Saturday 30 December 2017

Daredevil 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Daredevil 2003 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: generally speaking this film is painful to watch, now don't get me wrong there are some good elements to this project. But still I cannot say this enough this film is just really, really painful to watch.

Time jumps/Origin storyline/Storyline/Background music/Fundamental core: I know I have put many elements here, this is because in one way or another all these elements work off one another at some point throughout this project and wow individually these elements are a nightmare, in fact when they work off one another even Freddy Krueger would run away in horror.

The time jumps, what was the point of beginning towards the end of this film so you could just go backwards [origin storyline.] I have to ask what is it with the voice over elements from our lead character in this project I mean they are just really cheap and tacky, this dialogue doesn't interest me at any time the voice-over comes into effect, I mean don't get me wrong I know why they use this kind of thing but still the usage of this element is so boring in this title and then on top of that sometime later to move forward in a time jump [then just to continue with the storyline from this point onwards.]  The background music is a consistent theme in this title and all I can say is this; the audience knows it is there. The fundamental core to this project as it relates to when this film decides to move on going forward after the origin storyline is nothing special [it is one of those occasions where the audience will feel every second of every minute and so on and so forth.]

Matt Murdock is Daredevil: I have named this paragraph like this because there are many occasions where this character gives it away that he is Daredevil and it is so, so annoying. But what is more annoying is the audience has to sit there and watch whilst many other characters have no idea [I hasten to add I do like Pantoliano as Ben Urich, at least his character is following a news story and trying to work something out,] but then again it does get to the point where it is kind of obvious that Matt Murdock is Daredevil, based on the things he does as Matt so in a nutshell these characters that have no idea that Matt is Daredevil, if they were to sit down for 2 seconds and think about things they would come up with "Hold on Matt Murdock is Daredevil."

Duncan/Favreau/Pantoliano/Smith: now if you wanted to watch this film, I would suggest you watch these four performers, because their performances are reliably good and interesting.

Action sequences: they are okay.

This film receives: 30% approval, yes it is very true I don't like this film but having said that I do like the four performers I have said in this review, they seem to understand their characters very well indeed [and as it relates to Smith, it is always good to see him in a project even though in this case it is just for one scene.] The action-packed sequences are okay they just don't do much for me and on a very quick side note I do like Daredevil, just not this version of him.

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