Saturday 31 March 2018

Fire Down Below 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Fire Down Below 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: now it the beginning stages [opening credits after some pictures] there are what I believe to be mental imagery scenes, there are I think some voice-over elements used at different points as well, but then again I could be wrong. There are background music and other music elements; background music does nothing for me whatsoever and the other music elements are just in this title. The really cultural elements, this seems a good time to briefly say that this could be a religious element as well it just on what project I am watching, but moving on slightly there are place jumps and elements that can qualify as time jumps [from day to night and the other way around, once again I could be wrong] and how can I forget there are environment elements.

Action sequences/Comedy level: the action sequences range from weapons being used and explosions to combat sequences to snakes to vehicles being used. The best action sequence that I have to pick from [I am just telling you the closing stages of this sequence] would have to be where our lead role gets out of his vehicle which at this point it has taken some damage and instead of this vehicle hitting him, in a nutshell he steps out of the way and this vehicle and the vehicle that our lead role was driving take a fall down what I believe to be a cliff side. I have to point this out because it is just one of those points where it just reminds its audiences you cannot take this film too seriously and it is where our lead character goes to check on this bad guy character to make sure he is dead in fact I am sure our lead character physically touches this individual and he is dead, but some time later in this sequence of events the same bad guy character is alive and not just a little bit alive either.

The comedy level, now the comedy level is based in the dialogue exchanges and the action sequences, meaning these elements are pockets that could happen at any time throughout this project really, they are of a mature flavour which may not be funny to some, meaning these dialogue or other elements I am talking about are built to get a reaction or something to that effect from the other characters in the scene or sequence in some cases or something else, I think I can't remember I know this sounds a little bit vague, but in fairness to myself these elements are a consistent theme throughout this project, they are okay I did giggle once or twice but then again I don't know if this was out of boredom.

Performances: generally speaking they are poor.

This film receives: 2/10, I don't know what else to say really, other than this; I am just happy I have gotten through this title.

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