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 and let's be honest, this version of her was poor in my opinion but back to this episode Mister Sinister puts in a very good showing here and I am hoping they use him again in this TV series.

Action sequences: the action sequences in this episode are all good fun, for one example the motorbikes chasing sequence.

This episode receives: 7/10, now taking everything in to consideration like the fact I don't like Scott that much and there are many good scenes or sequences to this episode this mark feels right [just for the record before I receive any comments yes I am aware that the Phoenix or elements of the Phoenix shows up at some points in the film title X-Men 2 2003 as well.]

Thursday, 29 March 2018

The Expendables 3 2014 by AverageMansReviews

The Expendables 3 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is mixed, I mean I could justify a 3 or 4 or 5 out of 10 for this project and anything less or than these numbers would be harsh or pushing my luck really.

Fundamental elements: there are place jumps and I think time jumps as well [from day to night or the other way around] there are cultural elements with and without subtitles being used and there is background music being used at some points in this title. Now with roughly outlining these elements I have to say that this film moves so slowly and cumbersome throughout its opening section and slightly beyond, the middle section is a mixed bag [I have a feeling this is not going to be the only time I use these words,] but in fairness and balance the more the viewers get towards the final quarter the quicker and better this film feels on every aspect.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, vehicles and many other things, for one example we have this one character that at first takes over this crane [A Tower Crane] and its crate, secondly the character in control of this crane uses this crane and crate to lift the other characters in this sequence to the point where they can overlook something happening and then get put down in a different place [this is just a nutshell version of these events.]

Performances: briefly this age gap thing, the more you see of it the more it becomes a reliable element [based on my personal experience this element needs time to grow on you] and it also greatly assists the chemistry between any of these characters young or older it doesn't matter, on a side note I didn't know how to say this; other than this age gap thing.

This film receives: 4/10, this is the mark I kept coming back to, yes there were some occasions where I was thinking I could give this title a 3 or sometimes a 5, but as I have already said the mark I kept coming back to was the one I have chosen, on the grand scale of things at this point in time I do think this title is the weakest of the three of them.

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 11: Past Discretions by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 11: Past Discretions by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good.

Fundamental elements: this episode has time jumps and place jumps, now after some time the effects of the time jumps and place jumps is somewhat annoying, I don't have any major problems with the time jumps or place jumps, because I do understand their purpose in this episode, but the special-effects to transition from the present day into history or the other way around, it is just annoying [let's just say you will know when they are in effect, I should very quickly point out that there are some mental imagery [but then again it is difficult to say, because unless I have missed something there are some points where this episode just goes backwards and forwards into the present. I think having taken two minutes to think about it, this transitional effect is something like a flashback or flash forward thing as well as mental imagery, I could be wrong but in my defence the transitional phases happen a lot.

Action sequences: for one example viewers gets to see Logan going up against an old friend at some point in this episode.

This episode receives: 7/10, generally speaking this episode is a 7 out of 10 what I mean by this, would be this; we the viewers have many characters having good dialogue exchanges, the storyline makes sense and in a nutshell the action sequences are good, but the fundamental elements or the special-effects in or around these elements are tedious, I mean when the episode settles down into history or the present day it is comfortable doing its thing, but the rotation points pretty much stopped this episode from settling down into any kind of rhythm.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 10: Greetings from Genosha by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 10: Greetings from Genosha by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent; generally speaking it does have a lot to work with.

Dialogue exchanges: the dialogue exchanges give this episode great value, because on one hand we have some dialogue exchanges roughly talking about being like normal people [being around other mutants or going out to a concert, Kurt and Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch] or on the other hand dealing with an intruder [a shape shifter, Raven Darkholme/Mystique. ]

Action sequences: there is a training sequence, dealing with an intruder and other elements.

This episode receives: 8/10, now this is one of those episodes that has another gear to it, I am not saying that any of this episode is poor or average, because it isn't but it does get better and better the more you watch of it.

