Monday 25 December 2017

Man-Thing 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Man-Thing 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is garbage.

Voice-over/Quick moving imagery/
Cultural elements/Background music: now at the beginning of this project there is this voice-over some scenes, the quick moving imagery is nothing special, in fact it is just really irritating, moving on the cultural elements are clear to see and the background music is easy to pick up on and. It does nothing for me.

Character developments: the character developments of every single character in this project are just so, so weak for one brief example, there is this romantic element, but here's the problem when the romantic element happens it comes out of nowhere. I mean there are no groundwork elements put in place or naturally grown between these two characters or anything that this romantic connection is going to happen [it is like this; one second there is no connection and a second later there is a connection,] but then again it may of helped the situation if I felt something for any of these characters in the first place, I had to take some breaks just to get through this project, let's put it this way I felt every second of every minute of this title.

Environment elements/Action sequences: there are environment elements used in this project and for the action sequences there are plenty of weapons being used and many other things.

This film receives: 2% approval, I have never seen this film all the way through; I have done it now so if I have the choice I wouldn't watch this film again.

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