Sunday, 31 December 2017

Batman: The Movie 1966 by AverageMansReviews

Batman: The Movie 1966 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Storyline/Fundamental core: the storyline generally speaking is good and entertaining. The fundamental core to this project is well group together throughout; there is this spotlight with words before the opening credits, after the opening credits the audience these voice-over elements telling us a little bit of what is happening.

Vehicles/Action sequences: now there is a good selection of vehicles being used in this project be it in the air, on land, on the water or underneath the water [for this review I see vehicles as anything that can get you from A to B. because of two reasons the first being these things can do that and secondly I am trying not to give too much away.] I was thinking I would just clarify that; before I receive complaints or something to that effect.

The action sequences, yes they may be cheesy but at least they are good or interesting, for an example when Batman has big problems with this shark, Robin has to come down this ladder from this location and in mid-air put his legs securely in and over the ladder to assist Batman to take care of this situation.

Computers elements/Science elements: these elements in one way or another get consistently used to good effect in this title.

Comedy level: now and again in this project there are comical elements such as this one example, the audience sees Batman running around trying to get rid of this bomb, so throughout this sequence he is trying to find somewhere where no one will get hurt, but there are too many people or things in this location, he says this dialogue exchange and eventually gets rid of it.

Cast: I like all of these versions of these characters, their character developments are in-depth in one way or another, these performers do a wonderful job bringing these characters to life. The chemistry between these characters/performers is easy to see be it, on one hand there being some kind of friction between the evildoers now and again or on the other hand, the law-abiding characters sharing ideas or figuring out things or something else. But to be fair evildoers or law-abiding, all of these characters/performers work off one another to a very high standard.

Subtitles: there are subtitles towards the closing stages of this project, they are okay to see, they are big and white.

This film receives: 83% approval, now it has to be said I have changed my mind at least three different times on this percentage of approval [on a side note the other percentages I had in mind were of similar numbers,] because I do believe with this title they did everything they could to make this film entertaining, action-packed and many other things, yes this film can be seen as having cheesy elements, but let's be fair this film comes from the 1960s so it isn't going to have many, many other bits and pieces which other Batman film versions have to work with.

Saturday, 30 December 2017

X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 by AverageMansReviews

X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now straight off the bat I don't like this film, but with that being said I can also say that it does have some good elements.

Time jumps/Fundamental core: I can't stand the time jumps at the beginning of this film, the first one is twenty years ago [words on the screen,] the second one is ten years ago [words on the screen] and then the opening credits and then another time jump with the words on screen of [the not too distant future] or something to that effect.

The fundamental core throughout the rest of the project irritates me to no end on every single level; I mean it took me two days to get through this project that is how much this film irritates me.

Storyline: this storyline is boring I mean the Jean Grey/Phoenix storyline is strong enough to have its own film, but to have these other elements on top of this storyline it makes this film difficult and not fun to watch. I can base my opinion on this fact; they don't go too in-depth as it relates to the Phoenix side of Jean Grey. Yes the viewers get told elements of her and yes we get to see her abilities but that is about it. I would have preferred to see the Phoenix at first be immature, mind of a child but physically Jean, because Jean has kept her locked away with the Professor's guidance and learning [now and again in this film title we do see her get angry or other personality traits] but if they came up with doing the immature thing which I have suggested, the audience could see the growth of this character as she goes from immaturity to wanting to learn and possibly the only thing the human race understands is violence or something like this just something which has or had a little bit of character developments anything like this would have be nice.

Character developments: these elements are mixed, I don't know if it is because some of these characters have been designed to lead this sequel which in turn it feels like they are carrying this title whilst other character developments are either okay or poor.

Action sequences: these elements are also mixed, I like the bridge sequence in a nutshell we have Magneto lifting up this bridge from one place, moving it in mid-air and then putting it down in another place. Beast's action-packed elements can be fun as well when he gets involved in some scenes, but for the rest of the action-packed sequences they are either okay or they do nothing for me in the slightest.