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 9: Future X by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 9: Future X by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good, I don't have too much to say about this episode really, I mean don't get me wrong it is good, but it does feel like it is setting the groundwork for the future episodes, yes I am aware that the previous episodes or the future episodes may do this as well [for an example may be in the final section or scenes of the episode with a dialogue exchange or something else,] but in fairness and balance they still put a lot of effort into this episode.

Action sequences: they are good and entertaining.

This episode receives: 7/10, I have only two more things to say; now without saying too much the Sentinels from the future in this episode are not that appealing to me I much more prefer the ones from the X-Men 92 -- 97 TV series they have a better feel to them and the final thing is this; as I have already said this episode is good.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Universal Soldier 1992 by AverageMansReviews

Universal Soldier 1992 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: there is a word or words with numbers on screen, there is a time jump and place jumps there are also cultural elements without subtitles being used [but in fairness and balance and taking an educated guess these elements are not important.] The background music is noticeable when it is in effect in this title, a flashback mental imagery thing gets used in this title at some points and there are slow-motion effects being used.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used and everything that comes with that, combat sequences and other elements, generally speaking the action sequences in this project good value, meaning they are interesting; they are entertaining and reliable elements to this project throughout.

Performances: the performances in this project are difficult to put into words, because they are not poor but they are far from Oscar-winning performances as well, I think it is safe to say that everyone from this cast puts in a decent performance.

This film receives: 7/10, this is one of those occasions where I had a choice between a 6 or 7 out of 10 [in fact I had to re-dictate this paragraph] because I changed my mind after dictating it. But putting that to one side for a minute, I feel more comfortable with a 7 out of 10, because this title doesn't do anything wrong in theory, meaning it is what it is which is an action and science-fiction film title and it sticks to that.

Now if it should happen that I watched the project in parts for some reason or watch it with the subtitles on or replay elements or absolutely anything like this; this in itself is no big deal it is just for an example whilst watching this film I could watch roughly the first section of it and then I had to go and do something else, this is nothing against this project [unless I tell you something to the effect of "Man this film is so boring I had to take some breaks just to get through it",] but other than that it isn't anything to do with the project, it is just at some point I would like to watch longer films and other than sitting down to watch it from beginning to end, this would be my second option, but then again as long as I get through it and review it, it doesn't really matter how I do it [I will try not to bring this up again in the future, but and I just simply telling you what is happening.]

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Johnny Mnemonic 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Johnny Mnemonic 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: now to begin this film review there are words and numbers on screen, there are place jumps, cultural elements with or without subtitles being used, I should just point out I could be wrong here [where I have said without subtitles, I think there are one or two points where it isn't being used, what can I say; I got lost with this small detail, so I have said with or without just to cover my own back really.] The background music is noticeable in this title and there are mental imagery elements being used as well.

Action sequences/Computers and other elements: there are plenty of weapons being used, some vehicles dropping and many other elements. The computers and other elements, they do give this project great value because on one hand we have the science-fiction landscapes, accessories and so on. But on the other hand we also have the realm of virtual reality getting shown to the audience as well and yes by today's standards of 2018 [when this review was dictated,] they are looking a little bit old but they are still good.

Performances: generally speaking they are all good and everyone does their part to keep this project moving forward.

This film receives: 7/10, as I have already said this film is good but I have always been under the impression that they could have extended this film by roughly 15 more minutes, to give this film title a better ending [without giving too much away,] as things are it just feels like this; is that it, what happened next?

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 8: Time Bomb by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 8: Time Bomb by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent.

The Brotherhood vs. the X-Men: now individually or together these two groups have a great showing in this episode, it could be their dialogue exchanges of any description or their action sequences there are many positives to take away from this episode.

