Thursday 28 December 2017

Nick Fury: Agent of Shield 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Nick Fury: Agent of Shield 1998 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average.

Place names on the screen/Storyline: now I was thinking I would begin here, simply because throughout this film it happens roughly 5 times where either in one scene one word comes up or words comes on the screen, telling the audience where we are and I have to be honest I find these elements really irritating after some time, I don't know what it is about these elements [maybe it has something to do with, seeing these elements being used roughly 5 different times in this project,] but whatever the case may be after the first and second time they are used, they do become like nails on a chalkboard to me. [Because I like to keep things nice and simple yes these elements can be seen as place jumps sometimes, like for an example the first and second time the words on screen are used they are not a place jump but simply telling the audience where they are at the beginning of this film,] did I forget to mention how much I didn't or just don't like these elements.

But moving on, the storyline itself is okay I mean throughout most of it you can settle down with it, and watch it. [I should just point out I did say most of it,] because how can I put this; without giving too much information away, in a nutshell the film finishes on a big question-mark and the question is what happens next?

Special-effects/Action sequences: the special-effects are looking a bit old, but to be fair they still look respectable, if you want one example of the special-effects being used, I would have to choose the Sky elements, let's just say when these special-effects are being used in this project you will know about it, because these elements are really noticeable and really easy on the eyes. Now moving on to the action sequences they are okay, there are plenty of weapons being used and other things.

Cast: in a nutshell everyone puts in an average performance, but then again there are some scenes or sequences where they are slightly higher than average or slightly lower than average in their performances throughout this film and I should point out the changes between slightly higher or slightly lower than average are quick and often.

This film receives: 54% approval, yes this film does have its problems but generally speaking it does have enough interesting elements to be an average film.

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