Tuesday 26 December 2017

Catwoman 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Catwoman 2004 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Voice-over/Origin storyline/Storyline: the audience gets given these voice-over elements at the beginning and at the end of this title [from our lead role's perspective.] The origin storyline has been done to and okay standard, but for the general storyline, I found it to be so boring, I can't remember how many breaks I took to get through this title but all I can remember is I took breaks to get through it from beginning to end.

Special-effects/Background music: I really do struggle with the special-effects in this project, based on the fact I just don't like them it doesn't matter if the special-effects are being used with the cats or Catwoman or something else they do nothing for me and I find them incredibly, incredibly irritating. The background music is loud and once again it just irritates me [you see if you use background music properly it can help the project in question to create some kind of fundamental core or something to assist the audiences with their viewing experience of your project] or it can come out something like this which is just a mess every time it is used.

Action sequences: they are okay-ish, there are some quick moving elements with many weapons being used, some deaths and many other bits and pieces.

Cast: now it has to be said that everyone in this cast tries to make something positive happen, this is why I am going to see this cast as the main positive to this project, yes as I have already said the action-packed sequences are okay-ish, but these performers/characters are trying to make this project consistently interesting and considering they didn't have much to work with in the first place I think they did a reasonable job with what was given to them to work with.

This film receives: 22% approval, generally speaking this film is very hard work to watch and I only watched it so I could do this review

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