If I had to give you one example of what I mean with trying not to give too much away, this episode paints the Brotherhood as a real threat, I mean you do get that kind of feeling anyway in any of the previous episodes that these characters are a part of, but in this episode, it just reminds everyone the X-Men and the viewers that this group are still here to bring mischief and chaos to the world, even when we have these action sequences with the Brotherhood vs. the X-Men, the Brotherhood after this event still have the feel and look to them of  "We are still a threat to you and the rest of the world."

This episode receives: 9/10, now I had the same problem with giving this episode an 8 or 9 out of 10, but in a nutshell I went for a 9 out of 10, because every character in this episode does their part, even the exploding problem goes off with a big bang and you know when it is an excellent episode when all your recurrent characters still look strong, well-developed or anything other ready to make another appearance in maybe future episodes [I have said maybe because I haven't seen the upcoming episodes yet.]

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:  why did they make this sequel, I mean it has some good points to it but still why.

Fundamental elements:  there are place jumps with words on screen and I think numbers at one point as well I could be wrong, there are cultural elements without subtitles being used most of the time [I mean if you pay attention to this sequel you will find them as well] and then just to really get on my nerves they do two things; one they use subtitles and two we the audience have an interpreter character at some point in this film as well, I think that will do for the fundamental elements because I have so many other things to say.

Action sequences/Puzzles or other elements: now the action sequences are interesting, they can be fun or really annoying. The underwater elements look good and something easy on the eyes, but then again really annoying because the lead character punches a shark, as if that would happen and the shark would just swim away. The training elements, the motorbikes sequence, the sky elements are well put together and they do give this sequel some value and very quickly, yes there are plenty of weapons being used and other elements, but I am just trying to give this review some balance and now moving on to the puzzles and other elements in a nutshell they are good.

Love interest: now before I begin looking at this element of this sequel, I am aware in the previous film title to this franchise [Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001,] there was indeed a love interest in this film title as well. But the reason why I didn't bring it up is because the audience is given just enough information to suggest throughout that these two characters [Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft and Daniel Craig as Alex West] have a history, but it isn't a heavy point to this title.

I can say it isn't a heavy point, because I am basing my opinion on this sequel, meaning this sequel hammers it home that these two characters have a history and it is so boring, no really it is so boring and it also points out to me this rhetorical question; so what you are trying to tell me is, that Lara Croft is not a strong enough character to stand on her own in her own film? Not once but twice, yes I did point out that in the first film it wasn't a big point but it is still there nonetheless, I know these films are old and are from history, but let's try something different like I don't know let me just think about it for two seconds, I think I have a great idea having Lara Croft be on her own or at the very least not having a love interest would be a good thing.

Performances: generally speaking like it's previous film title, I would have to say these performances are mixed, because without going into it too heavy on both projects, were the performers trying to do something with what was given to them or was it other elements which impacted on to their performances or something else, but whatever the case may be I am not going to be too harsh to the performers themselves on either project.

This film receives: 3/10, briefly yes I did say that this sequel has some value to it but I still found it irritating or boring in places and on a quick side note did we have to see Lara Croft be sexual towards someone, I mean in the previous film title it was in the shower and yes I am aware that being in the shower can or cannot be seen as sexual, but on both counts the viewers don't really need to see these two points or three points including Alex West in a different shower somewhere in the previous film title [in the interest of fairness and balance,] but I will just leave things like this; the previous title or this title I cannot take them too seriously.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 1] Episode 7: Wolverine vs. Hulk by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 1] Episode 7: Wolverine vs. Hulk by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: generally speaking this episode is excellent

Character developments/Action sequences: now without giving too much away and by my count the audience has four well-known characters in this episode, which makes this episode interesting and lots of fun

The action sequences are highly entertaining and if I had to pick out one tiny action sequence it is where Bruce Banner as the Hulk throws this massive snowball at this armoured helicopter/chopper [ I think it is armoured.]

