Sunday 25 March 2018

Johnny Mnemonic 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Johnny Mnemonic 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: now to begin this film review there are words and numbers on screen, there are place jumps, cultural elements with or without subtitles being used, I should just point out I could be wrong here [where I have said without subtitles, I think there are one or two points where it isn't being used, what can I say; I got lost with this small detail, so I have said with or without just to cover my own back really.] The background music is noticeable in this title and there are mental imagery elements being used as well.

Action sequences/Computers and other elements: there are plenty of weapons being used, some vehicles dropping and many other elements. The computers and other elements, they do give this project great value because on one hand we have the science-fiction landscapes, accessories and so on. But on the other hand we also have the realm of virtual reality getting shown to the audience as well and yes by today's standards of 2018 [when this review was dictated,] they are looking a little bit old but they are still good.

Performances: generally speaking they are all good and everyone does their part to keep this project moving forward.

This film receives: 7/10, as I have already said this film is good but I have always been under the impression that they could have extended this film by roughly 15 more minutes, to give this film title a better ending [without giving too much away,] as things are it just feels like this; is that it, what happened next?

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