Thursday 28 December 2017

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: let's just get this review done shall we and before I forget, if I forget to mention anything in this review, it is because I have a lot to say and in a nutshell I don't like most of this film to begin with.

Lois Lane/Martha Kent/Perry White/Alfred Pennyworth/Diana Prince a.k.a. Wonder Woman: all of these characters have well-rounded personality traits be it Alfred's comical comments or Martha's love for her son, in one way or another all these characters brings something to the table and on top of this Wonder Woman has some very good action sequences.

Fundamental core on a basic level: I strongly dislike how this film moves, because generally speaking this film moves like this; Batman storyline element, Superman storyline element, Luther storyline element different pairings storyline elements of these characters or all of these three characters on screen at the same time storyline elements [and then any other storyline elements on top of this; they may or may not involved different characters [I cannot remember every second of this film because it took me two days to get through this project] or it could rotate between these three characters depending where you are in the film, I must apologize a little bit if that sounds complicated, but this is how this film roughly moves.

Fundamental core including many other elements on an 
in-depth level: now yes usually I wouldn't break a project down like this [I would use more paragraphs to talk about different elements for an example like voice-over, Background music and other bits and pieces.] But as it relates to this project there is just too much for me to discuss and if I was to talk about every individual element or put the elements in different pairings as I normally do things would get really complicated, so I have decided to do things this way.

Now let's take three characters that are in this project Batman, Superman and Lex Luther and now let's take one character out of these three characters, Batman, his scenes or sequences [sometimes including Alfred, but as I have already said Alfred is a good element.] Bruce Wayne/Batman's storyline elements, atmosphere controls elements amongst other elements have been heavily built around this character which if this was just a Batman film it would be okay, let's get real this film isn't just a Batman film it has to rotate between other characters as well such as Kal-El/Clark Kent which this character has his own storyline, atmosphere control and things around him [sometimes including Lois Lane.] But every time this film moves from and to a different characters storyline element, it needs time to withdraw and put in place a different elements to go around the on-coming character, yes this means there are some occasions where the time that it takes fundamental core elements to get settled down around a character the see or sequence may be over and the film has moved on to a different character.

The same can be said for Lex Luther he has his own atmosphere controls and so on built around him and whilst I'm on the subject, when you have different pairings or all three of these characters together the atmosphere controls and scene consistencies don't know what to do and because of this yes these scenes may have a lot happening in them, but they feel empty and really disjointed in their movements.

Fundamental core around the other characters: now there are some scenes or sequences away from the characters I have spoke about in this review and these scenes or sequences move okay.

Action sequences: I have already highlighted the action-packed sequences that are very good [any of Wonder Woman's,] but for the rest of them they are a mixed bag really.

This film receives: 22% approval, I really don't like this film yes it does have some good characters and other bits and pieces. But generally speaking this film is so, so, so hard work to watch and on a side note whenever Diana Prince or Wonder Woman [yes I am aware they are the same character] is on screen the audience can tell straight away that this character is really in-depth as it relates to her personality traits, dialogue exchanges and many other things, if you haven't seen Wonder Woman 2017 yet you should it is a perfect film and there is one last thing for me to briefly talk about and it would be this; this film is way, way too long it roughly goes on for 151 minutes give or take a minute.

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