This film receives: 23% approval, now let's be fair I have highlighted some good things about this title, but I still don't like it.

Daredevil 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Daredevil 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: generally speaking this film is painful to watch, now don't get me wrong there are some good elements to this project. But still I cannot say this enough this film is just really, really painful to watch.

Time jumps/Origin storyline/Storyline/Background music/Fundamental core: I know I have put many elements here, this is because in one way or another all these elements work off one another at some point throughout this project and wow individually these elements are a nightmare, in fact when they work off one another even Freddy Krueger would run away in horror.

The time jumps, what was the point of beginning towards the end of this film so you could just go backwards [origin storyline.] I have to ask what is it with the voice over elements from our lead character in this project I mean they are just really cheap and tacky, this dialogue doesn't interest me at any time the voice-over comes into effect, I mean don't get me wrong I know why they use this kind of thing but still the usage of this element is so boring in this title and then on top of that sometime later to move forward in a time jump [then just to continue with the storyline from this point onwards.]  The background music is a consistent theme in this title and all I can say is this; the audience knows it is there. The fundamental core to this project as it relates to when this film decides to move on going forward after the origin storyline is nothing special [it is one of those occasions where the audience will feel every second of every minute and so on and so forth.]

Matt Murdock is Daredevil: I have named this paragraph like this because there are many occasions where this character gives it away that he is Daredevil and it is so, so annoying. But what is more annoying is the audience has to sit there and watch whilst many other characters have no idea [I hasten to add I do like Pantoliano as Ben Urich, at least his character is following a news story and trying to work something out,] but then again it does get to the point where it is kind of obvious that Matt Murdock is Daredevil, based on the things he does as Matt so in a nutshell these characters that have no idea that Matt is Daredevil, if they were to sit down for 2 seconds and think about things they would come up with "Hold on Matt Murdock is Daredevil."

Duncan/Favreau/Pantoliano/Smith: now if you wanted to watch this film, I would suggest you watch these four performers, because their performances are reliably good and interesting.

Action sequences: they are okay.

This film receives: 30% approval, yes it is very true I don't like this film but having said that I do like the four performers I have said in this review, they seem to understand their characters very well indeed [and as it relates to Smith, it is always good to see him in a project even though in this case it is just for one scene.] The action-packed sequences are okay they just don't do much for me and on a very quick side note I do like Daredevil, just not this version of him.

Friday, 29 December 2017

The Trial of the Incredible Hulk 1989 by AverageMansReviews

The Trial of the Incredible Hulk 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Origin storylines/Storyline: the origin storylines are decent with [voice-over some scenes with an origin of one character] or as it relates to the second origin storyline, yes you still get some voice over with some scenes, but they don't show you everything, in a nutshell these two characters discuss this origin storyline in a conversation. The general storyline is decent and easy to settle down with.

David and Matt: these two characters/performers share good dialogue exchanges, yes individually they come from two very different backgrounds, but they both have strong personality traits as the audience will see consistently throughout this title.

Action sequences: yes by today's standards [in 2017 when this review was dictated,] they do look a little bit old. But they are still highly entertaining and let's put it this way on one hand the Hulk gets some of his Hulk smash in whilst Daredevil is a little bit quieter in his approach yet at the same time able to strike fear into his enemies.

Other cast members: these characters/performers do a good job as well especially [John Rhys-Davies as Wilson Fisk,] this version of this character has a big interest in films or something to that effect, as this character seems to have many cameras everywhere or sometimes he talks like he is making a movie

This film receives: 80% approval, now if you are wondering how this film gets this percentage of approval, basically it sticks to its strength's and doesn't try to complicate things too much.