This episode receives: 8/10, now this episode gave me a good headache because I was struggling to give this episode an 8 or 9 out of 10, I could justify both numbers well or at least stand by both numbers, but if I really had to stand by one I would prefer or slightly feel more comfortable with the 8 out of 10.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: I don't know what to think about this title really, I mean as you see I have a lot to say about it anyway, but when this film puts its lead character in her comfortable surroundings or travelling to different countries then this film looks and feels okay.

Fundamental elements: there are place jumps and time jumps words on screen, voice-over elements [with the character who is giving these voice-over elements, appears on screen throughout this sequence [roughly his head and face and other elements depending what stage of this sequence you are seeing,] there is this dream and other mental imagery elements I could be wrong [like for one example this girl or girls, I wasn't really paying attention but my point is this; does this character or are these characters physically there [one girl in one sequence whilst the other girl is in the other scene, not two girls together] or are they an illusion made in Lara Croft's mind. The background music or any music is noticeable and it does nothing for me whatsoever and there are cultural elements with sometimes subtitles being used [there is one occasion where one character and what seems to be a cleaner, that have this very brief dialogue exchange without subtitles being used.]

Clock: the more I think about this element, the more it irritates me because it just feels very last minute, without giving too much away our lead character just so happens to find this clock in her Mansion now in fairness she has to go looking for it, to then make a whole, to find what seems to be a crate, to then find this clock inside this crate and on top of that you are trying to tell me that this clock hasn't made a sound until now, that is a little bit too much to try and find believable.

Action sequences/Puzzles or other elements: I feel comfortable suggesting these elements get better the more you watch of this film it could be these giant statues or Lara Croft in a nutshell saying it goes here standing roughly in the location where something should go [she doesn't say this in the film but I am trying not to give too much of this project away,] I am just highlighting a puzzle element of this title.

Performances: in a nutshell the performances from beginning to end of this title are of a mixed bag.

This film receives: 4/10, it has been many years since I had seen this film [until I came to review it,] but I still cannot take this film too seriously or watch it again without some years in the middle, yes it does get better the more you watch of it and it does have imagination behind it in places [such as for one example where Lara Croft is using this black-straps thing which she uses to train/to glide off and on the floor and then this sequence turns into an action sequence of events, but then again do we really need to see Lara in the shower or another character using a separate shower in this title. [On a side note, because I am trying to stop mentioning things that are not important in my reviews from now on this does include some dialogue exchanges if I missed them I may go back to look at them or not or anything like this or watching a sequence again just to make sure I have gotten it the right way around or close enough in its review, when I make reference to it. I will not be doing this on every detail just if and when I have to or choose to, like if it is a big point or something.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Above the Law 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Above the Law 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: I know this is a strange place to begin this review, but this film could have been a 4 or 5 or 6 or slightly more out of 10, but throughout this review you will see why I went for a 5 out of 10, simply put on reflection I could justify it easier than any other number [a 4 would have been harsh and a 6 maybe could have been done or anything more would be leaning towards being kind.]

Fundamental elements: now straight off the bat, I don't like being confused so when it comes to watching this project at the beginning stages I am not too sure if the voice-over elements [from our lead character/lead performer are built for our lead character or from our lead performer's history] or unless it is a mixture between this character's life and some elements of this performer's life, I just don't know, I could be wrong and I think there are other voice-over elements from our lead character at some point or points.

There are time jumps and place jumps, with words and numbers on screen, there are cultural elements [this seems a good time to just point out the cultural elements could also include religious elements as well it just depends on the project in question,] there are different languages being used without subtitles, the background music is noticeable, really noticeable and there are slow-motion effects being used, I think that is enough for the fundamental elements.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used, combat sequences, vehicles and other elements. Generally speaking these action sequences are well put together and for one example there is this reversing car sequence of events which is good, don't get me wrong the other scenes or sequences bring some value to this project as well [but let's be fair this project is from the late 1980's and it shows on every aspect of this project.]

Performances: they range from poor to okay or somewhere around this word.

This film receives: 5/10, now taking everything into consideration this film is a mixed bag.