Review Time: now with taking everything into consideration like Scott is being Scott there is only one mark I could give this episode.
Dialogue exchanges: they have a great
impact on this episode here and now and for the future episodes [I should just
point out I haven't seen the next or the future episodes yet,] without saying
too much it feels like the groundwork has been laid out for a little while, I wouldn't
like to put a time frame on the amount of episodes this storyline may take up,
but if they have done it right it should impact quite a few episodes in one way
or another [before I receive comments I know the previous episodes are somewhat
linked together depending on what element they are focusing on at that point,]
but in a nutshell this episode suggests from now on the battle lines have been
Action sequences: they are lots and
lots of fun for one example we get the X-Men vs. The Brotherhood, I really do
like how The Brotherhood have been shown in this TV series, it is something
like this; okay they may lose against the X-Men, but as a group of characters
they will still come back, time after time and are still seen as a group of
characters that shouldn't be crossed, because against anyone else they are a
dangerous threat and should be shown a level of respect or to be feared, in
fairness and balance this group of characters are still a dangerous threat to
the X-Men as well.
This episode receives: 10/10, in a
nutshell it has a really strong identity to it and it knows what it wants to do
and gets on with it, as I have already said I haven't seen the next episodes
yet, but it would seem logical to continue this storyline in the next episode
[on a side note yes I did replay an element of this episode [because I think I
did missed some dialogue or dialogue exchange or something, but as this does
not affect my enjoyment level of this episode,] the marking stands as it is,
for those people that have been reading my reviews long enough, you should know
that I have been trying to stop announcing little things like this or many
other things like if for some reason I miss out elements or use the subtitles
facilities on a project it is no big deal or I don't like discussing everything
anyway, but as you can see from my recent reviews I have been trying to work on
it and try not to be worried about missing the smallest detail or forgetting
the smallest detail, maybe one day I will stop focusing on the smallest details
and stop announcing every little thing as well [unless it brings a point to the
review in question or it affects my viewing experience then I will bring it up
or them up.]
Whilst I am
on the subject if you have ever wondered why my text is so big, I tried to
cater for people which have visual difficulties or people that have dyslexic
tendencies, as I have them myself.