Ghost Rider 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Ghost Rider 2007 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor to average

Fundamental core: now yes usually I would break down this project into smaller sections, but in this case there is just so much of it that if I was to break it down it would get difficult to explain, like for an example this title begins with a voice-over/storyteller with Western scenes and other elements [before the title] and after the title the audience has this time jump/place jump to this Carnival backdrop and then some time later we have this other time jump/place jump with young Johnny Blaze turning into older Johnny Blaze and on top of that at some points throughout these elements there are mental flashbacks/imagery and on a side note there is some more voice-over at the closing stages of this title as well.

I suppose this would be a good time to say this; I don't like this fundamental core, don't get me wrong when it settles down it is okay but nothing more than that really, no seriously I took many breaks to get through this project and after some time my concentration for this project wasn't there, I just got bored with this title.

Ghost Rider: I like the Ghost Rider [when he is physically on screen,] he is sometimes funny in his dialogue, his physical appearance is very good and his action sequences are well put together and really enjoyable, be it riding up and down the side of a building or being on the water or being underneath the water or something else, the Ghost Rider is lots of fun.

Cast: the performances or the character developments are a mixed bag for me, sometimes while watching this title, I can't settle down with these performances or the character developments, whilst at some stages I can settle down with the performances and the character developments for some time, but it doesn't last for too long and then the pattern repeats itself where I can't settle followed by I can settle down and then repeat.

This film receives: 47% approval, in a nutshell the Ghost Rider is great fun, but everything else is all over the place.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Nick Fury: Agent of Shield 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Nick Fury: Agent of Shield 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average.

Place names on the screen/Storyline: now I was thinking I would begin here, simply because throughout this film it happens roughly 5 times where either in one scene one word comes up or words comes on the screen, telling the audience where we are and I have to be honest I find these elements really irritating after some time, I don't know what it is about these elements [maybe it has something to do with, seeing these elements being used roughly 5 different times in this project,] but whatever the case may be after the first and second time they are used, they do become like nails on a chalkboard to me. [Because I like to keep things nice and simple yes these elements can be seen as place jumps sometimes, like for an example the first and second time the words on screen are used they are not a place jump but simply telling the audience where they are at the beginning of this film,] did I forget to mention how much I didn't or just don't like these elements.

But moving on, the storyline itself is okay I mean throughout most of it you can settle down with it, and watch it. [I should just point out I did say most of it,] because how can I put this; without giving too much information away, in a nutshell the film finishes on a big question-mark and the question is what happens next?

Special-effects/Action sequences: the special-effects are looking a bit old, but to be fair they still look respectable, if you want one example of the special-effects being used, I would have to choose the Sky elements, let's just say when these special-effects are being used in this project you will know about it, because these elements are really noticeable and really easy on the eyes. Now moving on to the action sequences they are okay, there are plenty of weapons being used and other things.

Cast: in a nutshell everyone puts in an average performance, but then again there are some scenes or sequences where they are slightly higher than average or slightly lower than average in their performances throughout this film and I should point out the changes between slightly higher or slightly lower than average are quick and often.

This film receives: 54% approval, yes this film does have its problems but generally speaking it does have enough interesting elements to be an average film.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: let's just get this review done shall we and before I forget, if I forget to mention anything in this review, it is because I have a lot to say and in a nutshell I don't like most of this film to begin with.

Lois Lane/Martha Kent/Perry White/Alfred Pennyworth/Diana Prince a.k.a. Wonder Woman: all of these characters have well-rounded personality traits be it Alfred's comical comments or Martha's love for her son, in one way or another all these characters brings something to the table and on top of this Wonder Woman has some very good action sequences.

Fundamental core on a basic level: I strongly dislike how this film moves, because generally speaking this film moves like this; Batman storyline element, Superman storyline element, Luther storyline element different pairings storyline elements of these characters or all of these three characters on screen at the same time storyline elements [and then any other storyline elements on top of this; they may or may not involved different characters [I cannot remember every second of this film because it took me two days to get through this project] or it could rotate between these three characters depending where you are in the film, I must apologize a little bit if that sounds complicated, but this is how this film roughly moves.

