Saturday 30 December 2017

X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 by AverageMansReviews

X-Men: The Last Stand 2006 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now straight off the bat I don't like this film, but with that being said I can also say that it does have some good elements.

Time jumps/Fundamental core: I can't stand the time jumps at the beginning of this film, the first one is twenty years ago [words on the screen,] the second one is ten years ago [words on the screen] and then the opening credits and then another time jump with the words on screen of [the not too distant future] or something to that effect.

The fundamental core throughout the rest of the project irritates me to no end on every single level; I mean it took me two days to get through this project that is how much this film irritates me.

Storyline: this storyline is boring I mean the Jean Grey/Phoenix storyline is strong enough to have its own film, but to have these other elements on top of this storyline it makes this film difficult and not fun to watch. I can base my opinion on this fact; they don't go too in-depth as it relates to the Phoenix side of Jean Grey. Yes the viewers get told elements of her and yes we get to see her abilities but that is about it. I would have preferred to see the Phoenix at first be immature, mind of a child but physically Jean, because Jean has kept her locked away with the Professor's guidance and learning [now and again in this film title we do see her get angry or other personality traits] but if they came up with doing the immature thing which I have suggested, the audience could see the growth of this character as she goes from immaturity to wanting to learn and possibly the only thing the human race understands is violence or something like this just something which has or had a little bit of character developments anything like this would have be nice.

Character developments: these elements are mixed, I don't know if it is because some of these characters have been designed to lead this sequel which in turn it feels like they are carrying this title whilst other character developments are either okay or poor.

Action sequences: these elements are also mixed, I like the bridge sequence in a nutshell we have Magneto lifting up this bridge from one place, moving it in mid-air and then putting it down in another place. Beast's action-packed elements can be fun as well when he gets involved in some scenes, but for the rest of the action-packed sequences they are either okay or they do nothing for me in the slightest.

This film receives: 23% approval, now let's be fair I have highlighted some good things about this title, but I still don't like it.

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