Friday 30 March 2018

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 12: eXcessive Force by AverageMansReviews

Wolverine and the X-Men 08 -- 09 [Volume 2] Episode 12: eXcessive Force by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good,

Character developments: well this episode is based around Scott, being Scott I have never been quite sure why he was chosen to lead the X-Men, by Professor Charles Xavier but just off the top of my head I would have preferred if Ororo was chosen instead or when Logan is around or maybe a mixture of these two characters leading the X-Men would have been much better instead of Scott [on a very quick side note if Charles had the only option of Scott or Jean Grey at the time to lead the X-Men I would have still gone with Jean Grey every time.]

Now as I have roughly said in a previous review as it relates to this TV program Scott still has the unique ability to irritate me and roughly after 25 years when this review goes out [this number could be more than or less than I can't remember the precise number, it was an instant dislike kind of thing and it has just grown since then.] But my point is this; this is still a big number anyway you look about it. But in the interest of fairness and balance when this character goes searching for this information, he is more easier to watch in this episode.

Now as many of you should know I don't like discussing or giving too much of any project away be it a film or TV program or anything else, but in this case I will give slightly a little bit more information away then I usually do just to make this point, so in this episode we get to meet Nathaniel Essex/Mister Sinister in this episode and in a nutshell I really, really, really want to see this character in the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe] I think it is just about the right time for this character to make his physical appearance, in the MCU, but at the same time I kind of don't want to see him in the MCU, because of how Apocalypse was shown and adapted for the MCU in the film title X-Men: Apocalypse 2016, briefly don't get me wrong there is one sequence of events in this title I really liked  and without giving too much away it is the Apocalypse vs. Professor Charles Xavier -- the mind battle and it seems a good time to point out on very brief my research or to be honest I had forgotten there was a reference or scene or sequence to Mister Sinister in this film title, I think the reason why I had forgotten about it is because every time I see this film it makes me more and more irritated or my brain switches off [this is one of the reasons why I don't discuss everything about a project because on one hand I don't like telling everything whilst on the other hand if I forget something or miss something it is no big deal.]

But after this adaption, I am concerned how Mister Sinister could turn out, I mean I am already concerned about the next film title from this series of films [when this review was dictated X-Men: Dark Phoenix 2019,] I just have a bad feeling about this title, because in the Apocalypse film title there are elements of the Phoenix beginning to show in one way or another and as I have already said I have a bad feeling about this title, considering the Phoenix has been done already in a previous film title [X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 and let's be honest, this version of her was poor in my opinion but back to this episode Mister Sinister puts in a very good showing here and I am hoping they use him again in this TV series.

Action sequences: the action sequences in this episode are all good fun, for one example the motorbikes chasing sequence.

This episode receives: 7/10, now taking everything in to consideration like the fact I don't like Scott that much and there are many good scenes or sequences to this episode this mark feels right [just for the record before I receive any comments yes I am aware that the Phoenix or elements of the Phoenix shows up at some points in the film title X-Men 2 2003 as well.]

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