Fundamental core including many other elements on an 
in-depth level: now yes usually I wouldn't break a project down like this [I would use more paragraphs to talk about different elements for an example like voice-over, Background music and other bits and pieces.] But as it relates to this project there is just too much for me to discuss and if I was to talk about every individual element or put the elements in different pairings as I normally do things would get really complicated, so I have decided to do things this way.

Now let's take three characters that are in this project Batman, Superman and Lex Luther and now let's take one character out of these three characters, Batman, his scenes or sequences [sometimes including Alfred, but as I have already said Alfred is a good element.] Bruce Wayne/Batman's storyline elements, atmosphere controls elements amongst other elements have been heavily built around this character which if this was just a Batman film it would be okay, let's get real this film isn't just a Batman film it has to rotate between other characters as well such as Kal-El/Clark Kent which this character has his own storyline, atmosphere control and things around him [sometimes including Lois Lane.] But every time this film moves from and to a different characters storyline element, it needs time to withdraw and put in place a different elements to go around the on-coming character, yes this means there are some occasions where the time that it takes fundamental core elements to get settled down around a character the see or sequence may be over and the film has moved on to a different character.

The same can be said for Lex Luther he has his own atmosphere controls and so on built around him and whilst I'm on the subject, when you have different pairings or all three of these characters together the atmosphere controls and scene consistencies don't know what to do and because of this yes these scenes may have a lot happening in them, but they feel empty and really disjointed in their movements.

Fundamental core around the other characters: now there are some scenes or sequences away from the characters I have spoke about in this review and these scenes or sequences move okay.

Action sequences: I have already highlighted the action-packed sequences that are very good [any of Wonder Woman's,] but for the rest of them they are a mixed bag really.

This film receives: 22% approval, I really don't like this film yes it does have some good characters and other bits and pieces. But generally speaking this film is so, so, so hard work to watch and on a side note whenever Diana Prince or Wonder Woman [yes I am aware they are the same character] is on screen the audience can tell straight away that this character is really in-depth as it relates to her personality traits, dialogue exchanges and many other things, if you haven't seen Wonder Woman 2017 yet you should it is a perfect film and there is one last thing for me to briefly talk about and it would be this; this film is way, way too long it roughly goes on for 151 minutes give or take a minute.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Kick-Ass 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Kick-Ass 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor to average.

Voice-over/Time jump/Place jumps/
Background music/Fundamental core: wow the voice-over elements [from our lead role's perspective] do very quickly become annoying that is all I have to say about them really, they are not fun or funny or interesting they are just very, very, very annoying. Time jump [I don't like the six months earlier time jump, it just feels lazy or just boring I cannot decide on which one or it could be both of these words, how about beginning the film from the beginning move it forward from there without time jumps or wording on screen and on a side note the words on screen thing gets used enough times for me to mention it in this review [that is where the place jumps come into effect because you get words on screen like some time later or something to that effect.]

Moving on the background music is a mixed bag really, sometimes it works with the scene or sequence and sometimes it just doesn't, generally speaking the fundamental core to this project is hard work, I had to take two or more stoppages just to get through this project.

Frank D'Amico/Damon Macready a.k.a. Big Daddy/
Mindy Macready a.k.a. Hit-Girl: these characters I liked they offer this film so much [I just want to point out one thing yes I do like these characters but there is one small piece of dialogue with one of these characters talking to Kick-Ass I had to use the subtitles facilities, because hey what can I say I was getting slowly more and more bored with this title, my concentration was wondering and just for the record I have very good hearing.

Action sequences: now any of Big Daddy's or Hit-Girl's action sequences are entertaining or fun with many things happening in them, they are well put together.

