Sunday 31 December 2017

Batman: The Movie 1966 by AverageMansReviews

Batman: The Movie 1966 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Storyline/Fundamental core: the storyline generally speaking is good and entertaining. The fundamental core to this project is well group together throughout; there is this spotlight with words before the opening credits, after the opening credits the audience these voice-over elements telling us a little bit of what is happening.

Vehicles/Action sequences: now there is a good selection of vehicles being used in this project be it in the air, on land, on the water or underneath the water [for this review I see vehicles as anything that can get you from A to B. because of two reasons the first being these things can do that and secondly I am trying not to give too much away.] I was thinking I would just clarify that; before I receive complaints or something to that effect.

The action sequences, yes they may be cheesy but at least they are good or interesting, for an example when Batman has big problems with this shark, Robin has to come down this ladder from this location and in mid-air put his legs securely in and over the ladder to assist Batman to take care of this situation.

Computers elements/Science elements: these elements in one way or another get consistently used to good effect in this title.

Comedy level: now and again in this project there are comical elements such as this one example, the audience sees Batman running around trying to get rid of this bomb, so throughout this sequence he is trying to find somewhere where no one will get hurt, but there are too many people or things in this location, he says this dialogue exchange and eventually gets rid of it.

Cast: I like all of these versions of these characters, their character developments are in-depth in one way or another, these performers do a wonderful job bringing these characters to life. The chemistry between these characters/performers is easy to see be it, on one hand there being some kind of friction between the evildoers now and again or on the other hand, the law-abiding characters sharing ideas or figuring out things or something else. But to be fair evildoers or law-abiding, all of these characters/performers work off one another to a very high standard.

Subtitles: there are subtitles towards the closing stages of this project, they are okay to see, they are big and white.

This film receives: 83% approval, now it has to be said I have changed my mind at least three different times on this percentage of approval [on a side note the other percentages I had in mind were of similar numbers,] because I do believe with this title they did everything they could to make this film entertaining, action-packed and many other things, yes this film can be seen as having cheesy elements, but let's be fair this film comes from the 1960s so it isn't going to have many, many other bits and pieces which other Batman film versions have to work with.

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