Comedy level: this is another element which sometimes works whilst other times it doesn't work [the dark] comedy level works such as this nutshell version of events a selection of evildoer characters are trying to get some information out of somebody [another evildoer character, whilst this person is standing in what seems to be a big microwave,] that is all I can say about it really, because as I have already said this is a dark comedy element and as many people look at my reviews I cannot be too precise. But still it is a good sequence, how can I put this nicely; dark comedy elements good whilst the other comedy elements become nails on a chalkboard to me and just on a side note I see when the Bazooka is getting used as a dark comedy/action scene or sequence.

Art: Damon Macready's art elements are very good.

This film receives: 48% approval, yes absolutely this film does have some good elements which throughout this review I have shown. But with saying that having to take breaks just to get through this project and let’s be honest my interest's in this title are based around some of the supporting characters and the main evildoer, this is why I came up with this percentage of approval [just before I finish, if someone would like to tell me why this film did the six months earlier thing please do? Because I am not sure if I have missed something or this is just how this film is.]

Jonah Hex 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Jonah Hex 2010 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average, I don't know what to say about this title really, it has some good points to it, but then again there are some really annoying points to it as well.

Voice-over/Origin storyline/Storyline: at the beginning of this project the audience hears this voice-over from our lead character with the film going on at the same time [on a side note there are some more voice-over elements at the closing stages,] some scenes later the audience gets to see this really dark yet beautiful animation which reflects this character excellently on two levels, firstly the artistic visions of these scenes are as I have already said are beautiful and secondly they are being used as character developments for our lead character as he goes from his old face to his new face.

The storyline itself from an overview perspective is something reliable and it does its job.

Fundamental core: yes usually I would break down this or these elements into smaller sections, but in this case when or if you come to watch this project this will make sense, I have big problems with this fundamental core itself, it consistently uses this heavy background music or just this background music in some cases in either case it is just so, so annoying on top of that I am not sure what this background music is meant to do, because it doesn't make the film feel any quicker when the background music is being used [how can I put this nicely; with or without this background music, this film is consistently moving yes, but it is never convincingly the most quickest of films.]

Action sequences: these elements are a mixed bag for me in a nutshell Hex vs. Turnbull or Hex vs. Burke [any of these action scenes involving these characters are good,] because they have good chemistry on screen, including the fact that these action sequences feel as if they are a fair one-on-one. But for the rest of the action packed sequences I either feel a little for them or nothing at all.

Cast: now as far as I am concerned this cast saves this project, I feel really comfortable saying this; because without these reliable to good character developments/performances this film would have really, really struggled and yes as you will see from my percentage of approval it still does struggle but no way as bad as it would've been without these performers in this project, their dialogue exchanges are interesting and they do try to keep this film going as best as they can.

This film receives: 47% approval, this film is hard work to watch [because the viewer will be sitting there picking out the good bits from the annoying bits.]

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Catwoman 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Catwoman 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Voice-over/Origin storyline/Storyline: the audience gets given these voice-over elements at the beginning and at the end of this title [from our lead role's perspective.] The origin storyline has been done to and okay standard, but for the general storyline, I found it to be so boring, I can't remember how many breaks I took to get through this title but all I can remember is I took breaks to get through it from beginning to end.

Special-effects/Background music: I really do struggle with the special-effects in this project, based on the fact I just don't like them it doesn't matter if the special-effects are being used with the cats or Catwoman or something else they do nothing for me and I find them incredibly, incredibly irritating. The background music is loud and once again it just irritates me [you see if you use background music properly it can help the project in question to create some kind of fundamental core or something to assist the audiences with their viewing experience of your project] or it can come out something like this which is just a mess every time it is used.

Action sequences: they are okay-ish, there are some quick moving elements with many weapons being used, some deaths and many other bits and pieces.

Cast: now it has to be said that everyone in this cast tries to make something positive happen, this is why I am going to see this cast as the main positive to this project, yes as I have already said the action-packed sequences are okay-ish, but these performers/characters are trying to make this project consistently interesting and considering they didn't have much to work with in the first place I think they did a reasonable job with what was given to them to work with.

This film receives: 22% approval, generally speaking this film is very hard work to watch and I only watched it so I could do this review

The Incredible Hulk Returns 1988 by AverageMansReviews

The Incredible Hulk Returns 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Origin storylines/Storyline: the origin storylines are well put together, they are done with voice-overs elements now for the general storyline it is cheesy but good.

Hulk and Thor: these two characters have a good connection, individually can and do fight with anyone and win 99.9% of the time.] So when they go one-on-one at some point in this film it is like two unstoppable forces meeting head to head, yes Hulk may indeed give off the impression he is getting more and more angrier, but if you look underneath that, the audience can get a feeling he is more than willing to continue this battle and Thor is just being Thor, this version of him likes to battle and do other things as well [like drinking and in a nutshell socializing.]  I am not going to discuss any of the other action-packed sequences, because they are all good in their own little ways, but if I was to discuss them in great detail that would take away some of the enjoyment of watching this project.

Science-fiction elements: the machinery and other bits and pieces in their scenes are really cool; the viewers can tell and see that they have tried to make these scenes look realistic with many machines doing many things.

Cast: I like this cast everyone puts in likable performances.

This film receives: 68% approval, this film is something you can happily sit down and watch.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Fantastic Four 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: simply put this film is terrible, I mean the only aspects of this project I can get along with are these the artistic visions on the other planet are visually decent to look at when there are no action sequences taking place throughout them and the subtitles [very limited usage] are okay they do their job and they are okay to read [providing you are still interested in this project when they are in effect, because when they get used I have to be honest my interest in this project just wasn't there when they were getting used,] so yes I could see them and read them, but I really couldn't be bothered at this point in this film.

Fundamental core: Wow this fundamental core is just shockingly bad, the first thing is these time jumps are big, even when this film settles down it actually has no get up and go so the viewers are left to feel every second of every minute of this title and it is just no fun to watch or to experience.

Origin storyline/storyline: well what a load of rubbish [it doesn't matter if you are looking at the origin storyline or the general storyline,] on both counts they are both boring.

Character developments without powers: these character developments are painful to watch, you can see everything coming from miles and miles away, the dialogue exchanges are relentlessly tedious.

Character developments with powers: whomever came up with this idea needed to go back to the drawing board [this idea for these character developments is and was such a bad, bad, bad idea in fact this idea is that bad I would suggest people who haven't seen this film just to watch this section of this project just to see how bad it is, because I cannot tell you just by words [you will have to go and see it for yourselves.]

Now these characters get their powers and in some sequences they are frightened and so on, suddenly a time jump happens [the number and the words on the screen 1 year later or something to that effect] and these character have gotten used to their powers by now You see by using this time jump, the audience misses out on any form of character developments or developing any kind of connection or connections with these characters, so in reality it goes from these characters being scared to words on screen then on to these characters having these powers, but here is one of the most annoying elements which to be honest there are many annoying elements to this project let's be honest. But I digress even though these characters have these new powers they have not grown as people so you still have these annoying personality traits but now instead of just these annoying personality traits and dialogue exchanges, the audience has to deal with these powers being used with this immature tone as well and not forgetting the special effects and the action sequences are boring as well.

This film receives: 4% approval , yes I did highlight when the film is on this other planet and they are just looking around, these sequences are good to look at and I don't know what to say about the characters which have some scenes or sequences [enough sequences or scenes to be a consistent element to this project,] it is like on one hand they are okay-ish, but on the other hand, they kind of show up the shortcomings of this project [it is a difficult thing to explain but maybe I can put it this way the characters with some scenes or sequences make the best out of what they have to work with and to be kind to them that is all they can do really,] on a side note I should just say even when these performers are on screen the film itself is still struggling.

But having said that the best thing about this film title is the ending credits [yes when the ending credits come down the screen to say in a nutshell the film has ended this would be the best thing about this project, because generally speaking this title is just hard work to watch.]

Man-Thing 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Man-Thing 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is garbage.

Voice-over/Quick moving imagery/
Cultural elements/Background music: now at the beginning of this project there is this voice-over some scenes, the quick moving imagery is nothing special, in fact it is just really irritating, moving on the cultural elements are clear to see and the background music is easy to pick up on and. It does nothing for me.

Character developments: the character developments of every single character in this project are just so, so weak for one brief example, there is this romantic element, but here's the problem when the romantic element happens it comes out of nowhere. I mean there are no groundwork elements put in place or naturally grown between these two characters or anything that this romantic connection is going to happen [it is like this; one second there is no connection and a second later there is a connection,] but then again it may of helped the situation if I felt something for any of these characters in the first place, I had to take some breaks just to get through this project, let's put it this way I felt every second of every minute of this title.

Environment elements/Action sequences: there are environment elements used in this project and for the action sequences there are plenty of weapons being used and many other things.

This film receives: 2% approval, I have never seen this film all the way through; I have done it now so if I have the choice I wouldn't watch this film again.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Eraser 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Eraser 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Storyline/Fundamental core: the storyline is okay, I mean it goes from A to B and so on without too many difficulties, the same can be said for the fundamental core it just moves on from one scene or sequence to the next scene or sequence.

Voice-over/Subtitles: now at some point there is this voice-over [voiced by our lead character,] once you have heard these voice-over elements that is it I don't think they get used again, moving on to the subtitles towards the later stages of this title there is this character that speaks another language and I have no idea what he is saying because I don't speak his language, so subtitles would have been nice.

Schwarzenegger as US Marshal John Kruger/Caan as US Marshal Robert DeGuerin/Williams as 
Lee Cullen/Pastorelli as Johnny Casteleone/
Coburn as WITSEC Chief Arthur Beller: now the first thing I want to point out is this; these character/performers are either full-time in this project or part-time, but whatever their involvement in this project is; they all bring something to the table, be it good dialogue exchanges or some comedy elements in one way or another or something else.

Action sequences: yes in this project there are plenty of weapons being used, but on top of that, the audience has this well put together sequence of events involving this parachute [I am not going to say too much, because it is a very good sequence and I don't want to give too much away,] another sequence that you can find in this project which is really good is involving crocodiles or alligators [I don't know if they are alligators or crocodiles being used in this sequence.] But then again all I need to know is this; these scenes or sequences are entertaining.

This film receives: 70% approval, now this film knows what it is and what it is doing from beginning to end, it just depends if the viewer likes this project on not.

Maggie 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Maggie 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor to mixed.

Voice-over/Radios elements/Mental imagery/
Fundamental core: this voice-over takes place before the title; the radios elements begin after the title [from the radio in the truck] and then come from the radio in the kitchen, the mental imagery are quick and sudden elements. The fundamental core starts slow in some places, is okay in other places and then back to slow again.

Cast: now there is a reason why I was a little bit straightforward in my previous paragraph in this review, it is basically because of this; the cast and the character developments are at different points throughout this project are either generally speaking weak or really annoying or sometimes average or sometimes good. I know this sounds a little bit all over the place, but in fairness this is how this film works and feels from time to time.

So everything is a mixed bag, there are some characters in this title that just irritated me so much every time they were on screen, but when this film settles down for a little while [somewhere between the middle stages to just before the ending stages ] with some of this cast/characters it can be decent to watch with some good dialogue exchanges, but these decent or good elements to this title do not last forever.

Ending: now I have to be careful what I say here, because I don't like giving too much away, but with that being said this ending gets a big no from me, as in I just didn't like it or don't like it in the slightest.

This film receives: 37% approval, this film has been difficult to give a percentage to, because it has or had the potential to be a film title that was somewhere between an average to a good film, but what we got was a film that takes ages to find its feet and then slips into a puddle at the closing stages.